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Found 27 results

  1. Hello, I hope you can take away my fear. I'm doing a perfect run at KH3 and I'm afraid that I did something wrong. Initially I took the Pro Codes, I want to do the EZ Code Merits after Yozora. I am currently in the post game and have maximized Sora's stats (especially magic power). Now I'm afraid that I won't be able to do the EZ Code Challanges because Sora is too strong. Especially in the Icebreaker Challange it is important to freeze the enemies without defeating them. Do you think it's still possible to do this? Many people fight the enemies in Battlegate 0, but I read a comment that you can also do the challenge in the Grape Flan minigame with shooting star (double arrowguns; magic form). Unfortunately, the exact procedure was not mentioned. But the flans don't die immediately after you freeze them with the thrown back ice attacks, do they? Is the time enough to freeze and defeat 30 of them? Or do you know a better way/place? As I said, Sora is overpowered. Even if I activate one of the pro code that effectively resets his level back to level 1, he still has over 100 magic power. It's not about trophies for me, I want to have a complete game and have completed all the challenges. Please help me! Can you guys maybe check it in your game? Thanks!!!
  2. So I've been playing for a few hours already and something weird happened in the middle of one of the cut scenes (I won't say where or what was happening in the interest of avoiding any spoilers). Right in the middle of this cut scene when it switched from one character speaking to another all the sound stopped. No voices, no battle sounds after the scene was over, no music... Nothing. It's definitely not my system because when I save and return to my system's home screen I have sound there and I've checked my sound settings in game. Has this happened to anyone else??? If it has does the sound eventually come back?
  3. Hello! I’m wanting to replay the entire Kingdom Hearts series (1.5+2.5 PS4, 2.8, Re:Coded, 358/2 Days), but I’d like to do it while only using the default keyblade from each game (Kingdom Key, Rain Fell, etc.). Do you have any recommended difficulty modes? I’m also wanting to try and go for any secret endings, as well as defeat the secret bosses. I heard this may be an issue in BBS (during the Mirage Arena?), but I’m planning on using the “upgraded” versions of their keyblades (Ends if the Earth, Storm Fall). TLDR, is it even possible to do all that I want to do with the default keyblade and what difficulty should I do for each game? Thank You!
  4. Hello Everyone! We are currently looking for Japanese -> English translators to help contribute to the KH13 News Teams! Nothing beats being a part of the success of something you enjoy and love! We are looking for people who can give us translations of Japanese articles from popular gaming sources like Famitsu, Jump and Dengeki magazines, in addition to updates on the Japanese version of Kingdom Hearts Union x[cross]. We will provide the text for you. If you are able to translate proficiently enough to help us understand the main highlights and the essence of what is being said please apply and we can work together on helping keep our fellow Kingdom Hearts fans informed and up-to-date! • Experience is not required as we're happy to try out new people, even those who have no formal experience translating things for others • We will be taking into account your proficiency level of course, but we encourage people to try out even if they're not super confident - because even if your proficiency is not 100%, we might still be able to use your help in translating short texts for us. • You will always be credited for your work whenever your translations are used Joining the News Team as a translator has some wonderful perks, like working with fellow Kingdom Hearts enthusiasts who love giving back to the fandom with the latest news and updates, and being among the first to know any details we receive from said media outlets! This is a volunteer position. Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you! Please reply to me here or private message me on site.
  5. Hell everyone, I was wondering if some could help me out on a few questions I have. I want to get the ALL the Kingdom Hearts Manga. I've been searching online and feel like an idiot because I'm not quite sure what to order (I'm stupid, I know ) here's what I'm wondering! 1) Should I buy Kingdom Hearts Manga or Kingdom Hearts Final Mix for the first games instalment? Does it make a difference? Or should I buy both? 2) How many installments are there? So for KH1 was there four books? How many in KH2? Etc. 3) Have they made Manga adaptions of each game? So I know they've done KH1, KH2, KHCOM, KHDAYS. Have they done the others? 4) Is it worth it? 5) Is there a complete box set I can buy that will give me EVERYTHING? If someon could give me a full run down of how to have every book in English, where to buy, etc that would be amazing! And if I've missed anything you think I should know please tell me!! Many thanks! Worreth
  6. I have recently bought a Kingdom Hearts 3 Sora figure from a local convention, but I am unable to put his keyblade in his hand that was made to grip it. I've placed the blasters in both blaster hands, but I am unable to actually put the keyblade in properly. The instructions in the box were absolutely vague and no help at all. So, if someone would be kind enough, could you tell me of a way I can place the keyblade in Sora's hand, preferably without tearing his thumb off.
  7. I'll be showing you guys how to access the game. First things first, you need a Yahoo JP account in order to even start playing, so you need to get to the Yahoo site for Japan: http://www.yahoo.co.jp/ First, click on ''My Yahoo!'' You'll then be shown this. Click the green button! Another one will pop-up, click the orange button. Now, here's where things get a little tricky, Click the Japanese text I've circled here: It will take you to the sign-up sheet, which looks like this(But without my notes): Now, to make your account: Step 1: In the first box, put In your email address. In the box underneath, put in a name you want to use. Under that box, you type whatever password you want. (Tip: It doesn't have to be in Japanese at all! English passwords are 101% fine) Step 2: Alright, now, for the bit people tend to get stuck on. In the next box, titled ''郵便番号'', you have to put in a Japanese address number. In a new tab, open: http://homepage1.nifty.com/tabotabo/pzips/fukui.htm and pick a set of numbers to put in. Don't worry about the words next to them. Easy, right? (Tip: If one doesn't verify/work, you can pick another, the list is quite long.) Next, choose your gender and put in a birthday. It goes year-month-day. No spaces. Now for the dreaded captcha. Bane of the internet. This one is just numbers, so there shouldn't be any trouble. Now that you're all done putting in your info, click the yellow button. It will take you to a screen like this(Check the box and press the big yellow button): Do not press the silver button on the next page, but instead click the blue text: Now, you'll be taken to the main page, where the green button will show up again, after clicking on the green button, close the tab & go to your email There should be new email that looks like this:Now, click on the link I've circled within the email: It will take you to the log in page, put in the password you entered earlier. Now for the fun part: Go to this website: http://www.lexilogos.com/keyboard/hiragana.htm to type the characters, then copy/paste them into the captcha After typing the characters, press the yellow button. After this, you be back in the log in page. log in again. You're all done! Now to get to the game. Phew. Go to the site: http://kingdomhearts.jp/ Click on the Pink heart This part is very simple. After clicking the pink heart, you'll be taken here. Type in the name you want to use for the game where I have: Then click the button with blue around it here. (The writing there is literally just terms & conditions) After this, it will load the opening. You then create your character & pick a union. This is very easy, even without much Japanese, because the unions/character customization's simply ask you to click images. You're in. Have fun!
  8. Hey, newish player to Kingdom Hearts here. I've always been interested in the series but now with the remixes i can finally play them. So far I've been playing KH2 in normal mode, because I don't have that hands on experience of playing back on the ps2. I stopped at Port Royale to start a critical mode run because the game over all felt a bit easy, even though the absent silhouette of Larxene did kick my butt. Now I'm just getting past the Struggle part of the Roxas intro and I've been struggling a bit, I've had to sit back and play more conservatively, and I just feel like I'm not really ready for what critical has to offer at the moment. So to a new player, what do you guys recommend? Should I stick with the normal run to get a better feel for the combat or should I just go straight into critical and tough it out. I'm hoping that this will also help other new players decide what difficulty to play on, seeing as with 2.8 and 3 coming along a lot more people are starting to get into KH in general
  9. Hey, I play in the Anguis Union under the username Elena. Up until recently I was in a party called Kassy run by my friend who accidentally deleted her game and had to start over so she created a new party. I'm looking for players who were in that party-especially one who uses the name "evilgrunt". We miss you guys and are hoping to get you into the new Party. If you are one such player please post your username and ID so I can add you to our new party! Thanks guys
  10. So after a very complicated/busy time i have finally found time to play some video games but now i have a problem i have to many games that i want to Platinum / 100% complete but i always seem to get bored quite often when playing the same game. i used to believe that i could complete a game 100% in one playthrough, now i know that, that is quite hard in some and impossible in others without grinding and playing multiple playthroughs so i ask do you guys have any tips / advice on how to grind efficiently and not get too bored? the list: some i have finished, but not 100% Tales of Symphonia Chronicles ( finished symphonia 1 ) : Need to Grade Grind/Level Grind in Symphonia 2 Tales of Xilla ( Finished ) : ^Grade Tales of Xillia 2 ( Almost finished ) : ^Grade Tales of Hearts R ( Almost finished ) : ^Grade Hyperdevotion Noire ( Lily Ranks ) : Need to Get Every character to 100 friendship when there are 30 characters and each kiss grants 1 Atelier Ayesha ( 2nd Playthrough ) : Multiple Endings I know each game is different but is there a way to make the grinding a little more bearable. Thanks!
  11. I'm trying to beat Zack in Terra's Story, but he keeps on doing that omnislash attack on me which is a one hit kill for me. Help? I can't pass Olympus Coliseum without beating him.
  12. Hey guys. Not like this is important, but Ive been playing Kingdom Hearts since the first one came out. And I'm not sure why I'm just making an account. But anyways. To the actual topic. Recently I was in my local Best Buy store, and I came across this. I did notice how the release date said 12/31/15. And to be honest, I think it's there just because they needed to put some kind of date on the software. But I still think it should be a part of a discussion, because I know I have heard of other people coming about similar things.
  13. Hi I have beat Kingdom hearts 2 final mix a few times now and I am getting bored with it.I have tried everything from actionreplay,to codebreaker,pnach files,and EmuHaste. Can someone please tell me how to get this to actually work. Pnach does nothing,codebreaker just crashes my game,and actionreplay doesnt load the disc.Please someone tell me how to make this work!
  14. Hey guys, I need some help. I'm trying to come up with a cool username for my YouTube channel. Words that I like are Jared and King. I would like for the username to have something KH related or something. Or help me come up with a new word to be a username! Idk haha, but it'd be cool if you guys helped me out
  15. So, I just beat the Final Episode last night. I've unlocked the secret episode (I'm on critical mode, btw), but I'm kinda confused on what to do. I know that anything I obtain in Final episode does not transfer to my Aqua save, and I assume the same goes for the Secret Episode. I'd also assume that my level at the end of the Final Episode is what it will be in the Secret Episode (since it was directly after that I made my secret episode save). I'm currently level 34, with most of my abilities unlocked (not all are maxed out, though). So I've got some questions that I can't seem to find the answers to. 1) Am I prepared for the Secret Episode? I don't want to do any level grinding, command melding, or ability gaining in that file since none of it will transfer and I can't leave the RoD. (I realize I'll probably gain levels just from fighting enemies, but I don't want to do any extra work beyond that.) 2) Would it be better to fight the secret bosses and do the arena on my Final Episode save, or my Aqua save? Are the secret bosses even available on the normal Aqua save? I'm leaning towards the Aqua save being better since I can't access Radiant Garden in the Final Episode, and I can always just unlock the Final Episode again... 3) Aside from that one keyblade (I don't remember what it was called, it's blue and looks kinda like waves), is there anything else exclusive to the Final Episode? Thanks for the help.
  16. Im gonna try to describe this as detailed as possible. When it comes to fan art or just art on Deviantart I see a lot of drawings with a really cool shadow or fading on the skin, hair, clothes, eyes and simply everything on the drawing so it looks exactly like this photo of Ventus with the shade of shadows. I have Photoshop and Ive tried to do the same but it never turns out with that cool skin shadow/fade that Im trying to do. Ive seen that there are people here on the site that does draw or paint and Im asking you guys how do I do this. I really want to learn how to cause it could make my drawings so much better than they are. I hope I described it as easy as possible I would be really grateful if someone would help me out.
  17. Can anybody tell me what to use to beat Ansem on standard mode?
  18. Like 5 days ago at 8 AM I walked outside of my house and literally said "Oh no". I usually think these things when I'm walking or alone, but I never say it outloud when im alone so thats when I know there is a problem. I was also late to school because the wind kept on preventing me from walking to my goddamn school. Its too cold. Its not even snowing when it rains! Like what the hell is even going on? Why is it like a tundra the past 5 days? Did the ice age already start? Like I can't even stand staying outside at all, its a death sentence! The minute I step outside I feel like I'm about to literally become an ice cube like a caveman in antartica and my hands are uncooperative during and a hour after cold times. Does anyone else really just hate the weather now? Also hows your life Canadians, are you used to the cold or did it just get worse?
  19. So i have just finished a secret KH project and almost everything is done the only thing that's missing is voice actors for Riku and Xehanort. Don't worry the characters only have one line per character and since this project is a trailer that will run on around 1:55 to 2:10 minutes will be really easy for the lines. I really need help to finish this project and I thought posting it here where we all are KH fans would maybe help me I would be really grateful. Here are the lines Riku's voice must sound very serious like the Ansem/Riku in KH1 Line Riku: Sora join me into darkness so we can save Kairi! For Xehanort's line the voice must sound really deep like Xehanort and must be said like really creepy. Line Xehanort: All the hearts are born into darkness as they will die in darkness. For whoever chose to do the voice for one of these characters will be credited in the credits of the trailer that will appear at the end of the trailer where all the voice actors will be credited. Must include: your voice must be very clear and no blurry sound in the background. Speak so that you can be heard because the trailer's music is pretty loud. The trailer features CGI scenes from the KH franchise and includes Passion from KH2. However the logo and some visual effects are made by me since I work in After Effects program. For whoever wants to voice for one of these characters must send me a mp3 file of the person doing the voice so I can add it later to the project. Send me the mp3's as fast as possible so that there won't be any delays on my email sebma@live.se You can also find out more information of this project on http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/members/IwasBornAsVentus/casting-call/If-Kingdom-Hearts-Was-A-Disney-Movie/ Here's the logo I made
  20. there was this fanfiction i read a year ago and i wasn't able to finish it but i cant find it, i was wondering if someone on here might be able to help me :x i read it on fanfiction.net, it was a RikuxOC based fanfic, it had crossovers between the KH characters and FF characters, and the fanfic was pretty long. Tifa was the OC's (i cant remember her name) caretaker and the OC's father didnt care about her and only cared about money and success, and ends up trying to pair up the OC with Vanitas, who turns out to be a psychopathic stalker dude but while this is happening, the OC becomes friend with Riku, Sora, Roxas, Kairi and Namine (i think), and theres all this tension between the OC and Riku. ohh, and the fanfic has a sequel, too If anyone knows what the name of this fanfiction might be and would be willing to tell me, i would be so thankful, i've been searching for it for months ;-;
  21. So i was on tumblr the other day, and for once i wasnt overwhelmed with epic craycray. And as some of you know, im a rather new digital artist. And i decided that i want to make an ask blog. BUT. IM TORN AS TO WHICH CHARACTER(S) I SHOULD ROLEPLAY AS. I'm not sure if i should RP as a couple from the KH fandom (if i did i would do Roxas and Xion) Or if i should RP as Len and Miku (vocaloid) And there's the fact that im a fire emblem awakening fan, so i also want to do a whole RP with my (supposed) children Lucina and Morgan. (I'm a girl. I married chrom. hehehe) but the problem with that fandom is that im afraid that my ask blog would interfere with other people's headcanons. Could you guys help me choose between the three? Roxas and Xion Len and Miku Lucina and Morgan Or if you know me well enough (i doubt any of you do...was that offensive? sorry) you can suggest someone/a couple that i could roleplay as.
  22. Hello, I am new to this site and hope I am posting this is the correct section. Just recently I had an idea for a new OC and I would like everyone's opinions to help make sure I am not making a mary-sue due to the backstory I have for her. This idea is still very fresh so I apologize if I do not have enough information to help form a solid opinion. My OC is from an original world that is taken by the heartless when she is about 9 years old. While most refugees end up in Traverse Town or a second world of my own creation, this character ends up at Olympus Coliseum, more specifically the outskirts of the playable area and near Medusa's Grove. This Medusa is based off of the one from the Animated Hercules series; a benevolent, lonely young gorgon around Herc's age who just wants friends. Basically my idea was for my OC to be brought up by Medusa and otherwise live a somewhat secluded life with her. They look out for one another and develop something of a sisterly bond. Now in the animated series, Medusa is given sunglasses that prevent her from turning mortals to stone when she looks at them. Whether or not the animated series canons are in the Kingdom Hearts story I ultimately got rid of the glasses (having them broken in a battle or something along those lines). I did this because I wanted to make it an important plot point to Medusa and my OC's relationship that Medusa can not look at her. This really builds up the trust between them and prevents my character from learning or really developing certain skills (such as reading and writing which she never learned on her home world). So my concern is that, even though Medusa is a minor character and non-existent in the Kingdom Hearts universe thus far- does it make my OC a Mary-Sue to basically be brought up by her? My character has no real influence to the canon story or plot of any of the Kingdom Hearts games, she's more a less just a character who goes with the flow of things and never really interacts with any of the major characters. Please share with me your thoughts and opinions, thank you.
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