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Nomura talks Kingdom Hearts III with Engadget‎


Engadget‎ has posted their interview with Tetsuya Nomura, as he discusses Disney worlds, gameplay, online multiplayer, and more. Nomura expresses his desire for online multiplayer and reveals that more worlds are prepared to be in Kingdom Hearts III than that of Kingdom Hearts II. Nomura also says core battle controls won't be vastly different than Kingdom Hearts II. You can read the full interview below.

The game's been teased for two years, so what's happening now with Kingdom Hearts 3?


Tetsuya Nomura: Compared to the initial first look at the game, in the trailer we're showing now, the visual aspects have evolved a lot. Not only the particle effects within the battles, but also the sheer scale of it. While the world may not be comparable to massively open-world titles, it's far bigger than previous Kingdom Hearts titles. There's a huge decrease in load times too. In previous games, you'd run to the end of an area and it would go dark before transitioning to the next stage -- now it's become seamless, as you can see in the trailer when Sora jumps off the mountain you've just battled up. The environments themselves, in KH3, things will be affected by real-time actions, a tornado spell will swirl the blades of grass surrounding it.


Given that the game is coming to PS4 and Xbox One, how are you tackling online?


TN: Online is certainly part of my wish list -- we want gamers to play for a while and an online component helps this. While we may be focusing on the main campaign at the moment, but it's not as if we're going to tack on an online function at the end. In fact, we've already got plenty of ideas brewing at the moment. However, we're still not at the point where we can test these ideas inside the main game.


Why didn't we see many Disney characters in the new game?


TN: Well, Donald and Goofy were there -- and we've announced that we're collaborating with Tangled, something we touched upon in our E3 presentation. Compared to previous titles that we folded into Kingdom Hearts, we have a lot of creators still alive. The process of gaining approvals then is pretty different. Because the animation studios are actively involved, we want to polish up anything we meet to the standards we demand, before taking it to Disney to approval. The hair of [Tangled's] Rapunzel is so unique -- we want to make sure we can realize the vision before we show it.


So how about Frozen?


TN: We're not saying anything on titles not yet announced.


Can we expect far more worlds in Kingdom Hearts 3?


TN: With every Kingdom Hearts title, we plan to deliver more worlds than actually appear in game -- so we have something in our pockets to work with. Then as we begin to hone these worlds and stages, and some do get cut. [At this point], we have prepared more worlds, in that respect, than Kingdom Hearts 2.


Any worlds that weren't realized in KH2?


TN: Man, KH2 was quite a while ago. ... Typically, worlds that we weren't able to put into a game are usually picked up again for work in the sequel. We prepare each stage, planning to include it in a game -- and we love the worlds we come up with.


Is anything going to change with how you play the game?


TN: Nothing's set in stone, although naturally, the PS4's controller has that touchpanel, and that's something we're going to have to consider within the control scheme. Coming from Kingdom Hearts 2, there won't be a huge difference in battle controls -- we're not going to change how you jump or anything -- it'll be more of an evolution. Depending on how we utilize the touchpanel, we may not need other forms of control [for certain actions].


Having said that, control preferences are different from person to person. Especially with cameras. We took an internal survey at Square Enix about this: and the result was an almost precise split, 50:50. We're going to have to look into this pretty carefully.

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I like the implication that they're trying to incorporate more modern Disney into the game (working with "a lot of creators still alive" and all). Also its great that they're consulting with the people who worked on the actual movies, hopefully that'll mean worlds that are more similar to the movies they're taken from.

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I like the implication that they're trying to incorporate more modern Disney into the game (working with "a lot of creators still alive" and all). Also its great that they're consulting with the people who worked on the actual movies, hopefully that'll mean worlds that are more similar to the movies they're taken from.

Hey, no one can do it better than the people who worked on the movie.

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Hey, no one can do it better than the people who worked on the movie.


Even so, if adaptations of the movies' plots are going to be a thing in Kingdom Hearts III, they could be a little more faithful to their original counterparts. Kingdom Hearts II was kind of a hit-and-miss in that regard.



Not only the particle effects within the battles, but also the sheer scale of it. While the world may not be comparable to massively open-world titles, it's far bigger than previous Kingdom Hearts titles. There's a huge decrease in load times too. In previous games, you'd run to the end of an area and it would go dark before transitioning to the next stage -- now it's become seamless, as you can see in the trailer when Sora jumps off the mountain you've just battled up. 


This is everything I've ever wanted. (Well, not everything, but that's pretty damn awesome.)

Edited by Flaming Lea
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More worlds than KH2? MY WISH HAS COME TRUE!

This is not surprising. The quality standards on the PS4 are far above the PS2 gen. Everything else would be dissapointing.

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Even so, if adaptations of the movies' plots are going to be a thing in Kingdom Hearts III, they could be a little more faithful to their original counterparts. Kingdom Hearts II was kind of a hit-and-miss in that regard.

Once again, no one can do it better than the guys who made the movie.

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Once again, no one can do it better than the guys who made the movie.


I'm not arguing with your point, I'm acknowledging it. And I agree that nothing can compare to the original. I'm just adding my own thoughts to that statement.

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I'm not arguing with your point, I'm acknowledging it. And I agree that nothing can compare to the original. I'm just adding my own thoughts to that statement.

I know. I'm just restating because the Disney worlds could be VERY great.

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I honestly would love for TN to add 4 player co-op, splitscreen and online for main story. Would be awesome... but very very unlikely unfortunately :P This would work well if they added a a character switching mechanic during gameplay which is one thing that is very likely to happen for this game.

Edited by Moochieh32

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I honestly would love for TN to add 4 player co-op, splitscreen and online for main story. Would be awesome... but very very unlikely unfortunately :P This would work well if they added a a character switching mechanic during gameplay which is one thing that is very likely to happen for this game.

No it's not. Donald and Goofy have never been playable, and the the only playable Disney character in any KH game is Mickey. Playable Kairi is possible.

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Notice how Nomura reacted to the Frozen question: "We're not saying anything on titles not yet announced" This could mean that it's in the game but we're not learning anything until it's announced

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This is not surprising. The quality standards on the PS4 are far above the PS2 gen. Everything else would be dissapointing.

 I know it's not surprising, but I was worried because DDD only had 7 worlds. 

No it's not. Donald and Goofy have never been playable, and the the only playable Disney character in any KH game is Mickey. Playable Kairi is possible.

Donald and Goofy were playable in 358/2 Days multiplayer.

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"There's a huge decrease in load times too. In previous games, you'd run to the end of an area and it would go dark before transitioning to the next stage -- now it's become seamless, as you can see in the trailer when Sora jumps off the mountain you've just battled up. The environments themselves, in KH3, things will be affected by real-time actions, a tornado spell will swirl the blades of grass surrounding it."



Of course, I know is not an open world but it feels the same! Amazing!

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 I know it's not surprising, but I was worried because DDD only had 7 worlds.  Donald and Goofy were playable in 358/2 Days multiplayer.

Ah multiplayer is multiplayer. I would hate if donald and Goofy were playable. They're so.... cringe worthy. -_-

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Ah multiplayer is multiplayer. I would hate if donald and Goofy were playable. They're so.... cringe worthy. -_-

In my opinion, I would love multiple playable characters in KH3, Donald and Goofy included.

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Sounds like that Nomura is making KH3 an open world game, like Arkam City.

I don't really understand how open world can work in KH, since there are multiple worlds and they all sepparated by to see impenetrable walls of light that can only be bypassed by Gummi Ships. Or Corridors of Darkness. Or Keyblades. Or magic. Maybe Semi-Open world where the world's themselves are open but still need to be accessed through a map. I will miss the area transition logos though. Maybe we'll get 20 worlds like I hoped? Maybe Mirage Arena will return and be the way it should have been in BbS? (Online multiplayer and Laguna)

Now, this is a interview!They should have ask him about KH3D HD though.

He would have just skirted around it saying "I can't say anything about that at this time but I do think it's a shame that 3D is the only Kingdom Hearts game not in HD" But hasn't Kingdom Hearts been confirmed for TGS? Since they already showed Ux and KH3 at E3, maybe they'll announce 3DHD there.

I know it's not surprising, but I was worried because DDD only had 7 worlds. Donald and Goofy were playable in 358/2 Days multiplayer.

Yeah but that was also on a hand held system with less space available than a console. They probably couldn't do 13 so they went with the other important number. Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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Yeah but that was also on a hand held system with less space available than a console. They probably couldn't do 13 so they went with the other important number.

Woah I didn't even think about that. Seven worlds, seven lights. That's awesome! Edited by JustinisMii

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