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Kingdom Hearts 3D appears in Game Informer with Nomura interview


The June 2012 issue of Game Informer magazine has included an article on Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance]. This article contains an interview with the director of the Kingdom Hearts series, Tetsuya Nomura, where he discusses the upcoming release of Kingdom Hearts 3D internationally. Thanks to EternalKeyblade from KH13 who typed up a script of the interview, you can now read it below!

GI: What is the first element you create when starting a new Kingdom Hearts game?

TN: "It differs every time, but I usually start with the gameplay mechanics. At the same time, I work on the structure of the story and then flesh it out from there with the gameplay linked to the story."

GI: What was the visual inspiration for the colorful and cute Spirit allies and Nightmare enemies compared to the darker Heartless and Nobodies in the past games?

TN: I've always wanted to incorporate a system in which you can turn your enemies into allies. When I decided on having the story take place in the world of dreams, I needed a new category of enemies. That's how I thought about creating new characters that can be added as allies. I had the team apply many different color patterns, keeping in mind that these are fantastical creatures that live in a dream world. Then, I picked the pattern that was the most colorful and stood out the most.

GI: Would you ever want to see a high-definition collections of Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II similar to the upcoming Final Fantasy X HD remaster?

TN: I do have an interest in HD versions, and I'm currently researching them. If it is possible, I would like to do something about the series being spread over so many different consoles, too. I am thinking alot about the future.

GI: You released Birth by Sleep on PSP. What are your thoughts on the Playstation Vita?

TN: We have been invited to make games on different new platforms, and every time we have created titles making sure that they are highly compatible with the platform. The PS Vita is definitely a powerful device that is very interesting, but because of it's high power, there isn't much of a difference with a console. So even if we were to make a game, we would have to be very careful about how to create it for that device. I also feel that it's about time that Kingdom Hearts should go back to being on a console.

GI: What do you say to the segment of Kingdom Hearts fans that believes the increasingly complex storyline of Kingdom Hearts stands at odd with the child-focused Disney element of the franchise?

TN: First of all, this series is not intended to be child-focused, and so the complexity of the story is purposefully made prominent. That being said, with a series being around so long, there are a few items I have in mind so that a wider audience range can enjoy the experience. For the time being Dream Drop Distance, there is a new function called Mementos, and in the section called Chronicles, the player can read a summary on each of the titles from the Kingdom Hearts series. Whether you are just starting out or you have played all the games before and need a refresher, it has all of the key information summarized.

GI: In recent interviews you hinted that Dream Drop Distance is the last game before Kingdom Hearts III. Do you see it this way?

TN: I'm not able to disclose any information on what's coming next or any other future plans, but you may be able to find a hint if you play through Dream Drop Distance to the very end.

GI: Square Enix has released several iPhone and iPad games both of new franchises and classics. Are you interested in creating Kingdom Hearts game or other titles for IOS?

TN: There is something I am working on, but I'm afraid I can't reveal the specifics. I feel that there needs to be progress made on the tablet devices and there should be more games for that platform. I'm not sure which title this would come to pass, but I am researching about IOS as one of the platform options.

GI: How is Final Fantasy Versus XIII coming along? It's been nearly six years since it was announced. Why is this project taking so long to develop?

TN: We would like to ask for your patience on an official announcement for this title. It always takes time when tackling the challenge of doing something new, but we are doing our best to bring information to the fans as quickly as we can. Your patience is greatly appreciated.

Some interesting quotes:
"I do have an interest in HD versions [of KH1 and KH2], and I'm currently researching them."
"I also feel that it's about time that Kingdom Hearts should go back to being on a console."
"There is something I am working on [for iPhone/iPad], but I'm afraid I can't reveal the specifics [and it's not necessarily KH]."

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I keep reading the questions about the HD collections, the Vita, and the IPhone. Please don't let a Kingdom Hearts game on the IPad, IPhone, well iI guess its ok my dad has an IPad, and even if they did make one for that it probably wouldn't have anything to do with the story anyway lol, but with the Vita hmm thats interesting and hopefully they get a price drop soon lol but Normura is right it is time to put Kingdom Hearts back on the console

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'GI: Would you ever want to see a high-definition collections of Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II similar to the upcoming Final Fantasy X HD remaster?


TN: I do have an interest in HD versions, and I'm currently researching them. If it is possible, I would like to do something about the series being spread over so many different consoles, too. I am thinking alot about the future.'




I seriously hope they don't bring a KH game out on Vita though. That is such a waste of money, I'm never gonna buy one. KH games need to stop being specific-console-exclusive...

Edited by Xalaru

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'GI: Would you ever want to see a high-definition collections of Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II similar to the upcoming Final Fantasy X HD remaster?


TN: I do have an interest in HD versions, and I'm currently researching them. If it is possible, I would like to do something about the series being spread over so many different consoles, too. I am thinking alot about the future.'




I seriously hope they don't bring a KH game out on Vita though. That is such a waste of money, I'm never gonna buy one. KH games need to stop being specific-console-exclusive...


Nomura basically expressed his dislike of the Vita in this interview (though in a nice way). They wouldn't do that anyway, since the Vita is selling so poorly...

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Aren't the Vita and PS3 almost practically the same thing? I guess since there are more PS3 owners out there, it'd make more sense to go with a PS3. But I wouldn't mind if a KH game ever happend for a Vita, it'd be interesting to see how they utilize the touch screens. xD

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'GI: Would you ever want to see a high-definition collections of Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II similar to the upcoming Final Fantasy X HD remaster?


TN: I do have an interest in HD versions, and I'm currently researching them. If it is possible, I would like to do something about the series being spread over so many different consoles, too. I am thinking alot about the future.'




I seriously hope they don't bring a KH game out on Vita though. That is such a waste of money, I'm never gonna buy one. KH games need to stop being specific-console-exclusive...


Im trying to figure out what he menas by he wants to do something about the series being spread over so many different consoles, dose he mean he will sell them on multie consoles or keep doing what hes doing and just make the game for one system? I wouldn't mind if he started makeing them for multie consoles

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Aren't the Vita and PS3 almost practically the same thing? I guess since there are more PS3 owners out there, it'd make more sense to go with a PS3. But I wouldn't mind if a KH game ever happend for a Vita, it'd be interesting to see how they utilize the touch screens. xD


Well, is Square is going to go for the system with te most owners, KH3 will probably be on the Wii :P

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Im trying to figure out what he menas by he wants to do something about the series being spread over so many different consoles, dose he mean he will sell them on multie consoles or keep doing what hes doing and just make the game for one system? I wouldn't mind if he started makeing them for multie consoles


He means that he is thinking about having a HD collection of past KH games (suchs as Kh1, Kh2, and maybe Re: CoM). He would like to solve to problem oif having many KH games being spead out onto different consoles. Especially for newcomers of the series.


Aren't the Vita and PS3 almost practically the same thing? I guess since there are more PS3 owners out there, it'd make more sense to go with a PS3. But I wouldn't mind if a KH game ever happend for a Vita, it'd be interesting to see how they utilize the touch screens. xD

Well, the difference between the PS Vita and the PS3 is that the Vita is less powerful than the PS3. The graphics may seem identical but they are nowhere near the same in terms of hardware. Like the PS3 having a lot more memory than a Vita. Vita has smaller memory compared to the PS3. Edited by Tails

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Nomura basically expressed his dislike of the Vita in this interview (though in a nice way). They wouldn't do that anyway, since the Vita is selling so poorly...


Good to know.

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I'd say if there were to be another side game it would be BbSv2 on the PS vita. I also think that KH3 will be on PS3.

I will seriously flip my shit if KH3 isn't on a console.....

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"We would like to ask for your patience on an official announcement for this title. It always takes time when tackling the challenge of doing something new, but we are doing our best to bring information to the fans as quickly as we can. Your patience is greatly appreciated."


*punches wall*

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please don't make me buy an iPad, PLEASE!. Make it available for android too


............ cant tell if joking or just trolling


... Why u no quote my actual text.

Assuming you actually quoted me, the Wii has a much higher user base than any other console at the moment.

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I like his explanation of the Dream Eaters. I hated their design at first, but then I realized that they're supposed to look like something you'd only see if you were dreaming or are on some pretty insane meds. The " keeping in mind that these are fantastical creatures that live in a dream world" line only made that clearer to me. Nicely done, Nomura

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"I also feel that it's about time that Kingdom Hearts should go back to being on a console."


Interesting to know that he just said "console" instead of naming what console it should be going back to. ;)


(*My dream of playing KH on a Nintendo console is coming closer to being true. :D *)

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Well, is Square is going to go for the system with te most owners, KH3 will probably be on the Wii :P


... Why u no quote my actual text.

Assuming you actually quoted me, the Wii has a much higher user base than any other console at the moment.


haha i was and i was on my phone so i didn't realize i didn't post it correctly.

so you would really want to see kingdom hearts 3 on the Wii, because i feel like the PS3 out sells it in japan (which is where Kingdom Hearts sells best) and it has a much better experience playing on a dual shock compared to a wiimote .

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About that last question about FF Versus XIII,I am really trying to figure out what is going on with that game.And honestly,with that kind of answer,I can't.I mean Nomura just says he wants us to be patient? What could it mean for FF Versus XIII?Again I can't figure it out.The only thing I can assume is that its simply taking a really long time.Either that or their having trouble with a certain part in the game.But at least Game Informer was,as its name implies,IMFORMATIVE!

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