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Everything posted by GotMilk5101520

  1. Fire Emblem Heroes mainly because it's the only Fire Emblem game i'm able to play and because i've been playing it for almost two years already (Time flies by fast) i've been able to get to know other FE characters outside of the ones in Smash (ironically Ike happens to be my main) i finished watching a playthrough of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn (I'm not pay $1000 for a used copy) and now i'm planning on checking Echoes and Gaiden (Echoes is a remake of Gaiden)
  2. Can someone tell me why and how Elmo's Letter and Number Adventure is a scary game?
  3. If anything. I think that scene will be like a "Calm before the storm" scene. Everyone gathers at Destiny Island before the final battle
  4. Why did Miraculous Ladybug and Kingdom Hearts 3 decided to destroy me today?

    1. Jingilator


      Ooh, boy…what happened in Miraculous?

    2. GotMilk5101520
  5. So i got one of these survey ads, and one of the options was for Kingdom Hearts 3 Is this a sign?
  6. Maybe the reason for the box being empty is because Nomura knew someone would try this. So he decided to make it empty so we never find out what's in it till Kingdom Hearts 3
  7. Tokyo Ghoul Re anime is confirmed. Can't wait to see chapter 125 animated

    1. Iris
    2. Felixx


      They haven’t even done the original one right –.–

  8. Listening to In The End to honor Chester Bennington. It was the first Linkin Park song i ever heard. He will be missed ;(

  9. The Legend of Zelda Modern Warfare Call of Duty Breath of the Wild
  10. E3 2013: Kingdom Hearts 3 was announced E3 2014: No Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer, but The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild was announced (Then it was named Zelda U) . E3 2015: New Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer, but no Breath of the Wild. E3 2016: No Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer, but a new Breath of the Wild trailer. E3 2017: New Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer(?) but no Breath of the Wild (Cause it's already out)
  11. I made a small Tumblr post about Fairy Tail Akame Ga Kill and Attack on Titan. I wake up and found out it got over 300 posts. I'm shocked

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