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Found 18 results

  1. I made my first OneyPlays animated and since it's based on their Kingdom Hearts 2 Let's Play I decided to share it here! It's quite short being only a few seconds long but I'm still quite proud of it! Tell me what you think!
  2. Name: Black Dust - The Pilot [SFM] Category: Kingdom Hearts AU Date Added: 03/24/2019 Submitter: Secrios In this animated feature, watch Will and Jane fight a heartless mobster. Black Dust - The Pilot [SFM]
  3. Had a really dumb idea come to me, so I made this. I don't make much Kingdom Hearts content at the moment, but I'd like to make more as ideas come to me.
  4. Black Dust - Animated Music Video The following is a pitch for an upcoming web series called "Black Dust". The OVA The Logo Synopsis In a world similar to our own, a new drug is turning the slums of America into dens of heartless mutants. Agents Adams and Everett team up to stop the Black Dust epidemic from taking over Washington. With guns, car chases and monsters, this night might be your last. What's Next? We at MovieMowDown have completed the first third of production on the pilot episode. It should be done by the end of the year. In the mean time we do have a Patreon if you'd like to support us. We pay our voice actors and artist to do top notch work.
  5. In light of this year being a pretty big year for Sonic the Hedgehog- with Project Sonic 2017 (now titled Sonic Forces) and Sonic Mania planned to release, I thought maybe its time to bring this to light. A cancelled fan-project inspired by Archie Comics' Sonic the Hedgehog series, entitled Sonic Legends (Originally Sonic Archieverse.) Sonic Legends was an attempt to tell the tale of the comics via animation, with new twists, characters, and story arcs as well. For those who don't know, Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog started in 1993, and was inspired and molded by the two TV series that had aired- The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, and Sonic the Hedgehog SAT AM. The comics grew to reflect their own writing style and began telling their own story with touching moments, unfortunate events, and unique twists. This inspired a young animator to start the project with a friend who he had shared his idea with. The Sonic Legends project got pretty far; The script for the first season, a collection of 23 episodes total, had been completed, a soundtrack was made, and even some voice actors where already on board! Sonic Legends was planned to have 5 to 13 minute episodes, and occasional specials that lasted up to 30 minutes! The second season had been planned out, with certain episodes having a basic lay out to play around with, but that data was lost. Two seasons were already being planned- with Season one being complete, and Season two in development. The plot was faithful to the comics- Our Heroes, the Freedom Fighters, take on Robotnik and his Badniks in hopes to take back Mobotropolis, and put an end to his tyranny. Many stories were expanded on, and a new character was introduced as a way to explain why certain obstacles where a challenge. Some story was also adjusted to explain how certain items had gotten into the hands of our heroes. Along with this, however, new stories where invented as well, including an half-hour special, entitled 'DejaBlue.' The art style began with a more unique design, but overtime, it was adjusted to look more familiar to the viewers. Not a lot of concept art remains, aside from these images. Tails himself had two working designs- the Tails we see the most often, and Tails with goggles and a tool-belt, which is the design that would be used when flying a plane or working with Rotor in his workshop. Knuckles was redesigned to have a sash along his waist. Sonic himself was to remain unchanged until after the events that dragged Sonic into Space. The Soundtrack had many tracks completed- a mixture of songs from the games, and a few originals as well. Some however never left the demo stage. You can probably tell which ones were finished and which were still demos; Not all the tracks have been recovered, however. You can listen to the remaining soundtrack here. A teaser was planned to release in 2015, with the actual series launching in 2016. Why was Sonic Legends cancelled? Well, for starters, the Crew, not including the Soundtrack Composer or the Voice Actors, consisted of only two people. Finding crew members for the job was becoming difficult. One of the two members was the Main Animator, who was unable to find animators to help the project along. The other member, Writer and Team Leader, was unable to find enough voice actors for the characters, and was finding it difficult to rewrite some factors in a faithful but new light. Along with the difficulty of finding Staff, scheduling issues caused constant delays on development of the series' animation and planning. In addition to this, and probably the final nail in the coffin, the two were in fear of lawsuits that would be brought on by Ken Penders, who was a writer and illustrator for the comics; he had previously taken away SEGA and Archie Comics' permission to use characters he created, with lawsuits ensuing soon after. This caused several important characters to be killed off or removed completely. With this in mind, the Crew decided it would be better to cancel the project all together, rather than finding ways to re-write the series with these vital characters removed. What we have left of the project are these images and the soundtrack, which you can listen to here. If anyone is interested enough I can expand on certain aspects of the series development or plot details, since I have most of Season Ones script in my hands. The version I have, however, is before the final edit, so this wasn't the final copy of the script that had been finished. But, that's only if anyone takes interest in this and wants to know more.
  6. monicam_art


    Celebrating the western release of 2.8

    © Monica M. Magana Art

  7. How excited are you for Cars 3? Never been a huge fan of the Cars franchise, but whoa. Looks like it'll be taking a much more serious route than I thought. Should be interesting! I wonder if the story will be a "recovery" story about McQueen getting over his injuries... Might open up some interesting topics of discussion for animated films!
  8. Apologies for the lack Kingdom Hearts, but i was wondering if you guys could help me out. I am currently in the process of doing an EPQ on animation at my college and was wondering if i could get a few peoples views on my question. Thank you very much for any help you are able to give. The chosen question is as above "Could Animation be considered art in the same manner as paintings or a piece of music would be?" i look forward to hearing peoples thoughts on this - Alphlex
  9. tinyshoopuf


    An animation exercise using the KH2 opening as a reference. 18 frames, each hand drawn
  10. I just realized how strange, but amazing it's going to be to see all the Disney characters from the various worlds in the beautiful new CGI style they're doing for all the cutscenes in KH3. It's going to be especially interesting to see the 2D animated characters in this great CGI style. Do you think the 3D animated characters are going to look better or worse then they do in their corresponding movies? For example, will Rapunzel looker better or worse? Do you think they're going to make them look exactly the same as they do in their corresponding movies? Do you think they might look slightly more "anime"? I'm talking about the more human characters obviously since we already know that animal type characters like Donald and Goofy look just fine in Kingdom Hearts CGI. Judging by the Young Xehanort/Young Eraqus cutscene, the KH3 cutscenes look absolutely fantastic, but not quite as fantastic as Disney 3D animated movies. That's completely understandable though since cutscenes for a game end up being triple, if not quadruple, the length of a movie. So yeah, what are your thoughts and opinions on this?
  11. A small shadow I made from a while back. Also, it’s transparent!! https://tweltchy.tumblr.com/post/142486349460/a-small-shadow-i-made-from-a-while-back-also
  12. Oh look. Hargle made a topic about animation. How predictable. Obviously, this video ain't mine. It's by the fantastic animation critic, Animat. Give it a watch and tell me your thoughts. Just curious...
  13. Is anyone on this site going to the D23 Expo in Anaheim on August 14-16?. This will be my first expo Im going to in USA and the first time Im going to California so Im really excited but Im wondering if anyone else is going to the expo I would be cool to meet a kh13 member. There is going to be so much awesome content at the expo this year even more so than the 2013 expo. New footage of The Good Dinosaur, Finding Dory, Zootopia and Moana plus a lot of surprises from the Disney team. Disney Infinity and of course the anticipated Kingdom hearts 3 is going to be there. But that's not enough If you love A Goofy Movie then you're in luck cause there is going to be a special celebration for the 20th anniversary of the film with the cast and crew talking behind the scenes from the film. And Aladdin is also going to have it's own celebration of the making of a classic. One of the greatest animators Andreas Deja is going to be at the expo. He is most known for animating Scar, Gaston, Lilo, Hercules and Jafar. If I get to interview him Im gonna explode he is such a great artist. Once Upon A Time is going to be at the expo with the stars of Lana Parilla and Ginnifer Goodwin signing for autographs. I have watched OUAT ever since 2012 and I am a fan of OUAT. There is of course going to be more fun and exciting things that is going to show up at the expo you can look it up on their site https://d23.com/d23-expo/. As you can see Im really excited for this expo I hope I meet new friends and have a great time. But as I said at the top of this topic is anyone on kh13 going to the D23 Expo next month?.
  14. My final animation piece in Acting and Movement for Animation! Fortunately, we had extra time to put more effort into our animations mostly because we had a little situation with the Wacom pens not being returned. The downside is that, we did not have enough time to do our fourth and final project, which was the lip-sync animation.... *cries in corner*
  15. Check out this animation I did at my college!
  16. TV animation is really hard work. I rate Dramatical Murder Episide 3 a 15/10. high quality.
  17. From RubberNinja on Youtube. I feel really bad for animators on Youtube. For those who don't want to watch the video, Youtube is basically paying based on the amounts of minutes viewed and the frequency of uploads. Unless you upload 10 minute long videos on a regular basis, you're not going to get much money through Youtube anymore. This really sucks for animators who can't afford to do that, and make their living through Youtube.
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