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Remains of Old

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Everything posted by Remains of Old

  1. Just take a look at Cloud's story. All that has happened to him...You know, perhaps meeting Sora even made him a little better?
  2. My first name became Goof, and my last name became Bribery.Goof Bribery... hmmm...
  3. I honestly think this is stupid. Looks like a bunch of Da Vinci Code monks mixed with Assassins Creed if you ask me, i... just don't get it.
  4. I can't decide which i like more, SoC or KH2, but count me in!Shadow was one of the first games i've ever played, i will never forget it
  5. Birth by Sleep and Persona 3, can't decide which i like more
  6. Hardest language? You should try going to Brazil, Japan, China, London sometime...
  7. 2nd Edit: Well, think about Tomb Raider. They made Lara Croft a sex icon.Now think about the main character in Assassins Creed 3: Liberation, they had some common sense and made her a NORMAL woman.
  8. I think he will, Sora's a preety tough-hearted mofo, he surely ''learned'' it in a way he doesn't need Ventus's heart anymore.
  9. The Axel being Riku's nobody, oh, i always used to laugh at that one, never seen Namine one tough, wtf. And, Luxord being MF from BBS, good ol' times
  10. The only reason i like 1.5 is the Days thing, but if they make the KH Final Mix not japanese, it's a must have for me!
  11. Normal day, except for the flood of people screaming ''12/12/12 GUYS, 12/12/12!'' on facebook...
  12. The only glitch i found was attacking trough walls in Traverse Town, other then that, nothing.
  13. They're putting all their efforts, and it's turning into an awesome game. I believe they changed the name to FF15 right? Anyway, am i the only one here who wants Versus released because it is going to be epic, not because of KH3? '-'
  14. Honestly, Kingdom Hearts would suck.
  15. R.I.P. Commas Anyway, awesome video *-*
  16. 1. Hmm, maybe 2. Truest Truth ever 3. Indeed 4. 5th generation sucked in design, i only liked the legendaries f.e. 5. What? NO! Didn't you said previous games were ''soooooooo'' easy for you? I don't have any ideas.
  17. Just bought ACIII and Super Meat Boy on Steam. Gonna wait AC3 PC release by playing SMB \o/

  18. I saw this a long time ago, still makes me laugh
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