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About AzureAce

  • Birthday 10/15/1999

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  • Member Title
    Filthy Ningen
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  1. It's time for another Kingdom Hearts GMV like my "The Road to Kingdom Hearts III" GMV involving the Kingdom Hearts Orchestra Sound Track where today I will be giving you guys my take on the Heroes and Heroines soundtrack played at the concert. I tried to envelope the feelings of each character with every segment however as I got into the latter half of the track, cutscenes became scarce and as you will I see I was forced to use gameplay. I hope you still enjoy it though as an apology for my lack of videos!
  2. I will be taking a deep dive into the final set of Reports in the Kingdom Hearts series, the Xehanort Reports, shown in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and written by Master Xehanort himself, they are the most important and educational reports we have had to date, what secrets do they hold? Find out now!
  3. It's time for another Kingdom Hearts LORE 101 Episode where in episode 17 of Kingdom Hearts LORE 101, I will be taking a deep dive into the second set of Reports in the Kingdom Hearts series, the Secret Ansem Reports, shown in Kingdom Hearts 2 and written by Ansem the Wise, what secrets do they hold? Find out now!
  4. It's time for another Kingdom Hearts LORE 101 Episode where in episode 16 of KHL101 I will be starting another 3 part series however this time I will be chronicling the mysteries of the Ansem Reports, the Secret Ansem Reports and the Xehanort Reports, and just what they mean in the series, with analysis on every single entry in them. Don't miss it!
  5. It's time for the final part of my 3 part mini-series covering how the Birth by Sleep or Wayfinder Trio will be saved in Kingdom Hearts 3 and we will be ending on the most interesting and variable one of them all. The Vast Earth Protecting Bonds, Terra.
  6. It's time for another Kingdom Hearts video here on the Heart Headlines and is the second part of my 3 part mini-series on saving the Wayfinder Trio in Kingdom Hearts 3. Today we will be talking about the Master herself, the Dancing Waters Forming Bonds, Aqua.
  7. No. Don't spread misinformation. This in no way shape or form confirms Toy Story in KH3. Stop jumping the gun.
  8. Anyone have any idea where or how I could find a render/png of Sora from the 2.8 Box Art?

    1. Xiro


      Boop. Hopefully this works lol


  9. It's time for another Kingdom Hearts video where today I will be starting a 3 part mini-series on my channel about one of the most beloved trios in Kingdom Hearts' universe, the Wayfinder Trio, and that is Ventus, Aqua and Terra. In this series I will be discussing how they will be saved in Kingdom Hearts 3, with variables such as who, how, where, when and what. First up it's the Swift Wind Returning to Bonds, Ventus!
  10. Just saying, there's no spin-offs in KH. The only thing that can be called close to a spin-off is Days.
  11. It's time for another Kingdom Hearts video here on the Heart Headlines where today I will be yet again discussing Kingdom Hearts 3 and whether or not it can live up to its hype and expectation set by fans and how I think it will be able to match the highest rated game in the series, Kingdom Hearts 2.
  12. Anyone have any idea how to remove the HUD from KH2.5 in 1.5+2.5? Is it even possible?

    1. MythrilMagician


      Nope, not at all. Otherwise, it would be in the config.

    2. AzureAce


      They need to add that in KH3

  13. I feel like it will either be the "Luxu Reports" or the "Master of Master's Reports" Luxu has been made a BIG deal especially considering the fact he is the first to have had the Master's Keyblade handed down to him. He will likely have made notes of his findings and such about the Keyblade War, possibly the X-Blade and Kingdom Hearts. The Master on the other hand is less likely since he will not be making an appearance in any way shape or form, however WILL be spoken about in regards to his motives. It would be interesting if we were given information documenting his disappearance and Kingdom Hearts as he definitely seems to have a higher intellect with Kingdom Hearts, the X-Blade and the essence of the heart itself.
  14. The in which Destati is set up is that it forces some scenes to be a little slower, and some scenes to be a lot faster. I'm sure you could tell with the distinct beats present in the piece. But thanks for the feedback!
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