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Kingdom Hearts Project Xehanort game's title revealed to be Kingdom Hearts Dark Road; more news to come mid-Feburary

Announced ahead of schedule, it has been revealed by the official Twitter account formerly under the name Project Xehanort, that the official name for this upcoming mobile game is Kingdom Hearts Dark Road. Little more is known about this project other than the title and an announcement of more news to come mid-February. You can follow the official Twitter account for this upcoming mobile game here.

Are you excited for the now dubbed Kingdom Hearts Dark Road or are you awaiting more information for this title still shrouded in secrecy? Let us know in the comments below!


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We really should have known that by now - after so many damn games, 3 being the supposed conclusion of Xehanort's damn arc.

And yet we still know almost nothing...

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HA!! I was right!! Well, actually, my version was "Dark Path", but I almost hit the jackpot. A four letters word to describe "a life journey". 

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Remember this for eternity, boys and girls. This is the simplest named KH title, perhaps the simplest we'll ever get.

Honestly not a fan of mobile games, but I'm definitely interested in Dark Road's story. The more Xehanort we get, the better.

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19 minutes ago, Ursalink said:

I wonder, what kind of worlds will Xehanort visit that will convince him to take such a "dark path"?

Probably the earth.

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1 hour ago, Raphaël David said:

Probably the earth.


But wait.... Now that I think of it, how about if Yozora's world appears here? I mean, Sora has traveled through Disney Worlds that represent beautiful stories, but Xehanort surely visited worlds where things were quite "ugly". No Disney world comes to mind to convince Xehanort of the dark path, so maybe another kind of world instead. 

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A Xehanort story? I suppose I'm interested. Is this taking place during what was shown in the teaser trailer and will we see him become all old and finger wiggly? That's the real backstory I wanna know. What happened to Xehanort's hands to make them the way they are. If there is time travel I demand old man Xehanort say something along the lines of needing 1.21 gigawatts!

Edited by SweetYetSalty

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18 hours ago, Ursalink said:

I wonder, what kind of worlds will Xehanort visit that will convince him to take such a "dark path"?

I can see Scala Ad Calem being the hub world of sorts for the game. Perhaps we'll also see more of Xehanort's life on Destiny Islands? Perplexed as to how the Disney worlds would feature in story, unless they do a method similar to KHX.

Of course, a self contained one world storyline for KH could be interesting as well.

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On 1/30/2020 at 10:31 PM, Kaweebo said:

So basically, that scene of young Xehanort in Remind was just a tease for this game?


Yup and I am behind on the time.

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