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Everything posted by Pretium

  1. Xander heard the noise comming from one of the drones He cautiously approched it "Oh my god!!" He exclaimed as he saw the open compartment revealing an engine "I am so driving" He used his telekinesis to slowely carry (drag) the engine to one of the jeeps "Ummm, anyone here a mechanic??"
  2. [i did it] Xander was feeling a little pleased with himself. He even had a slight grin on his face The grin quickly shifted to a serious look when he heard the warning from Robert. Brething heavily, Xander darted out of the house "Come on!!" He shouted to fulmen
  3. "You got it!!" [Hopefully] He thought a little worried [Just like basketball..... ok, nothing like basketball, but here goes nothing] He outstreched his arms, reaching out to mentally feel the rocket, it was moving fast, but he managed to get a small hold of it He began pushing it slightly off course.
  4. Xander heard Fulmen, He slowely made his way over to Fulmen's loctation "What can I do for you, Electro??" "I'm telekinetic" (Is that the term??)
  5. "HOLY CRAP!!" Xander shouted as he dove for cover [What can I do?? What can i use??] He thought, terrified He looked out one of the walls that had been almost completely destroyed, he saw 2 jeeps [i've never lifted anything that big before....] Regardless of his doubt, he threw his arms out, mentally struggling to lift one of the vehicles It began to budge just as a bullet nearly hit him in the head He quickly let go and searched for a safer place to hide
  6. I'll Be Posting Mine Tomorrow (Later Today)
  7. Name: Jaz (Jŏz) Riket Russ Tolken Age: 12 Personality: Rebelious, Usually Grumpy, Can Be Patient Appearance: History: Jaz was once a happy, respectful child. That all changed when his home planet, Argnos 12, was almost completely destroyed by debris from the destruction of a nearby star. He was trained in the ways of the force by his father. His family had been practicing the ways of the force for generations. Though seperate from the jedi order, they had very similar teachings. The jedi order came to his planet when his father sent a distress signal through the force after foreseeing the destruction of their planet. They arrived just in time. His father ended up sacrificing his life to save his son. He was taken to the jedi temple, where it will be decided whether or not they will take him to finish his training.. He has average (Maybe even a tiny below) force foresight and telekinesis. His strength lies in his force speed. Alignment: Light Weapon: He wields a sword his father constructed for him made of phrik. The components of which could be mined on his home planet. He keeps it strapped to his back. Sub Weapon: He was trained to also wield a lightsaber (Which was costum of his village), It contains a rare cyan crystal that has passed through his family since before the invention of the modern lightsaber. Actor/Voice Actor: Vic Mignogna Theme Song: "The Beginning"
  8. Xander staggered a bit still a little groggy. He could see pretty clearly now though. He was in an old abandoned house (Which looked like crap) with four guys. [some pretty interesting looking characters.] He thought "Hello, Everyone!! It's obvious no one has any idea what the heck is going on, or where we are." He said looking around " So, maybe we should start this little house warming off with role call, I'm X"
  9. http://imageshack.us/a/img822/3571/xander03.jpg (Visual Aid For Xander) "Uuuugggghhhh" Xander moaned as he slowely began blinking his eyes. His vision was a little blury and his head felt heavy. He started waking up when the voice pierced through his ear piece. As his vision began to clear he thought he could make out 2 figures talking. This all felt very familiar to him. He'd had dreams of this very situation before. The blury sight of people talking, the voice in his ear. It felt like deja vu. He began lifting his body off the floor. "Hey.." He said looking at the others with his eyes half-closed
  10. Good, I Won't Be Home 'Till Tonight
  11. The Whole Point Of The HD Collections Is To Get All The Games On The PS3, If KH III Is On PS4, That Would Be Pretty Dumb
  12. The Zabuza Episodes Of Naruto Had Amazing Animation!! I'd Say Bleach Does Now
  13. Where Did That Second Image Come From???? It's The Best Naruto Picture Ever!! Oh, It's The Cover Of The Movie
  14. Oh My God, In Atlantica!! For Over An Hour!!
  15. I Do BOTH, I Take Portable Gaming Pretty Seriously If I'm Really Into A Game, I'll Play It For Hours At Home And Take It Everywhere
  16. Name: Xander Steel Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearence: Average Height. Muscular. Shortish Black Hair. Brown Eyes. Lightly-Tanned Skin, He Wears A Black V-Neck And Blue Jeans Power: Telekinesis Optional Bio: Thanks to his power, Xander became the star basketball player of his school at a young age. He had learned to use his powers to make the ball go in almost everytime, he could even use it to help him dunk.
  17. Sounds Good, , Will You Post Them On This Thread??
  18. Sure, I Just Thought Of One, , Thank You
  19. Hey, Black, I Would Love To Help, But I Have Little Practice Or Skill In Drawing Backgrounds, Let Me Know If You Need Help With Character Concept Art Though, P.S. I Really Like The Art You DId For It, It's Great!!
  20. I Hate Kingdom Hearts (That's Not True) Amuse Me, Please,
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