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Dengeki interviews Nomura, reveals that Quick Time Events will not be present in Kingdom Hearts III


Dengeki Online interviews Tetsuya Nomura once again and through the interview, Tetsuya Nomura reveals that Quick Time Events (reaction commands) will not be present in Kingdom Hearts III. Nomura says he wants players to experience fierce battles, giving them the ability to make their own choices. Quick Time Events will not be present for any boss battle. You can view a translation of Nomura's response below thanks to KH13 member SkyKeybladeHero.

People who saw the intended battles in the trailer may have thought there were plenty of Quick Time events, but in reality, all of those moves are done by the players themselves. So Quick Time Events (when you are prompted to press a button shown in the screen to perform an especific action) won't be present this time.


With this news, are you glad of this decision to remove Quick Time Events or not? Let us know in the comments below!

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I suppose it's a good thing. There are ways to do QTEs well, like in KH2 or Metal Gear Rising, and I do like how it can make boss fights a lot more cinematic and cool, but it's probably a good idea to drop them entirely in favor of more player controlled gameplay.

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Well I liked that kind of thing in the past, but I think it will be awesome to not do that for a change in a KH game leading to players actually having to do things for themselves, and plus, now the final battle will be even more epic cause the player will be the one fighting Xehanort alongside Sora. Also if we have no QTE in this game, then that just confirms that The Little Mermaid won't make us suffer though songs and dances in this game!

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That sucks. Like I understand cutting back on them for the players that don't care as much for them, but they would have been epic for the final battles against the 13 darknesses.

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This includes reaction commands right? If so then while they were cool, I think actually doing the moves will be even cooler. xD


No, those aren't really QTE's, as such things are scripted into certain battles. You have to be skilled with the controller to always get certain RC's though, so I would say they are basically like you're doing the moves regardless. 

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I like quick time events, but I also like this.
I feel like, since we're going to be in control, the battles will be a little more challenging as well.
Even though the reaction command in quick times are gone, what about just using it to talk to NPCs? Will they leave it in for that?


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I like quick time events, but I also like this.

I feel like, since we're going to be in control, the battles will be a little more challenging as well.

Even though the reaction command in quick times are gone, what about just using it to talk to NPCs? Will they leave it in for that?


We could always have a system where we confront them and it confirms if we wanna talk to them. If it's part of the story in the world, then they probably won't make you confirm and it automatically goes to the cut scene.

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I guess this is a good thing. Reaction commands felt like I wasn't doing anything to be honest, but I still kinda like reaction commands. 

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While I do love the quick time events, this will be a good thing. Like someone said in the comments, we're gonna have more control and the battles will be more challenging. I love challenges in video games, ecspecially Kingdom Hearts!

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While I do love the quick time events, this will be a good thing. Like someone said in the comments, we're gonna have more control and the battles will be more challenging. I love challenges in video games, ecspecially Kingdom Hearts!


Sora looks over-powered, the more challenge the better!

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Well, that's disappointing. RC have been in every game since KH2 in some form, though not all resulted in QTEs, but it was so fun and cool to pull off those awesome situation-specific attacks, they made each boss battle feel more unique. And I guess this means Limit Form won't be returning since all the Limits use RCs.

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I wouldn't really call Reaction Commands QTE's, or at least, they don't feel like them to me. QTE's that I run into, are typically just the end of a boss fight or battle that you press a number of different buttons to accomplish. With the Reaction Commands it was just triangle and a lot of times, you only pressed it once for a cool 3-second fighting move. 


But I'm glad that the fighting system has become more intricate. 

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Well, reaction commands were nice while they lasted.  But if they're taken out in exchange for more challenging fights, then that's cool.

Edited by Ultimus Grid

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More challenging battles!?  Battles that will test my skill as a Kingdom Hearts player???  CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!! :D


Even though I'll miss reaction commands, I can live without them!  If it makes the battles in Kingdom Hearts III all the more engaging, and we're able to be in more control, then that's badass! :D

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One of my favorite things in KH2 were the reaction commands so this is actually kind of a disappointment, but maybe I'll like it better once I play it myself. Thinking about it, no reaction commands might make one feel like a boss fighter :D

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I'm glad because reaction commands are dumb and only serve to decrease the difficulty and skill involved in the game. Here's to stratergy!

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Oh, I liked Reaction Commands very much (because, let's be honest, some were really nice). But I think based on the things we have seen in the trailer, it might actually be much better now to have free control about it - I am very excited about them now and curious how it will look and be used in the finished game.

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*insert people crying because the developer isn't pandering to exactly what they like, as always...smh*



This is for the better, it means KH will be more challenging and, up to par with other games in that respect, and nobody can call it ''pointless button mashing'' anymore

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*insert people crying because the developer isn't pandering to exactly what they like, as always...smh*



This is for the better, it means KH will be more challenging and, up to par with other games in that respect, and nobody can call it ''pointless button mashing'' anymore

RIP Button Mashing


Or not.


*mashes them buttons to make the keyblade become a gigantic meteor*

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