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Found 21 results

  1. Here's King Mickey arriving in The World That Never Was in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Here's the Replica for Roxas being sent to the Keyblade Graveyard by Ienzo, Even, Ansem the Wise, etc. in Kingdom Hearts III. (Which Roxas' heart comes out of Sora and then goes into the moment it arrives.) It's the exact same method of travel/arriving at a world. They have the same animation of a sparkle in the sky and then a beam of light coming down from where the sparkle was, transporting a person or object to a world.
  2. Mykaila Shakespeare

    Distant Dreams

    [This may contains spoilers since it is an important title that leads to KH3. Please read at your own risk] [I also want you all to know that this is my third time playing this game. I will explain in detail later in this review, but do take my opinions with a grain of salt since I had a lesser experience with the entirety of the title itself.] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Continuing our story from ReCoded, we follow Sora and Riku in this next journey. With the supposed upcoming return of Master Xehanort, they must now take upon the big test, The Mark of Mastery, to prove themselves to become true masters in order to have the proper strength to fight against Xehanort's plans. They are put into the realm of dreams to awaken the sleeping worlds that reside. With the aid of Dream Eaters, you fight against their dark counterparts known as Nightmares in hopes to wake up the sleeping worlds and pass the test to become true masters. Along the way, they encounter a mysterious young man throughout their test. It is up to Sora and Riku to accomplish the test while figuring out the reason for seeing the young man following them. - - - - - - This is game interesting. If anything, it is probably the most polarizing game in the series. You play as both Sora and Riku simultaneously. Switching them requires somethings via "dropping". This is considered an annoying mechanic simply because, for example, if you were in a boss fight and the drop gauge depletes in the middle of it, you switch to another character but you come back and have to start over again (rinse and repeat). However, for my case, I always use a certain item to keep from this predicament. So, I personally had no problem at all with the dropping myself (we fans recommend you use the item). The gameplay is supported by a new kind of game mechanic called Flowmotion. It allows you to jump into higher places and allows you to travel faster. It is also an advantage in combat. I mean, this advantage is so broken it limits the other commands you can use throughout the game. It was fine for me, but to many it takes the fun out because of how repetitive it is. This time around, you have Dream Eaters as your allies in this title (in replacement of Donald and Goofy). They are a bit more helpful in terms of combat as well as linking to certain abilities. My problem with the links is that I have to find more items to create a dream eater that would give me the important abilities I need. That is called grinding my friends. I do not mind some grinding but this kind of grinding I felt like I need to get used to. The story is by far an incredibly difficult plot to explain. This title gave many fans a lot of intense face palms because of one major element that pretty much ruined the story overall. I will not say it here for the sake of avoiding spoilers. Let's just say it really connects everything because of this element? Alright, here comes my case in the title in general. This is my third time playing the game, so I can't say my full thoughts on the game altogether. I still need to get used to this game eventually. When I played this the second time for the heck of it I guess, I felt kinda meh on it. Which I find odd because I did have fun when I played it the very first time. My feelings for it are a bit complicated. On one hand, there is the ability mechanic via dream eaters that I am not a fan of (plus the plot is difficult to explain verbally). On the other hand, I think it had some decent character moments (at least for me, from a particular character. As for music....it's not as memorable as past titles. However, there are a 2-3 tunes that are pretty much the best of the bunch in my opinion: (). The rest is kinda lost for me and not exactly worth downloading. The worlds are even a tad bit meh. I don't think I have a particular favorite Disney world in this title. <strike> The closest I'll get to a favorite in terms of Disney Worlds is Symphony of Sorcery because it is by far one of the most unique worlds in the series.</strike>. At least they are somewhat newer worlds and not reusing a chunk of worlds we visited in KH1. It's just not exciting Here is where speak my thoughts on the story, including the element that made this title polarizing. So, once again, heads up on the spoilers. [SPOILERS AHEAD] One of the biggest issues it had was their introduction to Time Travel. I actually do not mind time travel. The issue for most people was that this is a sample of Nomura's habit in this series. He makes up concepts as the series goes along. What we thought was yellow and blue to green paint, Nomura just added an entirely new color out of nowhere. On top of that, how to explain time travel is a bit difficult to explain. I mentally get it, but I cannot verbally say it without sounded like I am going to burst your brain to goo. I also want to point out something that may or may not be an unpopular opinion. In case you don't know, I am a fan of Transformers. I have watched the live action films since it's first release. I have watched it grow careless and it loses potential every single time. I am saying this because it is the opposite of what Kingdom Hearts was doing. While they both are made up as they go along, Kingdom Hearts at least had more passion and care with the characters and even the story added with lore. We care so much for this otherwise we wouldn't be looking forward to KH3. That's why I feel like this title is tolerable in terms of them adding time travel. Yes, it's hard to explain but I feel like I understand it more than the somewhat empty series that is the Transformers live action films. Moving on, one of the highlights of this title is Riku. Once again, I had to say that his development is one of my favorites in this series. Seeing him now from back in KH1 is really cool to see. On top of that, back in the day, I was young and thought Riku was kinda terrible. In KH2 (back in the day), I just didn't understand his motives. But growing up now, I finally understand him. That, and is one of the reasons why the concept of how you look at both light and darkness is so good (which is something Kingdom Hearts impresses me on with it's in-depth perspective). Plus, I actually enjoy his gameplay a bit more than Sora (in this title). One of the important scenes involve the final score on their exam. Turns out, Riku managed to pass and became a Keybalde master. This scene was a bit controversial last I remembered. Not just because Riku passed in general. But the fact that Sora failed the test. To many Sora fans, it was a let down because they felt that Sora deserved a higher reward for saving all the worlds for the past two years [in game]. I want to throw in and say while I understand why people felt this way. However, between Sora and the audience, Sora handled it very well. Instead of feeling sad for himself, he cheered for Riku. This moment shows what kind of person Sora is (if anyone hasn't figured out at this point). I'm sure he was saddened, but he was able to make up for in the end. With that in mind.mi was happy for Riku. To see him come this far is a sight to behold. As previous mentioned, I didn't care about Riku at first. But going through this series, he has earned my respect for him.m. Speaking of Sora, his character throughout this title is interesting too. This title has some decent moments however. One of my favorites, of course, involves Lea (aka Axel). Anytime I see him on screen, I just feel blessed. I think out of his moments in this title, my absolute favorite is him saving Mickey and co from Maleficent and Pete. That moment was so great it deserved a mic drop. Then we also have the most shocking from him was receiving his very own Keyblade. I am looking forward to see more of this in KH3...well, Lea in general really LOL [END SPOILERS] That being said, this is a fine title. It is not a true favorite for me yet, but I do enjoy the gameplay and even the story, or least the character moments. I would not consider this the worst title for me, but it is polarizing at best. I'd say just try it out yourself and you can decide whether or not you like it. [ARTIST NOTES] This began the difficulty of ideas for the upcoming posters, this title included. This one is a bit easier to decide because it is more or less inspired by the cover art of DDD. However, I added something unique to this in a way. The setting of the sky is like 2 sides of one coin. I'll let you figure that out. I originally was going to give them their keyblades, but I felt it would create a tangent for this size, especially near the title placement (to which that was kind of a pain honestly, but still worked out LOL). If you want this for a wallpaper, you choose one side or the other ^^ --- Not very long till this project is done and Kingdom Hearts 3 being right on our door step. I got the X timeline to cover. They will be in 3 segments: Back Cover (which is simply the movie), Unchained being the gameplay of the mobile game, and Union Cross which is the story of the mobile game. After all that, will be the last game being 0.2 Fragmentary Passage. They will all be posted in January weekly till release in Japan. Please look forward to these last upcoming posters. You can check the other posters hrough this link in my deviantART: https://www.deviantart.com/mns-prime-21/gallery/67100545/Kingdom-Hearts-III-Countdown
  3. I included a shot of this one in my previous art thread. But that was more of a taste test. I wanted to make a dedicated thread for this one because of how big the project is compared to my other artworks. This is a 3D model of the classic Kingdom Key from Kingdom Hearts. Created and rendered in Cinema 4D. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m74NmhxaBbo A few still renders are always nice too. Download 4K versions on DeviantArt And also a screenshot of how it looks before it's rendered. Not particularly interesting, but I still felt like including it. If anyone has any questions or any other kind of feedback. Feel free to leave them here. \(^-^)/
  4. In honor of 3D's anniversary, what’s your favorite part of KH Dream Drop Distance? I love the dream eaters and the flowmotion.
  5. Hello I am new here. Just recently got psvr and daydream phone. Watch with PSVR or DayDream VR on android! Retro game Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep in stunning VR! I captured using an android phone. Note: Retro games have a 2d screen and no left or right. I made it curve enough to view straight, turning head left, right, top, and bottom. Back view is the screen repeat, so no official back view. Thoughts good, bad, constructive criticism, comments. All are welcome. Edit December 7 2017: My first virtual reality game project is Kingdom Hearts BBS. The plan is to show the cut-scenes, boss fights, mirage arena, mini games, and a showing of the level scenery. Note: part 2 of the movie is better quality. The Movie Playlist VR Sample playlist - includes FF7, Spyro 2, and KH BBS Opening and Game-play
  6. Over the years, I've seen many people be confused as to why Sora and Riku had to do so much more for their Mark of Mastery than Aqua and Terra. Aqua and Terra trained their whole life for their Mark of Mastery. Sora and Riku didn't. Sora and Riku's Mark of Mastery was also their training. Their Mark of Mastery was so much more difficult than Aqua and Terra's because they had to make up for the years of training they missed. The Mark of Mastery and becoming a Keyblade Master isn't about whether you can save the world or not. It's about being traditionally trained. For example, becoming a black belt in Karate has nothing to do with whether you can save the world or win a fight or not. It has to do with if you have mastered the traditional skills you have been taught. The title of "Keyblade Master" is nothing more than a formality.
  7. I understand time travel in Dream Drop Distance for the most part, but there's always been this one thing that I don't really understand. in the game, we are told that the Robed Figure passed on the ability to time travel to Young Xehanort, so that Young Xehanort doesn't have to get rid of his body or something like that. I was confused as to how you can just simply "give" someone the ability to time travel, so I looked into it. I found a Nomura interview where he says this: "to transcend time one must ‘first’ discard their form. As a result of the actions of the Brown Robed Figure, they all were in a state where they had gained the power to transcend time. The Brown Robed Figure explains the facts. The thirteen were summoned at the same time, this time thanks to Young Xehanort who borrowed that power." What does this mean exactly? Am I the only one who has no idea what he's saying here? Could it be the translation that's making it more confusing that it actually is, because I'm not sure what he's trying to say? It seems like he's saying that they all gained the ability to time travel because the Robed Figure was Xehanort reduced to just a heart, but how does that make it so they all have the ability to time travel? Sora and Riku have both been reduced to just a heart before, but they can't just randomly time travel as they please, they need Yen Sid's magic in order to time travel. I thought that you actually need to be a heart while you're time travelling, because that's what Yen Sid said, but Nomura's making it sound like all you need to do in order to be able to time travel is you have to have been just a heart once in your lifetime. That seems way too OP. Plus, it completely contradicts what Yen Sid said. Since this is the case, it makes me believe that's not really what Nomura's saying here, so is there any other way to interpret what he's saying? EDIT: After doing some more digging, I found this in the KH Ultimania: "Discarded his body and became able to travel through time. Traveled back in time to the Destiny Islands and gave Young Xehanort some of his own power. Due to discarding his body and becoming the Robed Figure, all incarnations of Xehanort gained the ability to travel through time. However, the only ones actually able to do so were the Robed Figure and the one he had given his power to, Young Xehanort." I guess it sort of works like how Keyblades work. Just because you have the ability to wield a Keyblade, doesn't mean you have a Keyblade/doesn't mean you know how to summon a Keyblade.. Similarly, just because you have the ability to time travel, doesn't mean you can time travel/doesn't mean you know how to time travel. And what the game really meant by "the Robed Figure gave Young Xehanort the ability to travel through time" is "the Robed Figure shared some of his powers with Young Xehanort". So, it all makes sense...I guess? It "makes sense" in a very Kingdom Heartsy kind of way lol EDIT: Just found this interview with Nomura. What he says he throws me back into confusion: "Nomura: First off, when Young Xehanort made contact with the Brown Robed Figure, that is to say, the Xehanort who called himself Ansem, his abilities were transferred to him. As a result of Master Xehanort tossing his physical body, he was able to exceed time, and this power was carried into the Brown Robed Figure. Thus when Young Xehanort made contact with him, he gained this power. Possessing this power. Young Xehanort functioned as a “portal”, summoning Xemnas and Ansem each time they appeared. That’s why Young Xehanort was there whenever they appeared. Additionally, when Sora and Riku dropped into the worlds of sleep, simultaneously Young Xehanort himself goes into the world of sleep.' I have no idea what Nomura is saying at this point. I really really really hope this gets cleared up in KH3.
  8. Note: Please read the entire post before commenting. Thanks! (This is a part of my "Explained" series of posts. To view my "Time Travel Explained" post, click here, to view my "The Realm of Sleep Explained" post, click here, and to view my "Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, and Dream Eaters Explained" post, click here.) In the 2.5 Re:coded secret ending, we see the Organization XIII members who were residents of Radiant Garden lying on the floor after being recompleted as people again. We also see Braig, who is not lying on the floor like the rest of them. He presumably woke up before them. (We know this 2.5 secret ending takes place after Re:coded and before Dream Drop Distance because Ienzo is an adult in this cutscene. There is a cutscene in the beginning of Dream Drop Distance that shows Even and Ienzo on the floor turning into Heartless/Nobodies and Ienzo is a little kid in that cutscene, so we know the 2.5 secret ending takes place after Re:coded because we know Ienzo grew up as an adult while he was a Nobody.) In Dream Drop Distance, we see Xigbar. It is implied that this is actually Braig, not Xigbar and he's just going by the name Xigbar for some reason (most likely because of the Recusant's Sigil in that name). If this is the same recompleted Braig that we saw in the 2.5 Re:coded secret ending, then how come he has long hair again, how come he has gray in his hair again? It would not make sense for him to just all of a sudden change appearance and grow hair that quickly. Is this actually Xigbar and not Braig, and they were just implying that it was Braig just to trick us? If it's Xigbar, then that can either mean that he was brought to the present day from time travel, or that can mean that Young Xehanort turned the recompleted Braig back into a Nobody for some reason (maybe he's stronger as a Nobody?). Also, do people keep their appearances that they had as Nobodies when they turn back into people, or are they reverted to how they looked before they were turned into Nobodies? This is very unclear. It seems that some parts of them did keep their appearance and some parts of them didn't for some reason. Ienzo, Lea, and Isa aged as Nobodies and kept their ages when they turned back into people. Lea lost the markings under his eyes when he became a person again though for some reason. From what we know, this is how it is: You are reverted back to how you looked before you became a Nobody, but you keep your age. For example, Lea was reverted to how he looked before he became a Nobody which is why he lost the markings under his eyes, but he still looks older because he kept his age. There are some people who think that the 2.5 Re:coded secret ending takes place way back in-between BBS and KH1, but that is simply not true as proved above. There are some people who think that the Xigbar in DDD is actually the recompleted Braig and the Braig in the 2.5 secret ending is the one who's a time traveler. That is simply not true. As stated above, it wouldn't make sense for the Xigbar in DDD to have long hair if he was actually Braig and it wouldn't make sense for the Braig in the 2.5 secret ending to be the time traveler because he's at the spot where he was just recompleted. So, this is what we know so far and is so far the absolute truth: The Braig in the 2.5 Re:coded secret ending is Braig after he was just recompleted as a person again. The Xigbar we see in Dream Drop Distance is either one of these two things: He's either a time traveling Xigbar that Young Xehanort brought to the present time, or he is the recompleted Braig that Young Xehanort turned back into a Nobody for some reason. It is currently unconfirmed which of these two things is the answer. If he is a time traveling Xigbar, then that means that Xigbar and Braig are both alive and in the present day at the same time. If Braig was turned back into Xigbar, then that means Xigbar is the only one who is alive and in the present day. We also know that when you are recompleted as a person again, you are reverted to how you looked before you became a Nobody, which is why Lea lost the markings under his eyes, and is why Dilan's hairstyle was reverted back to how it was before he became a Nobody, and is why Braig's hair turned shorter again and lost the gray in it. We also know though that you age as a Nobody and you keep your age that you grew to when you turn back into a person. I made this post to hopefully clear things up for some people because I have seen countless people who seem to be confused about this topic and who have been spreading false information. This was difficult to explain, so hopefully I explained it well and it makes sense. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. EDIT: It has been confirmed in Kingdom Hearts III that Braig, Isa, etc. were in fact turned back into Nobodies again after being recompleted in order to be more suitable vessels. Now that they have been destroyed once again though, they have all been recompleted once more. Except for Xigbar. He pretended to die during the Keyblade War in KH3, but he really just teleported away, and then shows up when the battle is over and reveals himself to be Luxu. So, he's still a Nobody currently.
  9. This is where I admit firstly, be careful what you wish for, ages ago I said I would like to learn about character backgrounds etc and then the Chi secret ending happened and Nomura's new artwork. Now I like Ventus and I do want to see how he is woken up. However, by potentially making him originate from the Chi era, we might as well slam our heads against a wall. I'll leave it to others to discuss whether Ven is a Dandelion or due to being in a comatose state is a ' sleeping vessel'. However, if Ven does originate from the Chi era then my biggest potential issue is that Time Travel can have even more of an importance. In order to time travel you need to have a version of yourself back in that time period, for many this was reassuring as this excluded Sora from being able to travel years in the past to participate in the first keyblade war etc. Now, if Ven is from that era then it becomes plausible that he at least will be able to travel back to his original era. I have nothing against referencing Chi characters in KH3, but if Nomura chose to go down this path, it would only complicate matters even more. I mean, events are fixed in history, so nothing major could be changed, but it would feel a cheap cop out If this route was used in KH3 IT just makes back cover a lot more interesting
  10. I just realized how strange, but amazing it's going to be to see all the Disney characters from the various worlds in the beautiful new CGI style they're doing for all the cutscenes in KH3. It's going to be especially interesting to see the 2D animated characters in this great CGI style. Do you think the 3D animated characters are going to look better or worse then they do in their corresponding movies? For example, will Rapunzel looker better or worse? Do you think they're going to make them look exactly the same as they do in their corresponding movies? Do you think they might look slightly more "anime"? I'm talking about the more human characters obviously since we already know that animal type characters like Donald and Goofy look just fine in Kingdom Hearts CGI. Judging by the Young Xehanort/Young Eraqus cutscene, the KH3 cutscenes look absolutely fantastic, but not quite as fantastic as Disney 3D animated movies. That's completely understandable though since cutscenes for a game end up being triple, if not quadruple, the length of a movie. So yeah, what are your thoughts and opinions on this?
  11. Hi guys! This is actually my first post but that doesn't matter! This post is where I'll put Kingdom Hearts related 3D modelling! ----------------------------- KHI Sora(KHIII Outfit): WIP#1 http://4lyx9.deviantart.com/art/Blender-3D-Kingdom-Hearts-Sora-WIP-1-598846966 WIP#2 http://4lyx9.deviantart.com/art/Blender-3D-Kingdom-Hearts-Sora-WIP-2-599102112 WIP#3 http://4lyx9.deviantart.com/art/Blender-3D-Kingdom-Hearts-Sora-WIP-3-599527393 Pre-Final(Animation) http://4lyx9.deviantart.com/art/Blender-3D-Kingdom-Hearts-Sora-Pre-Final-599610058 FINAL(Animation) http://4lyx9.deviantart.com/art/Blender-3D-Kingdom-Hearts-Sora-Final-600145074 ----------------------------- Beta Keyblade: V1.0 http://4lyx9.deviantart.com/art/Blender-3D-Kingdom-Hearts-III-Keyblade-581742853 UPDATED http://4lyx9.deviantart.com/art/Blender-3D-Kingdom-Hearts-III-Keyblade-Update-582795196 ----------------------------- Master's Defender: V1.0 http://4lyx9.deviantart.com/art/Blender-3D-Kingdom-Hearts-Master-s-Defender-WIP-583152589 UPDATED http://4lyx9.deviantart.com/art/Blender-3D-KH-Master-s-Defender-Update-585217508 I'll probably do animations near the future. Hope you all like them as much as I liked doing them!
  12. Let me preface this before someone tries to attack me: if you don't like long rants, then you might not want to read this. This will be quite long. Also I'm gonna be directing some hate, but all of it will be supported with reasons. Once again, if you love Dream Drop Distance and will probably kill someone over hating the game, probably not your cup of tea. Aside from that though, I'd love to see if anyone agrees or disagrees with me. I'll try and keep this pleasant and not too "anger-filled" ALso in case it wasn't obvious, yes there are spoilers for DDD. Now onto the thing that I want to address: Dream Drop Distance. Another Kingdom Hearts game that isn't KH3, but hey it's something, and it can't be worse than Re:Coded....right? Wrong. In case you haven't figured it out yet, DDD is by far my least favorite KH game. From my point of view, there are little to none going for it. Its story is crap, its combat is crap, and overall game was crap. Yes, I know I am going a bit overboard. I don't hate this game by itself, but I do hate it for being part of such an amazing series. Let's go on to story first shall we? Most would agree that DDD is the most confusing KH game by far in terms of story. What bothers me most is the single element they added into it; the thing that makes everything unnecessarily complicated, creates a ton of plotholes, and is just confusing and unpleasant in general. Most of you probably know what I'm talking about. Time travel. Really Square? Unnecessary complexity if you ask me, and definitely going to confuse first time players, even if they have a solid understanding of the KH story before this. First of all, let's address this ridiculous idea. Never before EVER mentioned in any other KH game, apparently you can time travel now. Square attempted to cover up plotholes by implementing these ridiculous rules of time travel (once again, never even hinted at before this game) of how you need to have a version of yourself at your destination, and how you can only go one direction in time, and how you can't keep your memories after returning to your original time...blahblahblah. All it is to me is a load of makeup BS that Square threw in randomly to prevent plotholes. Unfortunately, like all time travel stories, plotholes are aplenty. Not gonna go into details as that would take literally forever, but if you dont believe me, look some up. There are too many plotholes in DDD to claim otherwise. In addition to the time travel idea, they have this annoying thing of how suddenly, everyone is a keyblade wielder now. The idea of a legendary thing, a chosen one...and now everyone is suddenly the "chosen one". This is like Dragon Ball Z all over again. Remember when Goku first turned into the legendary "Super Saiyan" that was only said to be in myths? And then suddenly, within 10 or so years, 7 year old kids can turn into Super Saiyans by having a small sparring match with their mothers. It degrades this "legendary" status, and makes it seem like its worth nothing. To be fair though, BBS kind of did this too which bothered me, but it was really in DDD when Lea somehow manages to magically summon a Keyblade when I just stood up, and said "F*** this I'm done". Don't get me wrong; I like Axel/Lea as a character. In fact, he's debatably my favorite character in the series. But now, you're telling me that this legendary weapon that chooses its owner, this amazing thing that we got in the original KH1 that was supposed to make Sora, the protagonist, special, is nothing but a plaything that anyone can get? There NO reason Lea should be able to wield a keyblade. I don't care what BS explanation Square pulls on this one, like "oh he has a strong heart" or "he's somehow related to ____". It's all to cover up for the obvious mistakes they've made. This makes me realize: the main character is not special for being able to wield a Keyblade. I've been playing as literally an ordinary person. He's not even a master (despite being called one several times in the original KH); simply a wielder. And that's not special because anyone can wield a keyblade nowadays. You see what I'm getting at here? DDD took something amazing, this legendary "chosen one" status, and degraded it to just a normal person's toy. I LOVED playing as Sora as a kid in KH1 and KH2. He was a hero! He was the Chosen One that can wield a legendary weapon that will instantly vanquish darkness! ...but now, it's nothing at all. Anyone can have it. And that upsets me to no end. It's pathetic, and ruins my image of Sora forever. There is nothing intriguing about the protagonist anymore, so why should I even play as him? What makes it worse is that Sora isn't even considered a master after all the feats that he's done, because apparently he's been trained in the wrong way. Let's see...Sora defeated Ansem, a powerful heartless that threatened the destruction of all worlds, defeated 13 members of powerful Nobodies that each had their own unique set of skills, and part of this included Xemnas, the most powerful nobody of all, that had literally ABSORBED the power of an artificial Kingdom Hearts created from THOUSANDS of hearts. He rode a ship through space at light speeds, defeated a giant Dragon, defeated Xemnas like 5 times, took down 1000 heartless by himself, saved the world countless times, and you're telling me he's not a master because of some stupid exam you have to take? For godsake, Aqua literally became a Keyblade master from hitting balls. I think I've ranted on enough about the story for now, since I have so much more to talk about for gameplay. Ahhh good old gameplay. Let's get the good stuff out of the way first shall we? Well, the music is nice. Not the best in the series, but still not bad. The graphics are pretty good for a 3DS game. The controls are decent enough with the circle pad pro. And Flowmotion, in my opinion, even though it kind of breaks platforming, is a pretty cool mechanic that makes movement fun, and I'm excited for it to return in KH3. I liked the big worlds, although a lot of it is a bunch of empty space...I still appreciated the feeling of exploration. Unfortunately, that's pretty much everything redeeming I have to say for gameplay. First issue: Balancing This one you've probably heard a lot. It's an issue in BBS as well, but it's way more obvious in DDD. By balancing, I mean there's one single command in this game that will be automatically the best for any situation ever, no exceptions. Whether if its a mob enemy fight or a tough giant Dream Eater boss, or a powerful "human" boss...the Balloon family will completely destroy them. There is NO boss in this game that resists Balloon, its damage output is absolutely INSANE, and its reload time+cost+how early you can get it (literally before the first boss) completely breaks the command and makes it the best in the entire game. For every single "no damage" or "speedrun" you can find of DDD, you'll see Balloon...and Balloon...and Ballooon.... What happened to the beautiful combat options from, say, KH2? What happened to your fancy combos that you can change up, your Magic, your Drives, your summons, your limits? All these combat options, all with uses for different situations, and all gone. Now, you're just spamming one command to win. It makes the game boring and un-fun. The game doesn't take skill anymore; it just takes patience and having a strong thumb to spam Balloon. Also, saying "just don't use Balloon" is a really crappy argument to make because: 1. The game literally gives it to you as an available option to attack, so there's no reason to exclude it if its the game's intention. 2. Playing the game without Balloon makes it even worse believe it or not; bosses on Level 1 Crit literally become impossible. Good game design Square. It's like they purposely made the game around spamming Balloon just to troll us. "Hey lets put in a really difficult mode, Level 1 Critical. Let's also make the game insanely hard/impossible to beat on that mode, and put in a super overpowered command so they can just spam it over and over again to win. WHOO SOUNDS FUN" Wouldn't surprise me if that was an actual thing. Second Issue: AI Complexity The bosses' AI in this game sucks. That's it. Now I know what some of you are thinking: "Oh no, he's gonna go KH2 nerd on us and bring in Revenge Value and Flinch Count and all that random computery crap." But the thing is, those were very good game design choices in KH2 that I applaud. It made fights interesting; it gave bosses openings, forced you to learn them and time to so you can attack and not get hit. You get better from experience and attempts, and gives you a feeling of satisfaction when you finally win, because you LEARNED something from that fight. Meanwhile in DDD, we have absolutely no system of Revenge, bosses just randomly retaliate. For the most part, the game goes like Balloon>run away>hope you don't get hit by a random retaliation>Balloon. And maybe a cure when necessary. There is zero skill involved, and just doesn't give you the same feeling of satisfaction like KH2 does. When you win, its more like "wow I can't believe I spent 20 minutes spamming Balloon" instead of "AWESOME I BEAT THAT FIGHT BECAUSE I LEARNED SO MUCH ABOUT THE BOSSES' PATTERNS THROUGH EXPERIENCE!" For me, this was a huge downgrade, and ABSOLUTELY inexcusable because the game before it literally had a better system in every way possible. Also, enemies don't stagger. I understand this for giant bosses, but normal enemies literally don't get staggered by your moves in DDD. It's like they're a wall, and you just attack them to inflict damage. This not only makes things super annoying, because enemies can randomly retaliate in the middle of your combos which should TECHNICALLY stun them and render them defenseless, BUT it just makes you want to use overpowered commands like Balloon even more, instead of normal attacks/other commands, since Balloon is one of the few commands that can force enemies to stagger. As if it wasn't powerful enough. I can't emphasize how annoying all these issues add up to be. The story is subpar at best with stupid concepts that feel rushed and made up at the last minute, and it's confusing and full of plot holes. The main character is nothing anymore, he's not special or the "Chosen One", just another one of those hundreds of people who can wield this weapon. The gameplay is once again below expectations, because of the unbalancing and horrid AI. The game is not fun to play at all. If I play on Beginner mode, I destroy everything too easily. If I want a challenge, I can't even get one since I'll just spam Balloon to win. If I restrict myself from spamming Balloon, I'll make the game boring and tedious. Bosses would literally take up to hours for me to beat, because my attacks deal chip damage AND doesn't stagger them. Which means the fights go like "One hit>run away and hope you don't get hit". So yeah this is probably the most I've ever typed in my life and my fingers are absolutely dead. Soooo for those of you who didn't read, I'll try and make a brief tl;dr: tl;dr: -confusing story, full of plotholes, main character has been downgraded to nothing special -gameplay is unbalanced, boring, tedious, AI is awful -a game made literally 6 years before this game is better in almost every single way (KH2), which is unacceptable. Welp I think i'm finally done, and if you do read the whole thing, I will be very impressed. Aside from that, I'll see you guys later. Let's see if we can get some interesting discussions on here.
  13. Hello KH Community! I've come across a ridiculous problem that I can't seem to solve. I started a new 3D game file on Proud Mode, finished Normal a while ago. After finishing Twilight Town and most of La Cite des Cloches, I realized the game is kinda harder than need be. Not to say that Proud isn't supposed to be harder than Normal, but it seemed kind of ridiculous. My solution was to grind for a bit, but that didn't seem to work. I then looked at my stats on both Riku and Sora, both are Lv5. After grinding some more, I noticed that the exp. to level up isn't changing. I've fought as many Nightmares as I can on all the worlds available to me, but the exp. to level up still isn't changing. It's the same for both Sora and Riku. My Dream Eaters are consistently leveling up, not sure that's why I can't? Has anyone come across this problem before???? It's driving me crazy!!
  14. I will explain time travel in Kingdom Hearts and how it works for those of you who don't quite understand it, or don't understand it at all. I hope this helps anyone who was confused with how it was explained in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. (This is a part of my "Explained" series of posts. To view my "Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, and Dream Eaters Explained" post, click here, to view my "The Braig/Xigbar Situation Explained" post, click here, and to view my "The Realm of Sleep Explained" post, click here.) What is time travel in the Kingdom Hearts universe? Well, it's like time travel from any other game, movie, or show. It's where you leave your present-time and move either backwards or forwards to a different time. How does somebody time travel in the Kingdom Hearts universe? First, you must abandon your body and become just a heart. One way to become just a heart is to extract your heart with a Keyblade. Another method would be to become a Heartless, since Heartless are technically just corrupted hearts. Once you become just a heart, then you have the ability to move through time. Becoming just a heart also gives all versions of yourself from across time the ability to time travel. But, they're not actually able to do so without assistance from someone who actually has a time travel power. Just because you have the ability to travel through time, doesn't mean you're actually able to do so. You can only time travel if you are just a heart, or if you have the time travel ability plus assistance. I will elaborate what I mean by "assistance" later in this post. What are the laws of time travel in the Kingdom Hearts universe? You are only able to travel through time if there is a version of yourself present at the time you want to travel to. Also, you cannot change what is destined to happen. All that really means though is that you cannot change the future, because everything is already set in stone. Once you return back to your respective time, you will forget everything that has happened during your experience time traveling. However, these memories and experiences will be etched into your heart and could influence your decisions and the paths you take. Since you lose your memories after you get back to your respective time, there would be no point in traveling to the future to try and find out what happens. That is what we know so far about time travel in the Kingdom Hearts universe. Now, I will explain various characters' involvements with time travel. Terra-Xehanort Terra-Xehanort is Terra's body taken over by Master Xehanort. He apprentices under Ansem the Wise so he can further study the darkness and get access to things that could potentially help him further gain powers of the darkness. He steals Ansem's name and identity, then splits himself into a Heartless and a Nobody. His Heartless is known as the Robed Figure, and his Nobody is known as Xemnas. Robed Figure / Ansem, Seeker of Darkness The Robed Figure is Apprentice Xehanort's Heartless, as stated above. Since he is technically just a heart since he is a Heartless, he is able to travel through time. He goes back in time to Destiny Islands, where he meets a young version of himself. Now that Xehanort is just a heart, all versions of Xehanort throughout time have the ability to move through time. Not without assistance though of course. The Robed Figure gives/shares his time travel powers that he has from being just a heart to this Young Xehanort. Now, this Young Xehanort is able to time travel without becoming just a heart and without assistance. The Robed Figure then goes back to his own time (during the first Kingdom Hearts) and places himself on Destiny Islands. He marks the time traveling Sora with the Recusant's Sigil. The Robed Figure later possesses Riku and sort of molds/forms Riku's body into a body that's more to his likeness. Bodies are just as malleable as hearts. This amalgamate is known as Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Young Xehanort As explained above, Young Xehanort, and all other versions of Xehanort, now have the ability to move through time. And Young Xehanort is able to do this without assistance as if he was just a heart, because the Robed Figure shared/gave him some of his powers. He then goes through time and brings with him various versions of himself and some followers/vessels who have been loyal to him before. He gathers 5 versions of himself and brings them to the present-day. Those people are Terra-Xehanort, Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, Xemnas, Vanitas, and Riku Replica. These are all people who are deceased in the present-time. Terra-Xehanort, Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, and Xemnas have the ability to move through time, because Xehanort became just a heart somewhere along his timeline (when he became a Heartless/the Robed Figure). They aren't actually able to do so though without assistance from someone who actually has a time travel power. Young Xehanort is their assistance, since he has an actual time travel power that he got from the Robed Figure. If someone has never became just a heart somewhere along their timeline, then they can't move through time even with assistance. Vanitas' and Riku Replica's hearts were also taken from the past by Young Xehanort, therefore giving them the ability to move through time due to being just hearts. Young Xehanort time travels to Destiny Islands during the first Kingdom Hearts. He is able to do this because the Robed Figure placed himself there. He follows Sora and Riku into the realm of sleep. Now that Sora is marked with the Recusant's Sigil and now that Young Xehanort is in the same time period as Sora, Young Xehanort is able to teleport to wherever Sora is and keep tabs on him. Master Xehanort Master Xehanort is the one who took over Terra's body, as explained above. He has returned to the present-day because Xemnas and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness have been destroyed, which are his Nobody and Heartless. Once someone's Nobody and Heartless are destroyed, the original person is revived. Since he was Terra-Xehanort/Apprentice Xehanort when he split himself into a Heartless and a Nobody, he was recompleted alongside Terra. Master Xehanort gathers with Young Xehanort, the 5 people that Young Xehanort had gathered, and the 5 other members who were turned back into being Nobodies again after being recompleted in order to be more suitable vessels (Xigbar, Saïx, Marluxia, Larxene, and Luxord.) Ansem, Seeker of Darkness (pt.II) Sora has destroyed him. Young Xehanort brings him back to the present-day. Xemnas Xemnas is the Nobody of Terra-Xehanort. He was destroyed by Sora. He has now been brought back to the present-day by Young Xehanort. Vanitas Vanitas is the darkness half of Ventus' heart given humanoid form. He was destroyed by Ventus, and returned to him. He has now been brought back to the present-day by Young Xehanort. Riku Replica / Dark Riku Riku Replica is a Replica of Riku created by Vexen from data of Riku. He was destroyed by Riku, and his broken heart and mind went to the Realm of Darkness. He has now been brought back to the present-day by Young Xehanort, but it's a version of him from shortly after he was created and before he gained any real memories and experiences of his own yet. Xion Xion is an imperfect Replica of Roxas created by Vexen who's identity was formed out of Sora's leaked memories of Kairi. She was destroyed by Roxas and her heart was absorbed into him. She has now been brought back to the present-day by Young Xehanort, but it's a version of her from shortly after she was created and before she gained any real memories and experiences of her own yet. Extra Info Xehanort's plan has been to gather 13 vessels that all would bear a piece of his heart inside of them. This was Xemnas' plan with Organization XIII, but a few of the members he had gathered were inadequate. This is what lead to the various new people that Young Xehanort had been gathering. He gathered 5 people and along with himself, Master Xehanort, and the 5 others from the previous Organization who had been turned back into Nobodies again after being recompleted, that makes 12 people. Their original planned 13th member was Riku, but he became immune to the darkness, so he was of no use to them, then they chose Roxas, but he became too aware of himself and returned to Sora. Now, they moved down the list to Sora. They were able to capture him, but he had been saved. And then, they ran out of time and those who were from the past had to return to their own time and those who were from the present-day teleported away. In Kingdom Hearts III, Young Xehanort time travels once more to our present-day and gathers the same 5 members he had gathered before from across time. But, this time, their hearts are put into Replica bodies in order to stay physically in the present-time and avoid having a time limit. Young Xehanort's heart goes into a Replica this time as well. And after doing some experimenting, they choose Xion as their 13th member. Also, when someone from another time gets destroyed, they just get sent back to their own time. Sora and Riku In the beginning of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Sora and Riku traveled back in time to the day Destiny Islands fell to darkness. They had the ability to move through time because both of them have become just hearts at one point in the first Kingdom Hearts. Sora became just a heart/a Heartless when he stabbed himself with the Keyblade of Heart, and Riku became just a heart when his heart was sort of kicked out of his body into the Realm of Darkness when he was possessed by Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. This caused all versions of Sora and Riku from throughout time to gain the ability to time travel. But, they weren't able to do so without assistance, so Yen Sid assisted them. Yen Sid used magic to send them back in time, which is a different method of time travel than Xehanort's method. Instead of becoming just a heart and going back in time to give a version of themself the time travel power in order to assist other versions of themself through time, Yen Sid just assisted them by using time travel magic to send them back in time. Characters like Yen Sid and Merlin have time magic. But, Yen Sid's time travel magic still follows the rules of time travel that this post has been explaining. He could only send Sora and Riku back in time to a point in time where versions of them existed/were present. Sora and Riku are younger in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance simply because of Yen Sid's magic as well. He used his magic to make them younger again in order to sort of help with the whole starting over from scratch for the Mark of Mastery exam thing. They didn't inhabit their younger bodies contrary to popular belief. They didn't need to become just hearts in order to time travel, because they had the time travel ability plus assistance. Them becoming just hearts would've been a big mess as well. They would've turned into Heartless/Nobodies. Timeless River Merlin used his time magic to take Sora, Donald, and Goofy back to Timeless River. It's different from Xehanort's method of time travel and it's even different from Yen Sid's magical method of time travel. It bypasses all time travel laws. I hope this helped anybody and I hope it cleared up confusion that any of you had.
  15. First I'd like to say that I'm a subscriber to the reincarnation theory. But I feel there's is a hole in this theory that goes largely ignored. Kairi. Here I'm going to detail the problem and see of we can't find a way the theory works. As stated in 3D, when the χ-blade shattered, the 7 fragments of light eventually became the hearts of the Princesses of Heart. Kairi, is one of these Princesses. This means that, before the Keyblade War, her heart was part of the χ-blade. Therefore Kairi could not have existed as an individual prior to the χ-blade shattering. If she did not exist as a person before the Keyblade war, she can not be the reincarnated Ava. So, does anyone have a way Nomura could work around this? It's possible I suppose for Kairi's Grandmother to have been Ava in a past life, but not Kairi herself.
  16. Something has been bothering me. In all the KH games the secret boss has foreshadowed the next game: 1) KH- Mysterious Figure- was Xemnas the main antagonist from KH2 2) KH2 final mix- the Lingering Will turned out to. Be Terra a main protagonist from BBS 3) BBS- Mysterious figure- turned out to be Young Xehanort, the main Antaginist from 3d. Now we come to 3d where the secret boss was Julius. The pattern seemed to have ended. I mean it didn't seem to add up to foreshadow the plot. However Julius as has been mentioned comes from the short ' The Runaway Brain'. I won't spoil the complete plot, however it does portray Mickey in a ' darker sense'. Now we have been told that after 3d Mickey confesses secrets he had previously kept hidden. Let's go back to to 358/2 days and KH2. Mickey is not unfamiliar to making secrets, however as in the case of Riku, that was almost understandable. Now if people remember in the original BBS Volume 2 trailer we saw Mickey in the Realm of Darkness with the Star Seeker keyblade, so one would feel Mickey either ran into Aqua or found out what happened. Now seeing as they are friends, you'd think she'd be rescued too etc So that hints at something utterly tragic potentially in the makings here, now going back to the original theme about secret bosses foreshadowing, could Julius represent the ' dark secret' Mickey is going to reveal to Sora etc? If so, this begs more issues, such as what does he know? Why didn't she escape? Has she escaped? What does Xehanort know? Who will save her? The list does go on. Thanks for reading and I hope this makes sense to people
  17. Ever since I played Dream Drop Distance, I was left with many questions (obviously, but I'm not complaining because I enjoy KH's complication (don't ask...)). While I found out the answers to most of these, I am still left with some questions because I'm really confused, pls help. Plus I have some other questions to ask just to be sure. Did Sora and Riku actually travel back in time? If the sleeping worlds were worlds that did not recover completely after Sora battled Ansem SOD, how come Traverse Town was one of them, seeing how it wasn't destroyed? Did Sora and Riku look younger due to Yen Sid's magic? If so, why? Was Riku inside Sora's dreams for the entire game until the point when Riku got the TWTNW title, or was he in Sora's dreams in that world only? Why did Traverse Town have two Keyholes? Why were Sora and Riku on Destiny Islands? Was it back in time or illusions with Yen Sid's magic? If Riku was in Sora's dreams before Riku fought the Anti-Black Coat Nightmare, how did Riku actually find Sora? Thank you so much to anyone who answers these questions! (I'm looking at you Flaming Lea )
  18. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2015/02/flipnote_studio_3d_now_available_to_north_american_club_nintendo_members
  19. Given that we'll be getting more KHIII news this year, maybe even a trailer, and we will all be hyped I felt I should do a Public Service Announcement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4Twe410Qk-wRemember these gems?https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kdZAOtcuvBcRemember how excited they made us?https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9GSlOGzQqrsRemember how almost none of this material made it into the games unaltered, if at all?https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=l4AQnzLDFnkMy point is, whatever we see, take it with a grain of salt. For your sanity.
  20. So... I was thinking.. since.. I Was thinking that maybe There wil be a Kingdom Hearts 3 + ( Just like 2 Final mix+ that contains Re: Com and 2 final mix) That will contains Kingdom Hearts 3 and Dream Drop Distance(Remake or Only Cutscenes)
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