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Found 8 results

  1. So I was recently sifting through my videos uploads on Youtube and I came across an old video I did for the premium showcase demo, as that was one of our first in depth looks at the game. Anyway, what I noticed when viewing this video again was that something seemed really different to the final game; yes of course the character models, but in general everything looked a lot darker as well as maybe less detailed? Well anyway, I decided to put together a video comparing the two clips side by side to see how much better the final version changed and how much was actually improved. (*Note, one small but interesting change I noticed was that when Aqua is talking about there not being any time in the realm of darkness, the dialogue happens out loud while in the final game she says it in her head.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PheMfAZ6Nc
  2. So with the release of the new screenshots and renders from famitsu, I decided to compare the renders of Mickey and Aqua to their Ps2 era models, to see how they look overall and to see a side by side comparison. Upon comparing them I have to say that my appreciation for the kingdom shader has gone up even more, due to the fact that they look like the character designs from the last generation but with major improvements of course and how the models actually look like they could've been from a Disney animated film. Anyways, seeing these new renders makes even more excited for the game's release in January.
  3. For those who are interested, I've made a quick video comparing the voices of the Foretellers with the keyblade heroes that they are believed to reincarnate into. I tried to match up the emotions in the lines given by each character to make it easier, however seeing as the only line we hear Gula say is full of anger I decided to compare it to one of Roxas's lines because Ventus doesn't get angry nearly as much as Roxas does. Also I chose to compare Aced's voice with Terranort rather than Terra as it occurred to me that their voices actually sound very similar. Anyway this video is simply designed to help people see the differences and similarities between the two sets of characters more easily. Hope you like it! And, if you want, let me know your thoughts concerning whether or not the Foretellers' voice actors are the same as the keyblade heroes below
  4. Just finished doing a speed run of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix hd and it got me thinking of the original beta trailer for the game and how scenes were changed or left out completely. I tried to get all the changes, or removed scenes, but some were just too short to include, also there is an example of one of the comparisons below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coqz9gkq0xU
  5. Hey there everyone, how's it going!? Well, as you can probably already tell, my excitement for 2.5 is killing me and rocking me to my core! And well, as I was searching for music to listen to, I wanted to listen to Kingdom Hearts II's version of "He's A Pirate", and I stumbled upon the orchestrated 2.5 version, and let me say...it blew my mind! Here's a comparison between the two so you can hear the differences! Here's the PS2 version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUCbdXd3poI And here's the 2.5 version! Good lord, the 2.5 version sounds just like the one from the films! It gave me the feels of nostalgia and excitement because shit, Port Royal is probably one of my favorite worlds in Kingdom Hearts II, and hearing this orchestrated version really psyches me up even more for 2.5!!! I need 2.5 now!!!! D: I'm guessing all of you obviously love the 2.5 version, but I'll ask anyway, which version of "He's a Pirate" do you like most?
  6. http://youtu.be/HnXA67oxSr0 Some more comparisons between two different versions of the game, this time Kingdom Hearts 2 final mix. Sorry in advance that its not in hd, when I uploaded this I had issues with adobe premiere pro.
  7. http://youtu.be/bpdiN82M7uo A comparison of the HD ps3 version of Birth by Sleep compared to the original psp version. Audio from from english psp version.
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