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  1. Few days ago I recorded a video preview about Kingdom Hearts Artwork book by Shiro Amano which released in japan at december 2007. It's been 9 years since it's released date. I've been looking for this book anywhere, and yeah I can say this book is rare and hard to get anywhere. Thankfully last minth mu friend had it and drcided to sell it to me, she said that it's good for my additional collection of kingdom hearts, lol Here is the video preview (full) : http://youtu.be/Bm6aE-iKv7M Like if you like it and you can subscribe my channel if you want to.
  2. Hello guys, sorry for the long hiatus. Managing time between Real and Internet world is hard. Anyway, Let's go to the topic! I'm not really sure if the topic has been made or not and if I post it at the right category, if It has been made, please tell me where I should post this and feel free to close the topic (To Moderators). Ok, then. During my hiatus period from cosplay things (Will be back soon later on), I tried to do Figure Photography things. I was inspired by my Friend, Christian, he told me to try it sometimes, and nowadays, I'm addicted to it. I'm still newbie, and I'm still blind with photography things, so there are lot of things to be learned. Here are some photo of my Kingdom Hearts Avatar Photography that I have taken so far. I took these photos using Oppo F1 Camera (since Ii don't have DSLR Camera). Some of them are good, Some of them are quite fail; Pics are in Spoiler, Warning They are huge and In this Photos I don't have mean to advertise products. So, What do you think?
  3. Cosplayer : Myself (Felicia Novita) Photographer : Randy Juliant Wijaya From RJ Design Location : Somewhere in Surabaya City, Indonesia Taken : January 2016 Thank you as well to Daniella (Costumes) and Ryuuta (Wig).

    © Randy Juliant From RJ Design

  4. DISCLAIMER:This thread reflects only the opinion of it's own writer,It's not an objective critique on what you should like or dislike so if you saw me criticising something that you happened to like I hope you don't feel offended and I hope you keep on enjoying what you like regardless of what I say.And most important of all I hope we keep a decent level of respect toward each other regardless of disagreements Oh look,I get to talk positively about Kingdom Hearts for a change!Ain't that sweet ? Contrary to popular(or unpopular belief) that I've garnered around me lately here,I don't hate the Kingdom Hearts series,I really don't. Most of the criticisms or sometimes confused questions I had about a thing or two really comes out of a love and long investment I had with the series that lasted an entire decade before I fell out of it.And one of the reasons is that,for me nothing captures the magic,awe and sense of adventure that the original KH trilogy of 1,Chain of Memories(yes even the heavily flawed CoM) and 2 had and nailed those aspects almost perfectly I'll start with KH1,go through CoM and then end up with 2 I got KH1 Final Mix on Ps2 in 2006 from my late cousin(who later died in 2010 from anemia,Rest in Peace) and it was the second KH game I played after KH2 and I was literally blown away while playing it.I might be one of the few who like the platforming segments of KH1 and while sure I realize they're not Mario level of platforming it still gave that sense of exploration and adventure especially in worlds like Agrabah,Deep Jungle and Hallow Bastion.While sure the worlds don't cover everything from their respective Disney movies and the lack of NPCs was a bit of a problem but unlike later entries it didn't detract much here cuz the worlds felt immersive enough thanks to the platforming aspect and how they're integrated into the story....which reminds me.Almost every world in the game(save for a couple of exceptions) felt more than just abridged versions of their respective movies.They were integrated into the plot as part of Sora's journey to seal the keyholes and learn what it means to be a keyblade master.The alliance of Disney villains was one of my absolute favorite parts of the game as they sought more than just conquering their own worlds but also they searched for the keyholes,captured the seven princesses in order to find the path to Kingdom Hearts and open the door to Darkness This scene right here is one of my favorite moments in the entire series and I still get goosebumps every time I see it. I can go on and on and on about how much I love this game and despite my few gripes with it with how summons are useless and the janky camera(which was partially fixed in KH 1.5),I still think KH1 is a masterpiece and to this day I still it perfectly encapsulate the magic that the KH series had and how effective it's story telling is despite it's simplicity. Moving on to my least favorite of the three,Chain of memories I won't spend much time on this one but I'll say that,despite the plethora of issues I have with this game in terms of storytelling and dialogue and some gameplay issues that wasn't noticable until the Re:Chain of Memories remake,I will say that I don't hate this game as for the most part it built on the foundation that KH 1 started and there are some story elements that I geniunely like.I liked Marluxia as a villain and CoM is the start of a significant character development that Riku would get as the series move on The card battle system is fun enough but it's clearly built for a handheld experience in mind as playing the console remake unmask the issues of transitioning the game from portable to console but overall,I can let CoM pass and I did enjoy the game for the most part And finally, one of my top two favorite game in the entire series and one of my favorite games of all time:Kingdom Hearts 2. I cannot tell you how many times I replayed this game from the day I got it up to now especially on the Final Mix version which I managed to import back then way before KH 2.5 was even a thing.I love Kingdom Hearts 2 so much Sure I recognize the issues with the game's writing at times as it started some trends that would spiral out of control in later entries in the series like having most Disney worlds be just abridged versions of their own movies without much integration to the overall plot(except in some second visits),and especially with Xehanort and Organization XIII(I get that we saw them first in CoM but we wouldn't get a full grasp on them until KH2 and even then that wasn't the full grasp ) but it never offended me here as much as it did in later entries and for the most part the story was still very good and it still gave me that magical feeling that KH1 had even if in a lesser extent But my favorite thing about KH2 is the combat system and how versatile and and experimental it was.Combos were introduced,magic spells were tremendously improved,summons now actually have some use and best of all,the drive forms.My god the drive forms are a thing of beauty and using them in battles was always fun despite being occasionally punished for abusing them by anti-form. But the best thing about all of what I mentioned above is:All the options I mentioned are viable and fun to use as a lot of situations in the game encourages you to experiment with your options: Do you go with physical combos,or try casting spells on your enemy,or maybe you might use a summon like Genie or Peter Pan,or maybe you decide to pop up one of the 6 drive forms you obtain throughout the game to demolish your enemies?All of them are viable options to consider and each of them are fun to use even against superbosses like Lingering Will,Sephiroth or the Data rematches with Organization XIII the game most of the time rewards you for being creative with your approach as long as your timing is right.Something that,in my opinion,has been sorely missing in Birth by Sleep's command system but that's a topic for another day It's really hard for me to decide whether KH 1 or KH2 is my favorite but what matters really in the end is:For me they represent everything I loved about Kingdom Hearts in terms of story,character interactions,gameplay and soundtrack that were magnificently blended together to make a perfect package that's hard to be topped by anything in the series that came after it The original Kingdom Hearts trilogy for me,and I'm gonna repeat myself here,represent everything I adored about the series.And they also represent,sadly,everything that the series has lost in later entries in my opinion.That sense of awe,magic,adventure and relatability that I felt with those are just not present in the handheld games and it's fine if you disagree with me it's just that's how I'm feeling about the series after 2 Even with all the nonsense that the likes of Birth by Sleep,Dream Drop Distance and Unchained X introduced.I still hope that Kingdom Hearts 3 would be able to capture the same magical feeling the original KH trilogy,especially KH1,had along with fixing the issues I had with the series for a long time
  5. What up everyone! How's it going? Well for starters, I wanted to thank Toominator's Keyblade Design contest, the contest has inspired me to draw some Kingdom Hearts Unchained x medals of my favorite Disney Characters. So shout out to you Toominator! Today I wanted to show my KHUx's Nala speed medal. And I decided this ability would be Sonic Blade, because while Simba is the power medal I think Nala would be the speed medal. I'm quite proud of myself but I must admit, drawing this fan-made medal was hard and challenging, but it was fun and worth it! Please enjoy!
  6. tetoucha

    KH2 Sora doodle

    Just some old doodle of Sora I managed to scavenge from my old files.
  7. © square enix disney tetsuya nomura

  8. Okey so in Kingdom Hearts 2 there is Ending called The Gathering in the gathering we see Terra,Aqua and Ventus in Keyblade Armors. And three Keyblades in th sand. Kingdom Key D, Kingdom Key and Road to Dawn. Ventus takes Road to Dawn wich means Riku will Save him, and he all ready saved him in KHDDD when he defeated Ventus Nightmare in sora's heart and open the keyhole. and we seen little of ventus in Castle Oblivion on pretty end of DDD. So Riku Saved Ventus Kinda allready. Aqua Takes Kingdom Key D, Realm of Darkness version of the Keyblade needet to close Door to Darkness and currently it's been used by Mickey. After the Door was closed (Next part is speculation)'' Mickey Med Aqua, and Mickey get separated of Aqua when Twilight Towns Card Appeard in front of him.'' * Kingdom Key D means Mickey will save Aqua or he has allready done that. Well we find out that in KHBBS 0.2 until then we can speculate. Terra Will be saved by Sora cause he takes Kingdom Key. (Speculation starts) ''SO now mind Plowing thing Ansem SOD and Xemnas where Xehanort halfs but they also was Terra's halfs so If Master Xehanort can come back hole person that means Terra can become hole too.'' We know that Terra's Lingering Will is in Keyblade Graveyard located currently in Badlands if Terra fight was canon on KH2FM. Opinions here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar4SpK7KVM8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPMyvLOC17I
  9. Grammar/Error Warning Undergoing Reform RIKU IS THE REAL HERO (THEORY) I wanted to make sure this theory reaches as many people as possible. If you aren't to keen on reading here's the original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEOZyPxtOmg If you'd like to read the theory though. Let's begin: In this video I want to propose or convey an idea not many have proposed if at all. So as you all know Kingdom Hearts has always followed Sora and made him out to be the HERO some destined Keyblade barer until we reached Dream Drop Distance 4 years ago. We'll what if I also told you Kingdom Hearts 3 and what we know thus far also supports this theory? (I know I'd get ignorant hate because quote "We haven't played it yet how can you know?! I'm so... triggered! ) Yes, what we know actually does coincide with my theory. To understand the ending we must start from the beginning starting with the previous then current Generation. Birth By Sleep In this game we have our previous trio interact with the current trio and they develop connections. These connections are as stated (Terra-Riku] Aqua- Kiari, Riku, Sora] Ven-Sora). But someone's connections are not meant to be Sora's! (As we know from the know it all himself Mater Xehanort in DDD) In this journey the most important visits to Destiny Islands is connected to Terra and Aqua's portions. In Terra's visit he bestows the power of the Keyblade to Riku do to their outlooks on "what's really important" being highly relatable. As he states in the ritual "So long as you champion the ones you love" (As we know Riku admired Sora a lot when they were children.) The second most important visit: is Aqua's! Where we can concur that Aqua would've bestowed the power to Sora do to Riku having the power and darkness looming over his shoulder. So she instead asks Sora to "Protect Riku" be by "his side" and "guide him if he wanders a dark path" (Please keep this in mind as we go along.) Now Terra also made a statement that tripped me out "Aqua, Ven, one day i'll make this right." what if this is connected to the seed he sowed by gifting Riku with the keyblade? Just something to think about sense Nomura hinted the person in Terra's heart isn't actually Eraqus. Kingdom Hearts 1 In this game as we know the journeys of our current trio begins. But do to KH usually following Sora's perspective we'll be going into Riku's instead (Remember the Guardian Role Sora Plays). In this entry Riku was supposed to be bequeath the Kingdom Key but do to his wavering heart the keyblade moved along, or at least we were lead to believe that. Overtime this journey solidifies what it means to wield the Keyblade and Riku displays the complete opposite demeanor. Showing disdain and jealousy for Sora during our interactions with him. Most noted time was when he calls Sora a "delivery boy" and when he lets Ansem into his heart just to gain enough strength to put Sora beneath him. Going against the rituals line of "Championing the ones you love." though surprisingly in the end Riku returns to that boy that cared for his friends taking his heart back from Ansem and secluding himself in the Realm of Darkness. Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories In this entry Riku is called to Castle Oblivion to take on the trial of gaining control over his darkness and choose a path of Light or Darkness. But on his journey Riku learns that darkness does not need to be snuffed out. But instead it can be controlled and used to help him reach the light again. After fighting a few Organization members he finally takes on his inner struggle Ansem. After overcoming the battle it is discovered Riku possess an ability never before seen. The ability to balance the light and darkness in his heart making him immune to corruption on both ends! Kingdom Hearts 2 After the events of chain of memories Riku has left to learn how to control the darkness's hold on him. So out of fear of not being able to face Sora and Kiari thinking they would hold his actions from KH1 against him. Until he learns they've forgiven him and have been searching for him. After he rekindles that bond with them he's bequeath the gift of a new keyblade which he secretly struggles with accepting. Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance You all should know the premise of this game, if not, SPOILERS AHEAD! Sora and Riku dives into the hearts of the worlds to awaken them from slumber as their "Mark of Mastery Exam". Whoever dives into the worlds hearts and return unscathed will gain a new power and will be crowned "Master". We learn a few things about our two heroes. Sora: 1) Is prone to darkness of high levels like Xehanorts. 2) And Sora is actually a dull ordinary boy only powerful because of the connections in his heart. But he would never be chosen by a key. Riku: 1) Riku is immune to even the deepest depths of darkness which he's dived into twice 2) and Riku possess the power to save people from the darkness Now if you'll recall I said DDD exposes a lot about the theory? You should see what I'm eluding too. Sora can't fight Xehanort off. But Riku, however, has done it twice. Also, in the end Yen Sid says that "THEIR FATES REST BEST ON RIKU'S SHOULDERS" Kingdom Hearts 3 So of course things get a little bit flexible and interpretive here but let me explain why this coincides with my theory thus far. In the 2013 announcement trailer () we see Sora pick up the "Master Defender" as we know from Nomura Aqua will find out how to save Ventus and Terra in "A Fragmentary Passage" words from Nomura himself! But at the time Sora picks up this Key he shouldn't be a Master seeing as his clothes are still the KH2 duds. Leaving only one Master to be picked by the key "Riku". Think about it! Aqua knows Riku/Sora's home is Destiny Island meaning she could've sent the key to them the same way she lends Terra her Key. As a symbol of her will being left in Terra's hands. Secondly, take a listen to Young Xehanort's words to Young Eraqus in the E3 2015 trailer "On that land shall darkness prevail and light expire" If we've already established Riku's immunity to darkness since CoM it would make sense he'd survive the event of darkness consuming the light. During the 2nd key blade war. Lastly, think about Xehanort's goal in KH3 "13 darkness's and 7 lights whose final clash will beget the prize I seek...The X-Blade!" As we know the X-blade is a wavering key meaning it would connect to Riku because they're wills are the same and as we know a key can renounce a wielder if their hearts do not relate to it's will. The same way Riku lost the Kingdom Key. Look at the way to dawn keyblade and look at the X-Blade the Heart emblem is evidence. The X-Blade emblem is safe guarded by two Kingdom Keys but I think that symbolizes "Defender of Kingdom Hearts". So what do you think? Join the ongoing discussion or hmu on youtube to get a quicker reply!
  10. Thanks to someone in a Kingdom Hearts facebook group I'm a part of, it turns out that Kingdom Hearts II's Wikipedia page is the feature for today (well, at least on the English language). Go check it out it out here for all the proof. So, yeah, that's a thing. EDIT: Thanks for moving this post to the right place Flaming Lea, I'm usually not entirely sure where things are meant to go.
  11. aizy-boy

    Worst Fight Ever...

    feel the pain again....and again....DANCE WATER DANCE!!!!
  12. aizy-boy

    Chibi Sora

    New adventures are coming~ woopee
  13. I've always had this sort of thought in the back of my head. I chose KH2 as the game for this topic since I figured the idea of just "best KH players" would be way too broad to really figure out (I mean for crying out loud there are probably over 20 games in the series if we count remakes/final mixes). KH2's my favorite KH game, and probably one of the most popularly played out there too, so I figured KH2 would be a good game to compare. This is also probably because KH2 is the most "skill-required" KH game in the series and also has the most complex mechanics, so it would be an excellent way of seeing who truly is "the best". (also pls don't argue with me on the mechanics of KH2 being un-complex compared to other KH games, because I can prove you wrong in every way...and plus, this discussion really isn't about that so I'd rather not get off-topic) Kingdom Hearts 2 isn't really a competitive game; not like games like Smash of course. So it is reasonably difficult to keep track of who's "the best" Kingdom Hearts 2 player ever, especially since everyone interprets "best KH2 player" differently, unlike Melee where there's an obvious group of top players. Soooo I've decided to make a topic on this for discussion: Who would you consider the BEST KH2 player in the world? Or if there's more than one, who are they? So just as a point of reference, when I say "best", I really just mean those who have so much experience in KH2 that they are able to accomplish feats "casual players" can't necessarily do (i.e. beat the game on Level 1 with restrictions, complete understanding of game mechanics and uses it to their advantages, playing through the game as fast as possible, etc.) Also I don't want popularity to be a factor; there are some pretty good KH2 players out there with a lot of potential as "the best" but they're not really well known because...well they just aren't. SO if you do know someone who is a god at KH2 but isn't really as well known as some of the bigger KH people, then list them down. The more the merrier One last thing: I'm referring specifically to GAMEPLAY skill, not knowledge of lore. If it was knowledge of the story, I'd have included all KH games, but for now I'm mainly interested in gameplay of KH2 specifically. So don't come listing some crazy dude who memorized every single line in every single cutscene in the entire KH series or something But yeah that's all I've got to say. Would be interesting to see some of your opinions on this
  14. aizy-boy

    Sora and Kairi

    having a date on disneyland?? ^^ i ship it!
  15. Kingdom Hearts 2 introduced Nobodies. Shells created from the most strongest of hearts. Every nobody has a heartless and longs to have a heart to feel re-complete again (in which their heart is contained by a heartless). That all changed when Kingdom Hearts 3D attacked! Xemnas stated that "Nobodies eventually grow a heart of their own over time!". So, in technicality, the definition of a nobody has changed slightly. So, I need clarification, what exactly is a nobody supposed to be post Kingdom Hearts 3D?
  16. I'm just wondering, as long as I knew it by searching via internet, Kingdom Hearts II Manga has 65 chapters, I found it in RAW version. Does anybody here know how many chapters that Kingdom Hearts II have been released so far; both in Japanese version and English Version?
  17. aizy-boy


    well this is my second post eh, stuffs i draw alot. ^^
  18. It's time for that "which Kingdom Hearts game is superior thread." In this topic, I'll compare both games by bit by bit to see what game is better in a score chart. (Respect people opinions) Let's start with plot to the gameplay. Shall we start? 1)Plot While both games have great and confusing plots, KH1 wins this round for it's simple yet complicated story. Why? Because there was much more passion and originality put into KH1. We got a story of a boy who was chosen to wield the keyblade to save worlds from utter destruction of the heartless. (and he teams up with famous Disney characters btw) KH2 almost do the same thing, but with nobodies & organisation 13 added in the mix, it's a major cluster**** throughout the story. 1+ goes to KH1. 2)Gummiship While KH1gummiship missions were ok, KH2 gummiship missions were much more better in gameplay. For example, the Gummiship building option. KH1 gummiship creator was hassle for many players. Why waste munny on making a bigger gummie ship when you can use instant transportation? In the second title, the blueprint system works much better and your more likely to make better upgraded gummie ships. Also, the pointlessness of purchasing gummie parts is fixed since the reward system is for improving your ship is put inside the use of the ship. It gives a reason to actually re-travel through the gummi ship level just to complete it for the better reward on higher difficulties. Plus, there's actually bosses (Or just unavoidable enemies?) to fight in the gummi levels. The lanes between travel paths also had more interesting designs in the KH2. As in the first title would have a collage of hoops and a few giant colored blocks. In KH2, you have planets of scenery sometimes, amazing asteroid belts, ghost vortexes, and you can even battle some of the enemies from a side view option from your ship in the second game. 1+ for KH2. 3)Keyblades While KH2 have a ton of keyblades, most were useless and badly made. Looks at rumbling rose KH1 on the other hand, had keyblade that provided some use and look pretty great. I mean, just look at the trace that Diamond Dust leaves. Just beautiful. 1+ for KH1. 4)Coliseum & Journal Coliseum tournaments in the first game were interesting and even fitted a small storyline before the extra tournaments appeared which added structure and depth into the game. You needed to use your lock-on a lot more often than just hacking away and obliterating everything. KH2 tournaments weren't that good or even praised. The tournaments mostly don't allow the use a specific attack or just don't get hit this numbers of time. (Example: You can't use forms or have party members.) It's Recoded datascape challenges all over again. Even worse, they removed the tournaments in the coliseum in favor of the underworld tournaments. btw about the journal, the Syntheses list in KH2 is so easy that its ridiculous. The game presents almost no challenge at all (unlike the first) besides filling out Jiminy's Journal which was so frustrating and time consuming. 1+ for KH1 5)Worlds 1+ for both games. Both had huge worlds that can be accessed fully. (Although you can swim in KH1 and skateboard in KH2........) 6)Gameplay Most people would choose KH2 gameplay. But in reality, KH1 has better gameplay. Why? You can't constantly spam the X and triangle in KH1. You'll need to dodge, block, attack at the right time. It's takes precision and right timing. You can't waste all your MP and expect it to refill. It doesn't happen in KH1. You need to use resources at the critical moment. That's what makes KH1 so challenging and fun. You can't spam or cheat through the game. However with KH2, it's a different story. There's no challenge expect level one walkthroughs. Most enemies can be defeated by spaming X or triangle. (The data battles and Lingering Will are a joke when spammed by Sora attacks.) Or defeated in the cheapest way possible: Forms. While Forms seem cool, they are freaking OP. You are unstoppable when using forms. Nothing can get in your way or get out. Wanna defeated a extremely difficult boss in one minute? Use a form! 100% likely chance that you will not die and make the fight look like child-play. 1+ for KH1 Now, time to check the score: KH1: 5 KH2: 2 Looks like KH1 is better than KH2 in almost ever way. (Expect gummi missions.) (But of course, you can have different opinions. If you think KH2 is better than KH1, then I accept your opinion.) Next time I'll compare BBS and DDD to see which title is better.
  19. There is nothing much to say about this picture. I just wanted to be creative and ended up with this picture ^^° But I love it
  20. http://kh13.com/forum/videos/view-675-all-trailers-of-kingdom-hearts-before-tgs2015/ I apologize for Re:Com's trailer being absent. I could not find one for it, or any usable one. Thanks for watching.
  21. Last night I had finally completed my Critical Mode level 1 playthrough for KH2FM in Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX!!I was so happy when I defeated Final Xemnas in the end! It's quite a lot of difficulty playing on Critical Mode and not leveling up at all but I managed in the end after a lot of raging and stuff It makes me kind of want to do the same for other KH games but part of me is too scared because I'm so attached to Kingdom Hearts II and it's like my no.1 favorite since I had it on PS2 a long time ago :3There's still more for me to do in my Critical LVL 1 playthrough like completing the Cavern of Remembrance and defeating Terra and many other things
  22. So recently while playing my Critical Level 1 game mode which I had completed last night ^w^ I used the Twilight Town Mansion to level Sora's Final Form up a little and for some reason I felt like the mansion was worth taking a look at in a little bit of detail. One of the first things I had checked were the painting which I found many of them were hard to make out, except for one that looked very very much like the Tea Party Garden from Kingdom Hearts 1 in Wonderland. It's made me wonder if the other painting may be other places from different worlds and if whoever owned the mansion before had traveled to these worlds themselves. Also, sorry about the image of the painting for some reason it's been flipped around ;;
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