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Found 9 results

  1. Here's King Mickey arriving in The World That Never Was in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Here's the Replica for Roxas being sent to the Keyblade Graveyard by Ienzo, Even, Ansem the Wise, etc. in Kingdom Hearts III. (Which Roxas' heart comes out of Sora and then goes into the moment it arrives.) It's the exact same method of travel/arriving at a world. They have the same animation of a sparkle in the sky and then a beam of light coming down from where the sparkle was, transporting a person or object to a world.
  2. I have been thinking lately that during kingdom hearts Sora has a lot of king motives put into him. From the crown necklace he's wearing, to the crown motive that comes up when he's using his kebylade during closing worlds and such to some keyblades having it as keychain. Also in a lot of promotional art and covers Sora is always in a king leading position. The 2.8 one having him as the leading position and the iconic sitting in a throne with a little crown on his head. Another thing in the trailers of kingdom hearts 3 he's the King figure in the chess game. So all of this make me kinda think that Sora maybe be some sort of king in the end, maybe not a real king but in a more metaphorical way, like the king of the worlds, he's the only one so far that takes people hearts into himself to shelter them and so forth, kinda like a king protecting his civilians. After all the game is called Kingdom Hearts and for the word Kingdom you usually have a King. Maybe i'm looking into this too deep, but that's my thoughts at least.
  3. 90 years and still not retired...no, it's time for the plaid years of Mickey.
  4. Attention all warriors in the universe I have come with a message I am requesting the strongest warriors A tournament is being held It will decide on who I will take In order to help with my trouble Help me brave warriors For riches and glory awaits you Imagine the role-play section as a multiverse. Each role-play being a different universe. Now imagine if a warrior from each universe heard the message, what kind of warriors would appear? Good? Evil? Who will win the tournament? Only the strongest will be able to join the cause. Will your character be one of them? -Rules- No god-molding. Your character is not a god. If your character loses, they lose but that doesn't mean the end. You can have any number of characters. It's actually encourage if you do. Just try not to get lost in their stories. Romance is permitted but keep it PG-13 No taking control of characters unless you have direct permission. Meaning if you throw a attack, make sure you wait for a response. A main villain has not been decided yet. You can actually have one of the characters become the villain that the tournament proctor is trying to defend himself against. No killing off characters unless it's your own. No mass killing of NPCs. You can use past role-play characters from different role-plays. Just put the role-play their from so we could get a little backstory on the character. Original characters created for this role-play is encouraged. Last rule, have lots of fun and I hope you enjoy this as much as I'm going to! - Character list- Name: Weapon: Magic(if any): Appearance: Bio: What Role-play is the character from: Special skills: There you have it. Everyone is welcomed here as I hope to be able to get back into role-playing as I did back in the day. Once we have enough characters, I will be able to launch the role-play into action. I will post my character(s) so we can get familiar with each other characters. This will also serve as a discussion post for any questions about the role-play and ideas that will help develop the story to great heights. Do enjoy and let's get this tournament started.
  5. Here's my second entry for the KH13 Creative Contest. This time, it is a digital sketch of one of my all time favorite Kingdom Hearts characters; King Mickey.
  6. So with the release of the new screenshots and renders from famitsu, I decided to compare the renders of Mickey and Aqua to their Ps2 era models, to see how they look overall and to see a side by side comparison. Upon comparing them I have to say that my appreciation for the kingdom shader has gone up even more, due to the fact that they look like the character designs from the last generation but with major improvements of course and how the models actually look like they could've been from a Disney animated film. Anyways, seeing these new renders makes even more excited for the game's release in January.
  7. How do you guys feel like about a KH nuzlocke? I'm pretty sure everyone knows that: The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of rules intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games. -Bulbapedia Well what if someone put something like that in Kingdom Hearts? in any kingdom hearts game they could make the game more difficult than in critical mode if you put in the right set of rules. Here's what i had in mind: No summons Only use Limit form when health is low These are what i have so far, i would love to accept more ideas in replies from you guys really. I'll add another thread based on ideas if this get alot.
  8. Here's the Homunculus roster for Fullmetal Kingdom!

    © Kingdom Hearts and Fullmetal Alchemist are both licensed by Square-Enix. The secondary licenses for both franchises are Disney (Kingdom Hearts), Aniplex, Bones Inc., and Funimation (Fullmetal Alchemist).

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