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Found 19 results

  1. Several great actors have voiced the iconic Disney character through history. Out of the four options above, which one do you prefer?
  2. A Kingdom Hearts reference has appeared in the latest "The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse" spring special on Disney+. At the 17:43 mark, Kingdom Key D, the keyblade that Mickey uses for the majority of the Kingdom Hearts series can be spotted in the bag that Minnie is holding. You can also see Master Yen Sid's hat referencing Sorcerer Mickey from "Fantasia" as well as Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. UPDATE: Twitter user @mbrleigh tweeted that she was one of the artists that help worked on the special and has posted two photos of pre-visuals detailing the Kingdom Key D in Minnie's bag when she was answering the door. She also said that these shots were done in November 2020. You can check them out in the gallery below. "The Wonderful Spring of Mickey Mouse" is now available to watch on Disney+. What do you think of this nice nod to Kingdom Hearts? Let us know in the comments below!
  3. A Kingdom Hearts reference has appeared in the latest "The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse" spring special on Disney+. At the 17:43 mark, Kingdom Key D, the keyblade that Mickey uses for the majority of the Kingdom Hearts series can be spotted in the bag that Minnie is holding. You can also see Master Yen Sid's hat referencing Sorcerer Mickey from "Fantasia" as well as Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. UPDATE: Twitter user @mbrleigh tweeted that she was one of the artists that help worked on the special and has posted two photos of pre-visuals detailing the Kingdom Key D in Minnie's bag when she was answering the door. She also said that these shots were done in November 2020. You can check them out in the gallery below. "The Wonderful Spring of Mickey Mouse" is now available to watch on Disney+. What do you think of this nice nod to Kingdom Hearts? Let us know in the comments below! View full article
  4. The Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files translation for the character file of King Mickey is now available. The Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files features over 200 characters from the entirety of the series thus far, with several short stories from Tomoco Kanemaki (the writer of the Kingdom Hearts light novels). You can purchase the book for ¥3,080 (approx. $28.03) from the Square Enix e-Store directly or from AitaiKuji, who deliver official and exclusive Japanese pop culture items! You can check out more exclusive character and worlds stories from Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files below: Xion's Story Saix's Story Naminé's Story Riku Story Riku-Replica's Story Roxas' Story' Larxene's Story Marluxia's Story The story of Daybreak Town Sora's Story Kairi's Story Xigbar's Story Luxord's Story Demyx's Story Axel's Story Aeleus' Story Dilan's Story Ansem the Wise's Story Ienzo's Story Vexen's Story Aqua's Story Terra's Story Ventus' Story Terra-Xehanort's Story Vanitas' Story Ansem's Story Xemnas' Story Young Xehanort's Story The story of Twilight Town The story of Traverse Town Master Xehanort's Story Master Eraqus' Story The Story of Enchanted Dominion The Story of Castle of Dreams The Story of Dwarf Woodlands The Story of Atlantica The Story of Wonderland The Story of Beast's Castle The Story of Agrabah The Story of Kingdom of Corona The Story of Arendelle The translation for Mickey's Story "The Long, Long Journey" can be viewed below! This translation is courtesy of Cherrim. View full article
  5. The Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files translation for the character file of King Mickey is now available. The Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files features over 200 characters from the entirety of the series thus far, with several short stories from Tomoco Kanemaki (the writer of the Kingdom Hearts light novels). You can purchase the book for ¥3,080 (approx. $28.03) from the Square Enix e-Store directly or from AitaiKuji, who deliver official and exclusive Japanese pop culture items! You can check out more exclusive character and worlds stories from Kingdom Hearts Series Character Files below: Xion's Story Saix's Story Naminé's Story Riku Story Riku-Replica's Story Roxas' Story' Larxene's Story Marluxia's Story The story of Daybreak Town Sora's Story Kairi's Story Xigbar's Story Luxord's Story Demyx's Story Axel's Story Aeleus' Story Dilan's Story Ansem the Wise's Story Ienzo's Story Vexen's Story Aqua's Story Terra's Story Ventus' Story Terra-Xehanort's Story Vanitas' Story Ansem's Story Xemnas' Story Young Xehanort's Story The story of Twilight Town The story of Traverse Town Master Xehanort's Story Master Eraqus' Story The Story of Enchanted Dominion The Story of Castle of Dreams The Story of Dwarf Woodlands The Story of Atlantica The Story of Wonderland The Story of Beast's Castle The Story of Agrabah The Story of Kingdom of Corona The Story of Arendelle The translation for Mickey's Story "The Long, Long Journey" can be viewed below! This translation is courtesy of Cherrim.
  6. AmiAmi will soon open preorders for a Bring Arts Kingdom Hearts III Mickey figure. The figure comes with two faces, two sets of hands, and Kingdom Key W. The original price is ¥6,264 (roughly $62 USD), but AmiAmi is selling the Mickey figure for ¥5,630 (about $50 USD). The figure is releasing in September. You can preorder the figure here. The figure is set to release in Japan on September 27, 2019. You can see some images of the figure in our gallery below: UPDATE: The King Mickey Bring Arts figure is now available for pre-order at the online stores for Square Enix North America and Europe! In North America, it will release in October 2019, with a quoted price of $59.99. In Europe, it will also release in October 2019; it costs £46.99/€52.99.
  7. AmiAmi will soon open preorders for a Bring Arts Kingdom Hearts III Mickey figure. The figure comes with two faces, two sets of hands, and Kingdom Key W. The original price is ¥6,264 (roughly $62 USD), but AmiAmi is selling the Mickey figure for ¥5,630 (about $50 USD). The figure is releasing in September. You can preorder the figure here. The figure is set to release in Japan on September 27, 2019. You can see some images of the figure in our gallery below: UPDATE: The King Mickey Bring Arts figure is now available for pre-order at the online stores for Square Enix North America and Europe! In North America, it will release in October 2019, with a quoted price of $59.99. In Europe, it will also release in October 2019; it costs £46.99/€52.99. View full article
  8. Morning everyone! Hope y'all doing great! It's time for another Countdown picture and this time it will feature the king himself, King Mickey! As you can you see Mickey Mouse turn ninety years old last year. So since he's ninety I think King Mickey taking the ninth spot makes sense. I hope King Mickey becomes a party member again in Kingdom Hearts just like in 0.2 Birth by Sleep. But we'll see in nine days!
  9. During the D23: the Official Disney Fan Club panel at San Diego Comic-Con, a trailer was shown to celebrate 90 years of Mickey Mouse. The trailer is a mash-up of iconic scenes of King Mickey from various Kingdom Hearts games. You can view the trailer below. Mickey's first appearance was on November 18th, 1928 in the short cartoon "Steamboat Willie". What do you think of this trailer? Will you help celebrate King Mickey's 90th birthday in November? Let us know in the comments below! Click here to view the article
  10. During the D23: the Official Disney Fan Club panel at San Diego Comic-Con, a trailer was shown to celebrate 90 years of Mickey Mouse. The trailer is a mash-up of iconic scenes of King Mickey from various Kingdom Hearts games. You can view the trailer below. Mickey's first appearance was on November 18th, 1928 in the short cartoon "Steamboat Willie". What do you think of this trailer? Will you help celebrate King Mickey's 90th birthday in November? Let us know in the comments below!
  11. 90 years and still not retired...no, it's time for the plaid years of Mickey.
  12. Mykaila Shakespeare

    Road to Dawn

    It's really hard to say which side of the story I prefer, but I did enjoy Riku's story and the message they're trying to display in his story. Learning to face your darkness and being able to channel it your way is certainly something you don't normally hear in most stories, at least to my knowledge. It's equivalent to saying learn to use your weakness as your strength. Then, there is Riku as a character. Out of all the characters in the series, I feel he is the best developed character. However, this game is just scratching the surface. I will get to full detail when I eventually play another future game in my playthrough (so stay tuned for that). For now, his development in this game was the beginning. As for gameplay, it is pretty much still card game play. However, he is somewhat limited. Sora has a lot of customization while Riku, on the other hand, is stuck with a stack of cards and there is no way to customize. However, the upside is that you can use a majority of enemy cards more often than Sora would (to which his cards have a cost). Personally, I did feel more challenged and more satisfied with his gameplay. As mentioned before, the set of his cards is limited and you cannot customize your deck. Which makes the strategizing more unique compared to Sora (to which you can easily break the game with a certain combo LOL). BTW, I am not a fan of the final battle in his story....just throwing that out there. With all that being said, I mentioned that I am more mid ground with both sides of the game. But if I were in a situation where the world depends on this particular decision in hopes Earth doesn't explode, I am leaned more to Riku's gameplay and story. His progression is more interesting and the gameplay is unique and challenging with the limited decks I'm given. I'd give it 6.5/10
  13. That part was so cool. You know..that part. Happy Birthday silly mouse
  14. The artist just captures their reactions perfectly X3. Now i'm wondering how the KH characters would react to my this darling demon. Probably like how the Disney characters had reacted to Stitch.
  15. All that we know of Disney has originated with the original cartoons made by Walt Disney himself. Do you like watching those? I always have ever since I was young. Some actually are pretty funny.
  16. This might be the most bizarre and most amazing Mickey Mouse short that I've seen yet, seriously. I'm kind of new to the whole forum thread posting thing. I'm doing it right, right?
  17. Setrex

    Birth by Sleep -cover art-

    This is quite an old drawing of mine (drew it back in 2010!). I wanted to upload it here for the rest of ye to see and I hope you like it. I don't draw as frequently as I'd like to but I'll always like this drawing. I've also thought about digitally colouring it in at some point but I've never gotten around to it
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