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  1. While it seems a lot of fans didn't enjoy Coded or Days as much as the other games in the series, Re:Coded is personally my favorite. The level of customization with the stat matrix was particularly nice. It gave much more control to you over how powerful Data-Sora was, along with his enemies, and the Avatar sector made great use of the DS's multiplayer system at the time. While it didn't allow you to actually play together, it made for a good high difficulty challenge. I felt it at least deserved a remake rather than an HD Movie, which was mostly text anyways. I think a remake could really be successful though, although I wouldn't want it to take much development time away from the next new title. Bringing it onto a modern console (Preferably Playstation and X-box although more realistically the switch) would allow for greater accessibility and more multiplayer content. The avatar sector could be expanded to be a more social online environment, think something similar to Super Mario Maker, where you can download people's floors and add them to your collection. You might even be able to connect it to your khux avatar. It could also be a good opportunity for square to follow up on Maleficent's threat of controlling the datascape, including a playable epilogue of Data Sora and Riku fending off Maleficent when she finally gets her hands on it. Come to think of it, one of the Remind episodes in the KH3 DLC might be about Coded, maybe explaining why the darkubes look like bug blox.
  2. Hey there, everyone! It's me, Veemon, and I'm finally back, to kick, some, tail! with a brand new game! The objective of the game is for everyone to work together to name as many DIFFERENT characters from the Kingdom Hearts series as we can! From main characters, to heartless, nobodies, unversed, dream eaters, Disney characters, everyone that has appeared in Kingdom Hearts in some way. (This is excluding certain characters that only appeared on things such as the Chocobo on the Metal Chocobo keyblade, etc.) To keep it fair for everyone, and to make the game last the longest, let's limit it to one character per post. Also, if possible, try to avoid repeating characters, since the goal is to name as many different characters as we can. Let me start it off with our main character... Sora! Rock on!
  3. Announced in February, Yen Press will be releasing the Kingdom Hearts RE:Coded light novel by Tomoco Kanemaki on August 20th, 2019. The novel will be retailing for $14.00 USD/$18.50 CAN. At the moment there isn't an official cover, but that doesn't stop Yen Press from promoting the awaited light novel! See the tweet below! More information regarding the novel can be found here. The novel can be preordered from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Will you be preordering the Re:Coded novel? Let us know below! Follow us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook for updates on Kingdom Hearts news! View full article
  4. Announced in February, Yen Press will be releasing the Kingdom Hearts RE:Coded light novel by Tomoco Kanemaki on August 20th, 2019. The novel will be retailing for $14.00 USD/$18.50 CAN. At the moment there isn't an official cover, but that doesn't stop Yen Press from promoting the awaited light novel! See the tweet below! More information regarding the novel can be found here. The novel can be preordered from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Will you be preordering the Re:Coded novel? Let us know below! Follow us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook for updates on Kingdom Hearts news!
  5. Kingdom Hearts Re:coded is a remake of Kingdom Hearts coded, released on the Nintendo DS in Japan (October 7, 2010), North America (January 11, 2011), Australia (January 13, 2011) and Europe (January 14, 2011).
  6. Okay as most of us know arleady, (and for those who don't: What are you wating for!?) A new Secret Ending was added to the HD cutscenes of Re:coded in 2.5 and there are some dissenting opinions on who one of the characters is. This scene takes place between the end of Re:coded and the beginning of 3D, as you can see by the presence of Lea and Isa and the fact that Ienzo is an adult. Now I want your opinions, is the person talking to Young Xehanort in this scene a time-displaced Braig from near the end of or sometime shortly after BbS or a reconstructed Xigbar after being being defeated in KH2? Some say it's Xigbar because it doesn't make sense for there to be two of the same character. Others say it's Braig because time travel. What about you? Personally, I'm in camp Braig. Not only does he have shorter hair with no streaks but even his face is younger here than it is in KH2 and 3D. If he was reconfigured, he should still have the same amount of age on his face. PS, Sorry if this has been postedbefore, but I don't think it's ever been a poll.
  7. As in least favorite to favorite KH games. I wouldn't count the HD Remasters as separate games, even though they do have a few more bugs in comparison to the original, they're basically the same thing. For me personally, it would go something like this: 1. Dream Drop Distance - stupidly complex story, repetitive gameplay, bad balancing, bad AI, disappointing set up to KH3 2. 358/2 Days - had high expectations but story turned out to be repetitive day-by-day event of 3 characters instead of entire Org XIII. Also gameplay was clunky. 3. BBS - similar to DDD but slightly better, and story was acceptable. It still has its gameplay issues like DDD though. 4. Re:Coded - only KH game imo to have made the Command Deck system correctly, but story was boring and insignificant. Also the autoscroller stages were boring. 5. CoM/ReCoM - I liked the card system, story was well done, but the room system got repetitive after a few floors. Love the addition of Reverse Rebirth though. 6. KH1 - the purest KH game, simple and raw gameplay, excellent story+incorporation of Disney. 7. KH2 - the best gameplay in the series, decent story, super fun and replayable I don't have unchained X in there because it's a mobile game, and I played it for about a month before I got the entire gimmick down and stopped playing. I don't know, something about it just doesn't make it seem like an actual Kingdom Hearts game and I just sorta drifted away from it. Also curious cuz my opinion is kind of unpopular. I guarantee some people are ready to flame me right now for putting BBS below ReCoded, but I have my reasons. It'd be cool to see all of your opinions though
  8. You know...I've been reading comments on YouTube videos and opinions on Re:coded. Everyone seems to hate it, but I honestly liked it (at least a lot more than Days). I thought the gameplay was much more solid and enjoyable. And even if the story was weak, the game more than made up for it with the minigames and dungeon-like "breach" sequences. That's why I made this thread: if you hate Re:coded, why? Also, if you like Re:coded, you could say why as well. I'm curious.
  9. I assumed some people might've done this, but it's a really tough challenge to complete without a friend, buddy, or even family member, so I couldn't expect too many people to have done so. Anyways, I have done so. At first, (Couple of years ago) I had absolutely no skill against Data-Data-Roxas, so I stopped playing for a while. Then, I eventually came back to it, and I got 29 of the Trophies with the skill I had now. And thanks to my bro having Re:coded as well, I was able to get to 100 floors and snag that final Avatar piece. (Y'know, King Mickey's Ears? Some reward that was.) So then, I got the last Trophy Chip. It felt, good. For being one of the longest challenges to overcome, it felt pretty worth it. So how about you guys? Has anyone else gotten all 30 Trophy Chips as well?
  10. In KH Re:Coded, have you ever beaten the Data-Data Riku boss in the Avatar Sector? He looks like this: See him? (Yep, I beat him! And Data-Data-Roxas!)
  11. In the most recent Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] update, a very important new story was added. This story gives us some very important info on the Book of Prophecies. Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] is still exclusive to Japan and currently has no plans to be localized. Thankfully, you can now view the translated walkthrough below thanks to Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] team members Everglow and SkyKeybladeHero. What are your thoughts on Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] being extremely connected to the rest of series, as the Book of Prophecies in the HD version of Kingdom Hearts Re:coded from Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX? What do you think about Ephemera and that Chirithy turning darker? On a first impression it seems like Chirithies aren't so innocent after all.
  12. Now a lot of people seem to think that the only important thing in Coded/Re:Coded was the last scene, the one with Mickey and Data Sora taking to Data Namine. But can we be sure of that? What if Nomura decides to make the Datascape imperative to the plot of KH III? What if he decides the Data beings can somehow find a way into the physical worlds? It already seems that Malificent thinks she can get to Kingdom Hearts through the Datascape, what if Nomura has Xehanort get a similar idea? All I'm saying is, with the limited info we have on KH III right now, we don't really know how important Re:Coded will or will not end up being. Also, I haven't watch the cut scenes yet, no spoilers unless they're in tags okay? I want to be surprised. I'm not mini-modding, just making a personal request.
  13. Seriously, what's the point!? I'm replaying Re:Coded before I play 2.5 to make up for the lack of addictive gameplay, and I just got painfully reminded of probably the single most sour downside of the game for me. The Memory counter at the bottom right of the Command Matrix. It fills up as you add more commands, as each one contains system memory. As you get more command slots you get the opportunity to use more commands, which takes up more memory capacity. Up til the first six slots you unlock, this never really presents a problem. But once you get to your higher slots of seven, eight, and nine, as well as more powerful commands like Muscle Strike and Zantetzuken, the Memory all adds up and you are unable to leave the Matrix if you are over 100%. Now let me say that I get what the point of this limitation is. It's a balancing mechanism. In Birth by Sleep, when you unlocked more slots and powerful commands you had a limitation as well, only it was that the stronger commands tend to take up more than one slot. This made sure that you didn't spam almost every powerful command at your disposal in one battle and the trade off was more than reasonable. However, since in Re:Coded every command, no matter how powerful, takes up only ONE slot each, the Memory system recreates that trade off. Or at least it tries to. The problem with this is that by the time you unlock all slots, there's almost no point to using all of them. Each 3rd level and master type of spell or attack takes up way too much Memory % that you may as well have stuck with just having 6 command slots. You would think that it would feel no different than how BbS took up multiple slots, but in any attempt to have a properly balanced and powerful deck at higher levels, you have to ignore at least 2 or 3 slots in your Matrix. Empty slots. Just sitting there. Taunting you. Teasing you... Uh, Ahem! Anyway, I suppose in concept it's similar to BbS and 3D's system, but then that begs the question. Why not do that again instead? I'll tell you why. They wanted to reinvent the system while sticking with the cute little computer theme they have. While it's cute in areas like the Stat Matrix and the Gear Matrix where there are few or no drawbacks that really hamper on you, this gimmick when applied to something that was already a double-edged sword to begin with just feels like a smack in the face. What's more, they switched back to the BbS style in 3D, so there was almost no point to changing it anyway! But it's not the worst thing ever I guess. It just feels like more than a headache than CP was, and that was something you could actually level up! You're Memory % for your commands and your Memory gauge is SET IN STONE for the entire game. No changes, no leveling it up, no reducing %, nothing. However, I suppose one upside to this is that you can super level up 1st level magic commands that take up smaller amounts of Memory like Cure or Esuna and level them up so far that you don't really need the Curaga abilities taking up space, but it feels like such an act against nature for a KH fan NOT to use the highest level spell once they have it. But anyway, I digress. Did anybody else really have a beef with this feature other than me? To clarify, I am talking about the Command Memory feature ONLY. I'm not here to hear about how other people don't like the story or the re-use of worlds or anything like that, there are probably separate threads for those anyway. Just tell me what you think about this one feature.
  14. RajmanGamingHD has uploaded the full movie of Re:coded in English! Watch at your own risk!
  15. If anyone wants to watch Re:Coded in English early you can check it out here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ctb0Z42wt4
  16. The secret ending with Young Xehanort talking to Braig from the Re: Coded movie, I'll try to put up the other secret ending with the Tome of Prophecy soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPiCzr9YQjc
  17. So I got my CE, today and decided to put up an unboxing video of it, since it seems the people who have also gotten it early haven't done so. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kk1Jk-n6Ts Here's also some pictures of the game and inside the steelbook.
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