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Found 4 results

  1. The Role-Play's story will be set years into the future, where Captain Jack Sparrow has somehow both very strangely and very mysteriously disappeared from off the charts of all the seven seas themselves and now its up to a bunch of Captain Jack fans to form a crew and find the missing Captain so that they can sail uncharted waters with his magical pointing compass, all the while trying to avoid confrontation with their former Captain and mistress Anne Bonny (Played by Jennifer Coolidge) who seeks to kill her mutinous crew just for the sheer fun of it, chasing them down to the very ends of the Earth itself whilst trying to find a mystical legend said to be real, the treasure of Oak Island, said to contain vast amounts of riches upon riches, too much for any single person's pair of eyes to see and withstand all the shine and the gold emitting from all of the treasure itself before her former lover now turned rival Captain John "Calico Jack" Rackham (Played by Kevin Bacon) does, Calico finds and captures one of the crew that was searching for Captain Jack Sparrow in the form of just a ordinary man turned Pirate named Dennis Murtaugh (Played by Sebastian Stan) who was himself already captured beforehand and forced into becoming a member of the crew against his will, as they had heard of his exceptional navigational skills and believing that he had the brains that were needed to find Captain Jack Sparrow, the fans of the missing Captain kidnapped Murtaugh and had forced him into becoming a Pirate, they promised him that they would set him free once they find the missing Captain, as his reward for finding the Captain, however, their original plan was to double cross him once they had found Captain Jack Sparrow and have him keelhauled over their ship now that his purpose was served, Murtaugh now faces the same threat from Calico, although he is honest about it and that Calico too also searches for Jack albeit for a very different reason, as Calico reveals to Murtaugh that both he and Captain Sparrow have a shared history with one another, at one time, they were called the Two Jacks or the Twin Jacks, now serving, as the navigator on-board Captain Calico's ship, the William, Murtaugh has no choice whatsoever but to comply with Captain Calico's demands if he wants to see home ever again and get back there safely, believing that he is going to end up walking the plank and/or serving, as shark bait anyways, Murtaugh recounts his tale of how he came to serve aboard the William and of how this whole stinking affair, literally, as he puts it first came to be, the crew of Captain Jack Sparrow fans, Anne Bonny, Calico Jack, the treasure of Oak Island, all of it, it all began with the search for a certain person that used to be part of Captain Jack Sparrow's crew, a certain Joshamee Gibbs who was to be found at the very place that Murtaugh was recruited at, its name...Tortuga, this was to be chronicled by Murtaugh, as: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Search for Captain Jack Sparrow. (Otherwise called Pirates of the Caribbean: Sparrow-Search.). (What does everyone think? is it a good Role-Play? and to join maybe? i'll post the Rules and the Character Sheets after i hear what everyone thinks of the Role-Play.).
  2. How the live action worlds should look seems to be a very controversial subject. There are two main groups: the people who want them to adjust the look of the movies to make them slightly more cartoony and fit in better, and then the people who think that they should make them as realistic as possible and as close to how they actually look in the films as possible. I, personally, am a part of the second group. I absolutely loved seeing Sora and the rest of the cartoony cast in live action settings. I think it's very interesting and pleasing to look at and just the whole idea of it in general is amazing to me. I'd absolutely love to see Sora and the gang exploring the various live action planets of Star Wars or the live action settings of Asgard or Narnia, while fighting alongside live action characters. Many people seem to think it doesn't make much sense to have live action movies in KH, but I think it makes complete sense. Every world is different and has different settings and different people. Some, with different styles, such as Halloween Town, and I think the concept of live action movies as worlds fits in with that theme perfectly. When you first arrive at Port Royal, Sora even mentions that this world looks strange, which I think is awesome. I dunno, I just love the idea of a contrast of art styles, while many other people seem to disagree. What are your thoughts and opinions on this?
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