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Number XV

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About Number XV

  • Birthday 11/27/1998

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  • Member Title
    #1 Nerd
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  1. Tales of Innocence will always have the best in my opinion. Then Zestiria.
  2. Dragon Quest XI has me excited that's all I know.
  3. Honestly sounded fine to me... The sound mixing really was just terrible, and they game isn't even out yet. I'm withholding judgement.
  4. One day I hope to have a beard as awesome and glorious as DChiuch's.

  5. Only if they put work into including Days and Coded, which isn't really possible, so no.
  6. I was joking about your 12 years old comment. In all seriousness, I have no idea. I don't think they mean what we think they meant, but there's no other I way I can currently think of that...
  7. 12 is two years older than 10, 1+2= 3, 10+3 is 13, which is the age of consent in Japan basically. close enough.
  8. Eh, I prefer the Complete Collection on PSP, but this is good news for iOS users. Hopefully they do this for the rest.
  9. Wow, I always thought me killing people at night to be wrong, but this post made me think differently. I can keep killing people now and not feel bad about it! Thanks Golden Fighter!
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