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About Khrulesbbs

  • Birthday 02/09/1993

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    Musical Composer
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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDKPs8SSdX4
  2. Name: Kingdom Hearts Dusk at Dawn OST: Track ??. _______'s Theme -Piano Version- Category: Music videos Date Added: 06/22/2022 Submitter: Khrulesbbs Kingdom Hearts Dusk at Dawn OST: Track ??. _______'s Theme -Piano Version-
  3. I meant if the creator of the fan game would let me
  4. Check my youtube and you will be happy I actually have done one. It's for a fan game so ill see if im allowed to post it
  5. Another Dark Realm piece for you all to enjoy
  6. I got another Dark Realm Arrangement for you guys! I hope you enjoy it during the dry season of KH info! Let me know what you think
  7. the mouthing changes based on region so id assume its the line " you can still hope" from re com which he used when doom hit 0 which would make sense
  8. If you don't love the battle themes you're crazy tbh. :wink:
  9. Hey guys! Like my last post I felt inspired by Yoko to make another Dark Realm piece for a new world. I really hope you guys enjoy!
  10. We also know that square often shows us ingame footage from earlier versions of the game not the most up to date. Honestly they probably just don't want to spoil a bunch of worlds and info.
  11. Yea i lost the password and ty ty. I might make this a series of dark realm themes. Currently working on home of the dragons. I also have a "Case of the fortellers" and "Luxu" battle theme ill be releasing soon If you want some cc just hit me up ill let you know
  12. A Dark World imagined version of the Olympus themes. Hopefully you guys enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pS-Hb3xb94
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