When I first saw it I thought the starters were underwhelming, similar to Gen II starters. Like I didn't know what to pick and not because they were all good (like Gen IV) but because they all were lacking something.
Then I saw them a bit more and now I like them. Rowlet was the best out of them with the whole character and bowtie thing but I dislike Grass/Flying type combo. I personally see them as "supporting" or "secondary" typings and having them together seems to make him a little weak for me. Popplio or however you spell him is very very plain. I mean it reminds me of those fans who hate the new Pokemon for being over designed and want a plainer one like Gen I. He might turn out cool but he isn't as great as the last 3 Water types we had.
Lastly there is Litten. I thought he was a little trying to be sinister starter but now he is my favourite. He looks cool, he has that "i hate everything" look on him, and he might become a tiger. Plus I'm getting a kitten soon so I might rename him/bond with him more. But I think he might be feline Houndoom tbh.
Both legendaries look great but I had no idea what the hell the moon legendary was. I thought it was a curtain with rods. But now it looks cool and even tho I love Solgaleo more I might just go with Lunaala.
The region seems great, I love the idea of Hawaii and multiple islands. The name Alola seems alright but seems a bit underwhelming.
The characters look great (especially the cousin :wub: ) with the exception the actual playable characters. They seem to be not going strong for the main character looks since we are going to change them anyways.
So yeah basically this generation at first felt like a spin-off or a 6.5 to me instead of a full Gen 7, but now I feel it being a full-fledged generation.