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  1. Like
    Veemon got a reaction from Yuya Sakaki for a gallery image, Namine & Veemon, Drawing!   
    Behold... one of my greatest drawings yet! It's a picture of Namine and VEEMON, yes, Veemon, both drawing! It wasn't easy, but I finally achieved what I was wanting to draw for weeks! I hope all of you like it, too!
    Rock on!
  2. Like
    Veemon got a reaction from Solstice for a gallery image, Namine & Veemon, Drawing!   
    Behold... one of my greatest drawings yet! It's a picture of Namine and VEEMON, yes, Veemon, both drawing! It wasn't easy, but I finally achieved what I was wanting to draw for weeks! I hope all of you like it, too!
    Rock on!
  3. Like
    Veemon reacted to gingienator for a gallery image, .: Ray of Hope :.   
    something I drew to commemorate KH 2.8's recent trailer
  4. Like
    Veemon reacted to Joy Liberatore for a gallery image, Aqua Sketch   
    KINGdom Hearts? I think you mean QUEENdom Hearts, amirite?
  5. Like
    Veemon reacted to Organization member XV for a gallery image, Keyblade Wielder Miyu!   
    My fan made version of an avatar from kingdom hearts chi.
    Aww... she looks so cute! It looks like she could've come from destiny islands.
    Yes, you may use picture in videos, wallpapers, signatures, and avatars.
    For anyone who wishes to use this drawing just please be sure to credit me before using it if possible.
    The kh13 official social media staff is always free to repost any of my drawings!
  6. Like
    Veemon reacted to Organization member XV for a gallery image, Ephemera (Kingdom hearts chi) pencil drawing   
    Well, it's taken a while to finally upload it, but here it is! I'm hoping to start posting more fan art on here every once in a while. I've still got a few more drawings to upload so I'll have more drawings coming soon!
  7. Like
    Veemon got a reaction from KairiKeybasH for a gallery image, Namine & Veemon, Drawing!   
    Behold... one of my greatest drawings yet! It's a picture of Namine and VEEMON, yes, Veemon, both drawing! It wasn't easy, but I finally achieved what I was wanting to draw for weeks! I hope all of you like it, too!
    Rock on!
  8. Like
    Veemon got a reaction from Organization member XV for a gallery image, Namine & Veemon, Drawing!   
    Behold... one of my greatest drawings yet! It's a picture of Namine and VEEMON, yes, Veemon, both drawing! It wasn't easy, but I finally achieved what I was wanting to draw for weeks! I hope all of you like it, too!
    Rock on!
  9. Like
    Veemon got a reaction from Yessie Maltese for a gallery image, Namine & Veemon, Drawing!   
    Behold... one of my greatest drawings yet! It's a picture of Namine and VEEMON, yes, Veemon, both drawing! It wasn't easy, but I finally achieved what I was wanting to draw for weeks! I hope all of you like it, too!
    Rock on!
  10. Like
    Veemon reacted to 『【Nobody】』 for a gallery image, Neku   
  11. Like
    Veemon reacted to Yessie Maltese for a gallery image, V The Veemon   
  12. Like
    Veemon reacted to Yessie Maltese for a gallery image, Yoshi KH Style   
  13. Like
    Veemon got a reaction from Yessie Maltese for a gallery image, "V" for Ven   
  14. Like
    Veemon reacted to Yessie Maltese for a gallery image, King Mickey and Mario   
  15. Like
    Veemon got a reaction from Yessie Maltese for a gallery image, Veemon W\ Keyblade   
    Check out this drawing of Veemon with his own keyblade, Kingdom Vee. I used the Drawn to Life the Next Chapter drawing pad to make this.
  16. Like
    Veemon reacted to Yessie Maltese for a gallery image, Mario (King Mickey's Organization XIII Coat)   
  17. Like
    Veemon reacted to aizy-boy for a gallery image, Chibi Sora   
    New adventures are coming~ woopee
  18. Like
    Veemon reacted to Official Bowtie Artist for a gallery image, Smile Of The Puppet   
    A long time ago, I did a picture called "One Hour Xion", where I debuted my first picture of Xion. I was proud of it, having only taken an hour to make. However, I didn't feel like I payed enough to one of my favorite characters. I didn't put enough EFFORT. Enough TIME.
    So, I recently went back to the drawing board. Turned one hour into quite a few, turned anger into a smile, and put Xion back onto my canvas once more.
    Here she is again, after a little over a year. Hello again, Xion.
  19. Like
    Veemon reacted to aizy-boy for a gallery image, Roxas   
    well this is my second post eh, stuffs i draw alot. ^^
  20. Like
    Veemon reacted to ssceles for a gallery image, Lost in Time   
    I did this up a couple months ago as a quick venting exercise, and I felt better by the time this much was done and didn't go on to shade it.
    [clock background stock from here]
    [Official Tumblr Post!]
  21. Like
    Veemon got a reaction from Solstice for a gallery image, Veemon W\ Keyblade   
    Check out this drawing of Veemon with his own keyblade, Kingdom Vee. I used the Drawn to Life the Next Chapter drawing pad to make this.
  22. Like
    Veemon reacted to Kimbo for a gallery image, Kingdom hearts 3 Sora   
    I saw the new keyblade Sora will get in KH3 and I think it's beautiful so I had to draw it. In valor form, just like in the trailer...
    Seriously, I wanna see it
  23. Like
    Veemon reacted to Soboz for a gallery image, Sora Eating Ice Cream - KH2 Main Menu   
  24. Like
    Veemon reacted to Kimbo for a gallery image, Sora character design art   
    I made a full body of Sora, mimicingTetsuja Nomura's style.
    Since we do not have an official character design yet
  25. Like
    Veemon reacted to Oli for a gallery image, Pixel Ven   
    I made this a year ago, but I'm uploading it now because whatever
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