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Everything posted by Goyan-Tanuki

  1. I want a game where Kairi takes an adventure around worlds as a sorta actual training instead of the fast tracked one she took to make her a Guardian of Light. I believe it was their mistake to fast track her and Lea, she may of had training but she didn't have an hands on approach to being a Keyblade wielder which caused her to be struck down. Since she survived I think maybe that's what the point of all the build up was. She definitely can't go back to Destiny Islands now. She's a main player now in the bigger keyblade order, this side game can cement her as such.
  2. Plus on the PS4 boxes of 1.5+2.5 and 2.8 even The Story so far don't have the Only on PlayStation mark. So it seems like its been planned to not be exclusive.
  3. Neat! I'll only re-buy the games if it comes out on Steam. But cool for the Switch people and hopefully the Xbox people get them too.
  4. I sadly saw all of this coming. It doesn't seem to be as bad as the Star Wars situation. But it still does distress me to see another one of my favorite fandoms fall to this.
  5. The post game content is basically on par with the original KH2. And not the final mixes, I think the final mixes got us use to so much post game content that going back to a regular non Final mix game with not as much content was weird for people.
  6. I acknowledge this game is gonna be decisive with how some design decisions and even story ones were made. But to me overall I would say it.s right behind KH2 for me now.
  7. Even if he does fall, his will is strong! The shell will then rise.
  8. Then ask them to push it back to 2020 if anyone is so worried, then you can have all your content. Just be ready for the ire of this community when your responsible for it being pushed back again. I swear there's no helping this community sometimes.
  9. The orchestra trailer from this year where the release date was finally revealed I was there in person so it means a lot to me.
  10. There has been some speculation to Vanitas turning good. Since for whatever reason his theme is in the Heroes medley during the orchestra. Unless Nomura debunked it somewhere I didn't read. Other than that, would be a fun trio.
  11. My two ones for sure are Kingdom Key and Shooting Star. The third one however, will be depending on how I feel with the different Keyblades, Maybe Master Keeper if you can use it that is.
  12. I would like to have the Ultima Weapon KHII version.
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