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  1. Master's Report: Final entry Y'know, I'm really going to miss doing this. I'll be sure to continue this in the future, when I'm not a heart in a box and I actually have hands again. Destiny, its a funny thing. No I mean really, thinking that you're in control of where you are going when its already been pre decided is hilariously delusional. Destiny, its a funny thing. So its done then, I have done my best to make sure everything happens as the book described. I've heard their snickers and snarly remarks, “Oh the Master, he's so wacky, he is so chilled out, he doesn't seem to care.” I've wanted to let them know that this is all happening according to my design and that its actually already happened, but I've been silently laughing to myself about it, so there's a minor victory. Destiny, its a funny thing Oh and speaking of victory, I have given the key to the kid and told him about his “role”. You should have seen the look on his face when I gave him the keyblade and only told him it had an eye in it after he was already holding it. As I thought though, he quickly grasped what its purpose is, he knows what he needs to do and he also understands that its already been written, he's already fulfilled his role and the war hasn't even started yet. Destiny, its a funny thing. And with all that my homework is done, its time for me to make myself scarce and set these wheels turning. Shame I won't get to see the madness of the keyblade war, but hey, there's always next time. Oh and don't worry, I told him about the whole meteor shower thing. Once his apprentice unlocks the door to other Worlds, the boundaries between them will break and crash down. I've told him to make sure they are somewhere there won't be so much collateral damage, an island perhaps? Destiny, its a funny thing. ~ The Master ~~~~~ “Destiny. It's a funny thing.” The man in the black hooded robes thought to himself. His name was Luxu and this was his role. Take the keyblade with him, make sure it is passed down, a journey which led him here, where there were no shortage of skilled wielders. Either way he had to be here. It was his destiny. “Luxu!” A young girl's voice he recognised shouted and a bright coloured keyblade swooped past his hood as he sidestepped from harm's way. Turning to face her “Ava! Do you see? This! This is the Master's will!” He shouted back and raised his own keyblade in preparation to battle. Ava recognised the distinct keyblade. The stark contrast of the darkness inside it to hers which materialised from the light within her own heart and illuminated with warm colours to reflect that. “Y-you're the traitor! Where is the master?!” She was angrier at him now than she had ever been. Her tone didn't match her soft pink robes. She didn't give him time to answer before she struck at him again. The two exchanged clashes, fitting in with the countless armoured soldiers all around them who were all doing the same. The sound of metal blades striking each other filled the air. Ava and Luxu continued their battle among the screams and flashes of colour as magic shots of fire and ice dashed around, scorching some soldiers, freezing others in spot until their enemies shattered them with a follow up hit. Blocking Luxu's retaliating strike, the two were locked in place. “I have to do this! If you believe in our master you would let me!” Luxu shouted, the two of them grunting as they tried to force the other to lose balance. “But you're risking everything in the process!” Ava shouted. There was a plea in her voice now. Maybe it wasn't too late. Maybe she could change the future. But destiny cannot be changed. The blast from the X-blade shattering was like an earthquake, with the destructive blast radius of a large bomb. The light expanded like an orb, it tore through everyone in its path, shutting off their hearts instantly. And as the blades and their owners fell, as the light encompassed them, so too did Ava. The last of the foretellers was dead. Luxu stood before the chaos. The last few armoured keyblade wielders were still clashing away with their massive key shaped weapons. The sound as the metal clanged, the swishing with every swing, it was a familiar sight and sound to Luxu. The warriors were locked in their duels despite the carnage as the shock-wave took out each and every one of them, tearing through their armour, leaving them and their blades littered across the barren brown grounds. Then the last remaining keyblade wielders were extinguished like the rest mid combat. Knowing his own destiny was at times a tool Luxu used for his own benefit, knowing fate already determined he would survive this while at others he despised it. This wasn't a game, this was his life and yet here he was, at the fated lands, observing the war just as it was written in the book. After the last keyblade fell with a thud and the clanging of its armour clad owner, there was an eerie quietness and Luxu was now stood under a dark but starry night sky, the bright blue hue radiating from Kingdom Hearts lit up less of the sky as the giant heart shaped moon deconstructed, clouds covering where it once was. He stabbed a dark kayblade into the ground, the blue orb with the strange marking toward the key shaped blade at the end facing forwards at the scene in front of him. His master had told him the importance of this keyblade, the orb was called The Eye, it recorded events it witnessed and wrote them into a mysterious book called the book of prophecies. The grounds were littered with discarded armour, broken and battered keyblades and the mountains. The eye had a good view of the events, the X-blade that materialised and shattered, the summoning of Kingdom Hearts itself and the devastation the keyblade war had left behind. He stood with his hood up, that mysterious box he had been given and told never to open, which he now understood why. And two small children who had also survived. After the war had ended, he had found them asleep just near where he was. Their hearts had been damaged by the blast that erupted from the X-blade but they were alive. “But which one do I choose?” He thought to himself. But he knew the book of prophecies existed already. He hated that book. He hated being a prisoner to his destiny, he could have control over it if he had the book which foretold events yet to transpire. Whatever choices he thought he was making were just illusionary to him. He sensed the light and the dark within people, that's why the master had picked him for this role. And he sensed an equal balance of light and darkness in these two boys respectively. Whether the keyblade would be passed down to the light or the darkness was his choice to make as long as he kept the blade away from them for now. He let go of the hilt and in a flash of dark energy the keyblade vanished. “Come on you two. Let's get you home.” He reached a black glove covered hand out and summoned a portal of darkness, the black and purples coursed through it. He picked up the two young children who were still asleep with one arm and the box he dragged by the handle with his spare hand. “May my heart be my guiding key.” He said to himself as he stepped through into the darkness. And with that the only living things in the area were gone. That land would become the fated place for a war that was still yet to come as per the book of prophecies foretelling. But for now it would be aptly written into history as the keyblade graveyard. ~~~~~~ It was mid morning, although the sun light suggested afternoon as it shone into the room via the massive window, open to allow a small breeze in that made the curtains that laid over them drift but not enough to disrupt the game of light chess being played between the two young boys. A variation of chess where the goal is to get your king in the raised platform in the centre of the board, who has the most strong pieces on the board when they do so wins the game. The light white pieces being moved by a young pre teen boy in a white robe, fair skinned with dark blue shaggy looking hair that matched the colour of his eyes. This gave the other boy the opportune time to bring up the subject. “Have you heard of the ancient keyblade war?” The other boy asked. As he moved one of the black pieces. His skin was more tanned, his grey hair struck out against it as did his distinct golden yellow eye colour. His hair spiked toward the back and the rest neatly hanging around his face. Xehanort was very interested in talking about forbidden subjects, despite Eraqus''s dismissive attitude every time he did. “Yeah. The master's favourite story.” Eraqus sounded like he was starting to get a bit fed up of hearing Zehanort talk about these things. Although he believed them to be true. “So, you know the lost masters then? They are the ones who started the keyblade war.” Xehanort continued to probe, hoping Eraqus would slip up one time. “Never heard of them.” Eraqus replied, but the moment of silence before he did was telling. Besides Xehanort already knew the truth anyway. It frustrated Xehanort that Eraqus always acted ignorant, he was the only person he could talk to about these things he studied so intensely. “...You can drop the facade.” Xehanort said. The two of them moved chess pieces around as they talked, strategically sliding them even during mid sentence. They knew each other's playing style well. Xehanort always was a little more aggressive, trying to take pieces without worrying too much about what comes next, this often would allow Eraqus to make a crucial move at the right moment to beat his opponent. “Well keyblade war or not, the world exists today in a balance of light and dark because of them.” Eraqus said. The boys were almost tied in their game, an equal number of pieces and powers on the board. “But what if it happened again? And this time more darkness is left over?” Xehanort picked up a king piece and moved it forward into a position that would force Eraqus to either lose the game or to call a stalemate. “On that land, shall darkness prevail and light expire. The future... Its already been written.” Xehanort looked over at the door in front of him and then up past the golden frame and up to the plaque above it. The plaque matched the frame of the door in golden colour, seven large keys protruded from the middle at the bottom half, 13 small, sharp looking symbols he didn't quite recognise but knew represented the darkness on the top. In the centre of it all, the master's keyblade which he had heard the master refer to as No Name. The keyblade was still in great condition, its sharp edges and menacing dark glossy finish as menacing looking as ever. Eraqus noticed Xehanort look over at the blade but he remained focused on the game in front of him. Seeing a flaw in Xehanort's move. “Who's to say I can't change it. And maybe light will prevail.” He spoke calm and surely as he moved his king piece to the square Xehanort's had just moved to. Picking it up and moving it off the board as he did so. “There's more to light than meets the eye.” Victorious again in their game, he looked up at Xehanort as intensely as he had at the game board. “You might be surprised.” Xehanort returned the look but with a smirk and cockiness to his voice “Oh I hope so.” The two kings, one of dark and one of light were now in the raised platform facing each other. There were equal numbers of light and dark pieces remaining on the board. ~~~~~~ Ten Years Later ~~~~~~ There were slow and calm crashes as the water folded in on itself, echoed by ripples as it calmly flowed back out to sea. The only other sounds were the slight wind breeze and the squawking of the seagulls that sat atop of the trees that adorned the shining golden sands of the shore of Destiny Islands. The look on the young teenager's face was a vacant one as he watched the waves drifting to and fro from the shoreline, his black boots as close to the water as he could stand without getting them wet. He bit the inside of his bottom lip and his expression changed to one of deep thought, as if he was oblivious to the lush tropical island environment that was around him. For his mind was not on this World, as it often was it was somewhere else that day. The young man looked up from the waves and into the sunset horizon, the clouds furthest away shone more red the closer to the setting sun they were and through the breaks in them a light blue, fading almost to purple as the evening sky began to fade to night. He brought his hand up, brushed some loose strands of his long sliver hair away from his tanned skin, joining the rest of his slick and brushed back hair. "This World is just too small." He said to nobody. He hadn't been aware that his own thoughts had become audible. The sounds he was used to hearing every evening were joined by an unfamiliar one that evening. Shuffling. It sounded like a blanket being dragged slowly across the sands, inching closer to the young man who remained motionless, eyes and mind still focused on the forever fluorescent horizon before him. It was so far away and yet today it felt closer than ever. Although the sound became more apparent to the young man as it grew closer, something was peculiar about it, it wasn't his acquaintances with whom he shared this Island paradise, even entertaining them with the notion they were his friends. For there were no footsteps to be heard. The shuffling stopped as the sound gets next to him next to him. And to his left he could now hear the sound of a robe flapping lightly with the sea breeze. Slowly, looking irritated that his concentration into the endless space was broken, he turns toward the brown robes that stand to his left. The hooded robed figure didn't say anything at first. And more eerie than that, Xehanort could not make out any facial features at all. He looked harder, almost as much concentration as he had shown to the ocean and the sky. Still nothing. Almost as if inside the robes awaited pure darkness, ready to swallow the World whole should it leak out. A deep sounding voice boomed from within the space where a face should be "This World has been connected." No sign of any expressions, its arms, if it even had any remained inside its pockets, and it was hunched over as if the it carried a tremendous weight on its shoulders. "What did you just-" Xehanort wasn't able to finish his question and his usual calm and collected composure was broken for the first time in as far back as he could remember. "Tied to the darkness. Soon to be completely eclipsed." The robed figure continued on. Xehanort had spent years researching the light and the dark the made up this World and the many others that he was certain must of existed beyond his own. Perhaps this being had come from one of them. He had felt the shift as his tranquil home had slowly been infested with darkness. It seemed to pour from that mysterious cave on the raised ledge just behind where he stood now, next to the crashing waterfall with its crisp and clean water. The cave that the Islanders sometimes dared each other to go into. Even Lightning, the bravest of the children on the island had not explored deep enough in there to find what was at the end. But Xehanort had. His expression returned to a more calm one, if this being was to attack him, it surely would have done so already. And the times he had spent training for battle with the other young people on the island made him a competent fighter anyway. "The door in that cave." He said, half asking, but half making a statement that he knew what the mysterious figure was talking about. He could feel the gaze of his eyes meeting another's even though no eyes looked back at him. "Perceptive. You have realised that door is no ordinary door." The figure's tone was calm but cunning. And he was right, that door was far from ordinary. It didn't belong in an otherwise empty cave that otherwise only contained growing fungi and mushrooms and rocks. It didn't belong in this World. The yellow markings that swirled on the perimeter, just before the edges of the frame. The door was wooden but no matter what Xehanort had tried he couldn't break or open it. "It can lead you to other Worlds." The figure continued. They both turned toward the horizon together. Xehanort took a breathe and steadied himself before he replied "Why are you telling me this?" he asked, "Your destiny." the figure spoke back. "It lies far beyond this World, it lies far beyond even many others." It knew that Xehanort's curiosity would easily earn his trust. Xehanort smiled, a small laugh to himself which he kept inside. "Hm. My destiny is my own to create." He dismissed the figure now. Who was he to tell Xehanort what his destiny was? No one has control over that. "But destiny is never left to chance." The voice was starting to become familiar to Xehanort now. "Did you come from another World? Who are you anyway?" Xehanort turned towards the figure again. The brown robes shuffled around to meet his look. Slowly it pulled one arm out and held a limbless figure of an arm out toward Xehanort. The darkness swallowed Xehanort as it rushed out of the robes, it filled him and rushed through his body. Through his feet, all the way to his head, he struggled to breathe, it was like poison that filled him until he couldn't see as it made its way through his head and eyes. And then he could see. Images of what was to come raced through his mind. Faces he didn't recognise, was yet to meet. And fantastical landscapes and Worlds. Figures in black robes that at once were familiar and yet strangers to him. Three armoured warriors, one noticeably shorter with those ancient weapons that the Master had told him about the key shaped blades, just like the one that was back at his home one the wall in the Islands minus the insignia of the eye the blade without a name had. And then the darkness took over his mind and that was all he saw. When Xehanort next awoke it was another tropical and sunny day on the Destiny Islands. The same beautiful sounds filled the air, the same horizon that teased a World beyond this one to Xehanort. It took a moment for his even his golden yellow eyes to adjust to the light. But he knew what he had to do today as soon as he was himself again. "Thirteen seekers of darkness...." He turned toward to cave, the sand crunched beneath his boots as he walked toward it, up the shore, leaving behind the beaut of the island as he stepped further toward it. The sound of the waves were quiet now, louder was the breeze rushing in to the cave, Xehanort pushed aside some vines that he had placed over the top of the entrance to obscure it from the others. And then he ducked down and entered the cave. As he walked down the winding path, small insects curried away from where his next step would be. The scratching of them as they scattered up the walls was the only sound. "All World begin in darkness." He said to himself in thought as he walked further down the creepy path. "And all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it. It grows, consumes it. Such is its nature." Xehanort was now stood in front of the mysterious wooden door. Himself and the other small lizards were the only beings. No sign of the robed figure. Xehanort held his arm out, made a half fist and in a flash of darkness, he summoned the No Name keyblade. Now rightfully his, no longer belonging to his master. "In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came!" He swung the tip of the blade toward the door and a light beamed out from it, it connected with the door. And both Xehanort and the door and the blade glowed a bright gold hue. Then he was gone. And the door remained exactly as it was before. Back at home, Luxu looked up at the wall and at the blank white where the No Name keyblade had once been. Finally his role was over, now it was up to Xehanort to take the keyblade of darkness, it belonged to whoever was the strongest ally of the darkness, it sensed it within them and was drawn to it, like a moth to a bright light. The gathering of the thirteen had begun and with that, the master's return and the second keyblade war was set to happen. That night, there was a meteor shower. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. May the fork be with you. And a knife. Itadakimasu~
  3. So, I'm new to this forum. But I thought, what's a better way to kick of my profile than to share some of my artworks? \(^-^)/ Fantasy Dream - Wallpaper This one I created a few months ago. And It's arguably the one I'm the most proud of. Download 4K version on DeviantArt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGVVY_5b98c Starry Sora - Wallpaper This one is fairly recent. I found a cool looking illustration of Sora online. And thought that it would look pretty cool if it was made out of stars on the nightsky. Download 4K version on DeviantArt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvbsKPv18LQ A Scattered Dream - Wallpaper This one is also fairly recent. I don't have much to say about this one. I was just bored one day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Download 4K version on DeviantArt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ExSOGaccrQ Sora's Keyblade - 3D Render This one has taken me a long time to create. It's created and rendered in Cinema 4D. Download 4K version on DeviantArt I also made a dedicated thread for the Keyblade model (Added April 5th 2018) Sora imagining himself at the beach - Wallpaper A combination of 3D rendering and Photoshop magic. A satisfying result. Download 4K version on DeviantArt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36H-Wn0fv_E (Added April 20th 2018) Twilight Memory - Wallpaper I've wanted to create a Roxas themed one for a long time. And I finally got around to do it. Download 4K version on DeviantArt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmYdLJ3v-K8 I hope you guys like them! \(^-^)/
  4. The sensation came to Vanitas every time he was unprepared for it, when he was the recessive part of Ventus that he hated most, vulnerable. Over time the feeling became more overpowering, it would channel through his body like the very darkness that he had been created from. Only he didn't recognise this as darkness. No he couldn't be weak. He couldn't think about her. The feeling intensified, it raced through him up and down, never finding a heart to rest in and so came to a still at the usual place, his mind. Vanitas had done well to ignore this feeling and brush it off as a weakness that would disappear when he one day finally defeats his weaker self, Ventus. Oh how he hated the name. But lately he had found it difficult to think about that, or to even focus on the task Master Xehanort had set for him. How could he when his mind was plagued, infested with thoughts of her. Her who he was told to forget, whose name Vanitas only knew from his time spent in the shadows watching Ventus spar with her, learning his keyblade fighting techniques so that they could one day be used against him. But whose name would stay in his mind. Her name was Aqua. Itch. She was nothing more to him than collateral damage, a pawn in the game. She would serve as the stepping stone for Terra's darkness to take over and allow Master Xehanort's plans to take form. And yet she had a strong connection to Ventus. Weak, insignificant and a tool that will eventually lead to the forging of the X-blade. And above all that, he was Vanitas's enemy. Every time he mentioned her, Master Xehanort was besides himself - for years Vanitas had showed no signs of light in him, he showed nothing but hatred and anger and resentment. Every day he handled the missions he was given with brutality, he had a vicious fighting style, overpowering his enemies by channelling the darkness in him. Why was he letting this weakness in? It happened more often lately and it happened today. Vanitas woke early as per his Master's demands. "Awaken Vanitas!" the old Master Xehanort said. "Every minute that you sleep, Ventus grows more powerful than you do." Vanitas was up in an instant, donning his mask and armour and ready for a battle within minutes. "Not a chance, Master." he said, calm and getting increasingly cocky in his confidence as his powers and abilities were growing, becoming more of an asset to his master. "Oh really? Then we can skip the formalities. Show me what we went over yesterday before we begin today's assignment." Master Xehanort said and with a wave of his white glove covered hand an unversed was spawned into the training room. But itch itch, her image returned to Vanitas again. Like a bad itch he would never be able to scratch off. He thought about her as he struggled to fight against the unversed enemies, his dark powers failing to destroy them as they usually did, merely wounding instead. She was the same girl he saw sparring with Ventus that day at the land of departure. The same one he met. As he observed how Ventus was fighting he saw her, her blue eyes and her blue hair, she carried herself strong, her keyblade fighting style was as majestic as it was masterful. She made her swings look like choreographed dances at times, but her use of magic and strong attacks made her more stronger than her beautiful appearance would let on. After the two of them had battled, Ventus left and went in to speak to Master Eraqus. And Aqua remained outside, she was stitching together was Vanitas could only see as good luck charms. As Vanitas gazed upon her, he saw her not as an enemy but as something else, he wasn't quite sure, a friend? Something more? Either way it was a far cry from the hate and fiery aggression that filled him just a moment ago. And when she spoke to him her voice was soft and calming, not at all like the viciousness he received from his Master, Xehanort. But he appreciated it. His master punished him to make him stronger. Stop thinking of her Vanitas. Stop the itching. Stop the scratching. And yet as Vanitas readied his keyblade against the unversed in front of him, itch itch, the feeling returned to him again, striking him harder than his physical swishes of the blade were to the unversed, he channelled the feeling and used it as power believing it would help to soothe the itch in his mind. A bright blue beam of water shot out of his keyblade, the edges of the blade raised toward the creature. The blast shot across the room, it took the unversed with it and pinned it against the wall and then both the water and the unversed were gone in an instant. Master Xehanort's menacing grin turned to a frown of anger his expectant look turned briefly to one of confusion and then back to anger, he knew this magic. Light. Vanitas was supposed to be created from pure darkness, why had this happened? No. This plan was years in now, Master Xehanort knew his destiny, he knew that Vanitas and Ventus must clash. But the light had to stay away from Vanitas. "There you see! She makes you weak boy! She sees you as the enemy she uses this against you." But she hadn't. She was kind. She cared and she always put her friends before herself. The short amount of time Vanitas had spent with her before Master Xehanort disallowed him to see her any more was a happy one. Don't talk to her, don't see her, don't even think about her, those were his instructions to him. The radiance of her soul and heart made him stronger. SLICE! "AH!" Vanitas was so wrapped up in his thoughts of her that he didn't notice Master Xehanort had summoned in another unversed. The creatures sharp claw slashed at his arm holding the keyblade. He slammed the blade down in frustration. The pain had at least cleared his mind of the thoughts he was having but it didn't take long for them to return. But the unversed in front of him was destroyed by Master Xehanort, who had approached the area Vanitas was fighting. Vanitas felt the wind swish past him as the tip of Xehanort's No Name keyblade passed his face. And yet through all this, the itch persisted in his mind. She would be taking her Mark Of Mastery exam soon and with that Vanitas and his master's plan would finally begin. All the training, all the physical and mental attacks from his master, they would be all leading up to this. He had the light, the feelings for her beaten out of him by his master enough now. He hated her and yet he did not. Why did he have to hate her? Was it an extension of his hate for Ventus? Was it a reflection of the hate that had consumed Master Xehanort? If I have faith that says to a mountain "jump" and it jumps but I don't love, I'm nothing. Did he love her? No he couldn't. He was born from darkness. So then why did he feel powerful when he thought of her in a warm and positive light? The only thing he was certain of was that he either wanted to be with her or for these cursed thoughts to leave him for good. For a moment his mind had left the room but was bought back into it as the metal smashed into his ribs. Screaming out in pain, he barely had time to react any further before he saw her there again, this time Aqua smiled at Vanitas, just as she did that day and she spoke to him, his vision and hearing was blurred even within his mind but he understood what she was saying "It's okay. You can lose yourself to the darkness, I'll be there to get you back." And with that the No Name keyblade pierced Vanitas this time in the chest. The last thing Vanitas saw was a blue light leaving him, it coursed through the keyblade and into the gazing eye that trademarked the hilt. When Vanitas awoke some time later, the itching had stopped. Only now it felt like it had never been there. Forgotten in a dark void with Ventus's other weaknesses that had been destroyed from him. He hurt but he couldn't remember why. "Vanitas?" Xehanort looked at him expectantly "Yes, Master?" He replied, gathering his breath and slowly standing. "Do you remember her?" Vanitas looked confused, who in the World was his master talking about? "Aqua?" "Yes boy. What is her use to us?" Xehanort knew of course but he needed to hear it from Vanitas. "She is our enemy along with Terra... And Ventus. Terra's destiny will lead her to hers. And I will destroy Ventus myself. The X-blade will be ours!" And Master Xehanort could no longer sense that light, that weakness within Vanitas had gone. No more scratching. No more itch. "At last. You are ready." Vanitas's training was complete.
  5. Here I will be discussing a topic that I believe deserves more attention than it's been given. The leveling system in Kingdom Hearts 3 is a huge topic of discussion amongst the Kingdom Hearts Community, yet not many people have decided to jump in and tackle the idea head on. So, I bring to you a complete analysis and concept design for the leveling system, keyblade transformations, forms, and much more! I put 48+ hours of work into this video so if you enjoyed this video feel free to leave a like to help support my channel and content. Thank you so much for watching
  6. Tagline: "Water...Lost, in Darkness...so too...is both Wind and Earth...hear the stories, of both Wind and Earth respectively, the stories...of Ventus and Terra." ???-"...Hmm...they should be located, right, around...HERE! AH HA! FOUND ONE OF THEM!" Looking over a very both shocking and surprising unconscious sleeping Ven, laying on the ground was a both strange and mysterious Rabbit like creature, of whom resembled a certain friend of Ventus' back within the Realm of Light. Theme Song: https://youtu.be/cYow0rJXhj4. Opening Description: The Opening Intro Video starts off with a Recap of Terra, Aqua and Ventus falling down their shared Dive to the Heart towards Ven's Station of Awakening, afterwards we see Ven, as a shooting star within the sky that soon abruptly lands within the Realm of Darkness, awaking from his long slumber, as Ventus is immediately attacked by Unversed that proceed to knock him back, even when after summoning his Keyblade, the Wayward Wind, seen gloating over Ventus is his Dark counterpart Vanitas unmasked, summoning his own Keyblade the Void Gear to prepare to destroy just exactly like when he tried during their very 1st encounter crossing Keyblades with one another, it is then saving Ventus from his demise was a silhouette of King Mickey revealed to actually be Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, wielding a Keyblade of Darkness called the "Shadow Chaser" ("Phantom Chaser" in Japanese), using his Dark Keyblade, Oswald heals Ven and together they both take on Vanitas, only for the scenery to suddenly change with Ven all by himself, seen looking at straight right in front of him the Lingering Will, in other-words, the mind of his very best friend and older brother like figure Terra, preparing to lift its Keyblade, the Ends of the Earth from the ground and suddenly engage Ventus in combat, as Ven tries to dissuade the animated armour but sadly to no avail whatsoever, he is knocked back by the Will and shatters into behind him what feels like a wall made of glass, afterwards, Ven enters another Dive to the Heart once more, as he falls, he sees down below his other very best friend and older sister like figure Aqua smiling weakly towards him, as she tries to reach out her towards him, only for Ven, upon coming into contact with Aqua's hand, causes her to fade away into particles of Light, leaving behind only a floating Heart in its place, Ven lands safely on the Station and holds the Heart within his hands, he accepts the Heart, as part of his own, as it enters his Body and he then lastly recalls a vision of himself floating around in Heart form being accepted into the Body of a young 4 year old Sora, finally, Ventus back in Human Body form awakes to find himself being cradled in the hands of Oswald... 0.2: Birth by Sleep-A Fragmentary Passage: Wind and Earth. Ven-"...Ah...ugh..." ???-"Keep still, your still dazed from entering this Realm." Ven-"...This...Realm?" suddenly, Ven recalls his final confrontation with Vanitas. Ven-"!? TERRA! AQUA! GAH!" ???-"See? i TOLD you! the more you fidget like that without having properly adjusted to the miasma of the "Wasteland" will cause you both severe and utter pain, i should know, i am this Realm's very 1st resident..." Ven-"...Huh? ...? ! !? M-MICKEY!?" ???-"Mickey? NO YOU BIG DOPE!" The rabbit like being smacks Ventus on the head. Ven-"OW! HEY! WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?" ???-"Oswald." Ven-"Huh?" ???-"My NAME is Oswald! Oswald..."sigh", the "lucky" rabbit, at your service." Ven-"...Os...wald? what a strange name." Oswald-"PFFF! not, as strange, as Ventus of all names!" Ven-"Hey wait, i don't recall ever telling you my name, how did you-" Oswald-"You didn't need to, the Realm of Memories told me your name." Ven-"...Huh? Realm of...Memories?" Oswald-"..."Sigh"...a bit slow on the uptake, aren't ya kid? welp, come on, get out of bed, there's much to be a showing you around these here parts..." Ventus-"Ah! hey! wait up!" Ventus chased after Oswald outside of his house to find that he was located in a completely utterly barren location of a Wasteland, hence the Realm's name. Ventus-"What!? where-where is this place!? just-WHAT IS THIS PLACE!?" Oswald smacks Ven on the head once more. Ven-"OW! hey! quit doing that! its getting REALLY annoying!" Oswald-"Ah shut up, no good complaining down here, why, its practically empty." Ventus-"!? Wait-what did you, just say!?" Oswald-"LIKE-I-SAID, THIS-PLACE-IS-PRACTICALLY-EMPTY, only lost beings and forgotten Memories end up here in the Wasteland..." Ven-"...The Wasteland?" Oswald-"Yeah, its where people who have been lost to Darkness yet for some both strange and mysterious reason haven't produced a Heartless and thus find themselves here, basically all the way out in the boonies and i quote on that: "not just in name only...", ahem, you see, its basically a place where the "special cases" of Human beings and/or any other types of beings end up in when they have met with a "Dark" fate or have become involved in any again and/or all ways relating to the Darkness whatsoever, so in other-words, YOU my friend, A-K-A Ventus, formally of the World known, as the Land of Departure are now officially a new resident of the Wasteland!" Oswald sarcastically claps his hands at a very fast speed. Oswald-"...Congratulations, no no, no need to thank me, i'm just doing my job is all-" Ventus-"WHAT!?!?" Oswald-"...Ow, that nearly burst my eardrums, there there, my poor rabbit ears..." said Oswald, softly stroking his giant rabbit ears, as Ven replies: Ven-"TELL ME! HOW DO I GET OUT OF HERE!?" Oswald-"...Uh, "buddy"? i hate to break it to ya but the main, primary fact is: you can't, many have tried...and have all failed, believe me, i know, i have been keeping track score of all of the records." Ventus-"Fine! then i'll just have to find a way on my own! i gotta get back! back to...Terra and Aqua! hup!" Ventus left Oswald behind in a hurry, as the latter was left behind, sighing to himself before deciding to chase after Ven for some reason, Ventus ran, as fast, as he could whilst thinking to himself the words: Ventus-"...Terra...Aqua...guys! please! be safe! i'm coming! i'm coming right now! i won't let them, i won't let them lay a single finger on either of you!" Ventus recalled facial images of both Master Xehanort and Vanitas inside of within his mind before doubling his running speed, running towards the edges of the far corners of the Wasteland, it was here, Ventus' journey into Darkness...had begun. Meanwhile... Seen at the Dark Meridian was a young man in a Black Coat, starring out to sea, saying to himself: ???-"...Aqua...Ven..." said the young man before deciding to take off his hood to very both shockingly and surprisingly reveal that he is none other then...Terra! Back to where both Ventus and Oswald were, Ventus ran to the outskirts of the Wasteland, trying to find a way out of its Realm, only to no avail. Ven-"...Huff...huff...huff...where-where is the exit around here? doesn't this place have an exit at all!?" Oswald-"Nope." Ven-"Ah! you again!" Oswald-"...Its Oswald kid, at any rate, you won't be able to find a way out of the Realm of the Wasteland, given currently the status your actual physical Body is in." Ven-"...Huh? what-what do you mean?" Oswald-"Have you forgotten? you gave up your Heart in order to save your friends, don't you remember? what happened?" Ventus-"! ...Ah! ...yeah, your right, now...now i remember...it was, Vanitas...he was or, STILL IS: my Dark side, i...i had to stop him, before he threatened to hurt both Terra and Aqua..." Oswald-"Hmm...so you do recall your Memories, interesting, at the very least, your able to make sense of what happened to you and how you got here, tell me, do you know...what happened, to your Heart? the part that left you i mean..." Ven-"...The part that...left me?" Oswald-"Ahh, i see, so you can't remember beyond what happened after defeating your Dark side, i guess that's understandable, your Heart basically went into a coma and in order to recuperate itself, it went into hiding, trying to find the nearest Light possible in order to survive, without that, you probably...wouldn't even be standing here." Ventus-"...Wait, i don't understand what your saying, what do you mean?" Oswald-"..."Sigh", to put it simply, beforehand, back in the Realm of Light, your Heart was already divided into two, your Light half stayed inside your original Body which is who is standing in front of me right now, the one called "Ventus" whilst your Dark half created an entirely new Body in order to sustain itself, the one you called "Vanitas", you see, upon the birth of Vanitas, his Heart's creation triggered a mutation that was able to create beings that feed off the negativity within peoples' Hearts, especially including Vanitas' own Heart, they were the Unversed, all of this which you already know, however, upon the destruction of both Vanitas and the Unversed when you had destroyed the Chi-Blade, born from the combined union of both your Hearts, reintegrated with one another but not fully whole, as one anymore, seeing, as how Vanitas became his very own existence, your fused Heart was damaged and a small fragment of its Light was lost to the Darkness of which had tried to take over the Light when the Chi-Blade was still in the process of being forged, that Light was divided into two halves, the half standing in front of me here, now whilst the other went somewhere else, unfortunately i do not where, all i know is that that half of your Heart's Light, namely in other-words, you yourself Ventus are now safe somewhere and it is because of that that the half that is standing in front of me now has ended up in the Realm of the Wasteland within the even bigger Realm of Memories, here where all kinds of Memories end up in, either locked safely away within the Light of people's Hearts or lost to the Darkness when people's Hearts become consumed by the Heartless and those people when they become Heartless are forgotten about, if so, in the latter case then they end up here in the Wasteland, where Memories have either been tied to Darkness or lost to its shadows...all very complex and confusing i know but still, in a way, it does make sense...sort of." Ventus-"...Heartless...what are, Heartless?" Oswald-"! Seriously? that's what you took from all that? oy vey, looks like we have a lot of work to do, anyways, what i want to explain to you now is absolutely vitally crucial towards the destiny of your Heart, if the two halves of its Light are to reunite and rejoin with one another, thus completing the fully reassembled formation of the Light being known, as Ventus..." Ventus-"Ven...tus." Oswald-"Yeah, you buddy, fully whole again once more-! uh oh! looks we've got trouble!" Heartless Shadows appear surrounding both Ventus and Oswald, preparing to bombard them with their massive amount of numbers, Oswald quickly summons his Keyblade, of which shocks Ventus: Ventus-"! A Keyblade!?" Oswald-"Yeah, sorry, no time for questions right about now, first, we've got to take care of these guys here first!" Ventus-"R-Right!" said Ventus, as he summoned his Keyblade, the Wayward Wind, together both Ventus and Oswald joined forces and had teamed up with one another against the Heartless Shadows, destroying them one by one until eventually, one Heartless Neoshadow appears, trying to surprise attack Ventus, because Ventus remembered having encountered Neoshadows before, he was taken aback by its sudden appearance and was frozen stiff, Oswald tries to help Ven but is too distracted by the Shadows in front of him, as it seemed like just about Ven was going to be struck down by the Neoshadow, suddenly, very shockingly and surprisingly coming to his rescue was the black coated Terra, wielding his Earthshaker Keyblade, destroying the Neoshadow. Oswald-"!?" Ventus-"!?!? T-T-T..." Terra-"..." Ventus-"TERRA!!!!" Terra-"...Terra?" Ventus-"Terra! its me! Ventus! i'm so glad your safe! your okay! nothing bad happened to you!" Terra-"..." Ventus-"I can't believe it, i'm not dreaming, am i? if so, either way, i'm so glad to see your safe Terra! but...what are you doing here? what's with the black coat? more importantly, where's Aqua!? do you know where she is!?" Terra-"...Aqua..." Ventus-"? ...Terra? what's wrong?" just then, Terra raises his Earthshaker Keyblade, pointing it dead straight towards Ventus. Ven-"!? T-Terra?" Terra-"...That's not...that's not my name, i'm not, Terra...i'm...!? GAH!" Terra suddenly drops the Earthshaker, holding his head in both hands, writhing in agony. Ventus-"TERRA!?!?" Ven tries to help Terra, only to get suddenly knocked back by him, as he quickly makes a sudden retreat through a Corridor of Darkness, leaving Ven behind with Oswald, as Ventus ponders his friend's sudden behaviour just then: Ven-"T-Terra..." Oswald-"..." Deciding that this was too much for Ven to bare at the moment, Oswald had decided to take Ventus back to his home, where there, they could figure out what to do next... (To be continued.).
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VymcyO0SFP8 What's going on guys! This video i'm sharing with you guys today is something I've thought about ever since playing 0.2 and watching that last cutscene. I think that that Kairi and Lea should open Kingdom Hearts 3. I'm not going to go tooooooo.... much in detail because of course I want you to watch the video. What I do want though is for you guys to give me some feedback on the idea, and maybe explain to me some scenarios you have of your own! O_O Anyways, thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy the video.
  8. BUTTERFLY EFFECT - A Keyblade modeled after the Totems and the icey landscape from the game UNTIL DAWN developed by Supermassive Games and plushed by Sony! The Keyblade favors reach over all others and is so far the longest Playstation Keyblade made! The shaft of the blade is designed after the tops of the Totems the players find during the game, coated with ice due to cold nature of the world! The hilt of the blade is designed after the old mine and is framed with large rocky spikes modeled after the mountains and the mine interior! The teeth of the blade is designed after the famous butterfly associated with the game and the keychain is the tattoo on Hannah! The world logo is the aformention mountain range, with the "BLACK WOOD MOUNTAIN" logo replicating the Until Dawn Logo! The name, Butterfly Effect, is the massively important gameplay element in the game! PATH OF THE BUILDER - A Keybade modeled after the building materials from the game Dragon Quest Builders developed by Square Enix and published by Sony! It is designed to be a nice mesh of defense and attack, but lacks speed and reach. The shaft and most of the hilt is designed after the blocky building texture that the Builder has access too, with the hilt and keychain begin inspired by the Alefgard Hero symbol. Also on the keychain and the teeth of the blade is the Builder's trusty hammer! The World Logo is named after the over arching land of Dragon Quest, Alefgard, and is modeled after the "New Area" text seen in DQB. The name "Path of the Builder" refers to what the Builder has chosen, and that he is not on a "Path of the Hero" as so many who came before him. FURIES' WHISPERS - A Keblade modeled after the door and entry way into Hel from the game Hellblade: Setsuna's Sacrifice developed by Ninja Theory and published by Sony! The Keyblade is designed to be attack based, with an unsettle attack pattern like that of Setsuna's mind. The shaft of the blade is designed after the door into Hel that Setsuna comes across, with the dead eye of Hel being obscured by the wooden entrance into Hel that makes up the teeth of the blade. The hilt is designed after the runes found by Setsuna and is framed after the various wooden spikes around the land of Hel. The Keychain is that of the mirror she carries around. The World Logo is a minimalist take on the entrance to Hel, with the HEL logo designed after the Runes. The name, Furies Whispers, is designed after the schizophrenia voices Setsuna hears, which she dubs "the Whispers of the Furies." TOMB OF A HERO - A Keyblade modeled after the graveyard aesthetic of the game MediEvil developed by SCE Cambridge Studio and published by Sony! The Keyblade is a well balanced Keyblade! The entirety of the Keyblade is designed after the every first level of MediEvil, inspired by the bleak graveyard design! The keychain is that of the Chalices that Dan obtains! The World Logo is named after the land the game takes place in, Gallomere, and is modeled after the Fortesque font that appears on Dan's Crypt. The name, Tomb of a Hero, references Dan's alleged role as a Hero and the fact that he is dead.. HALLOWED RELICS - A Keyblade designed after the relics that make up the body of Knack from the game....Knack! developed by SIE Japan Studio and published by Sony! The entire Keyblade is made from various Relics that make up Knack body, both as a small tiny Knack and then in his massive size! The teeth of the blade is designed after a cluster of Sun Crystals that give Knack added power! The keychain is Lucas' pendant! The World Logo is designed after a cluster of Sun Crystals and the Chapter logo design, and references the very first level, The Doctor's Laboratory. The name Hallowed Relics, reference the important of Relics to the entire world! EXODUS - A Keyblade designed after the ruins that appear in the game Journey developed by thatgamecompany and published by Sony! It is design purely for defense, lacking attack and reach. The shaft of the blade is design after the various tomb stones around the land, where as the hilt is deisgned after the ruins. The teeth of the blade is a ruined moment to a white Rythutian. The handle and chain are modeled after the scarf and cloth creatures and the Keychain is one of they glyphs! The World logo is designed after the large mountain in the game, with the name coming from the species of the Traveler, the Rythuian Desert. The name of the Keyblade, Exodus, means a great journey!
  9. Movies798

    Restore Memories

    A keyblade created by me. This keyblade was inspired by looking at Xion's Stained Glass. I dedicate this keyblade to Xion, my favorite character in the Kingdom Hearts series.

    © Movies798 Jan 8, 2017

  10. Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted a theory or really, any other topic (excluding news). I'm not joking when I say that I've had this theory for two years now and I've never really made a topic about this. So yeah, about time I posted it. Anyway, this theory revolves around the Wayfinders Aqua had made for herself, Terra and Ventus. When Ventus asks Aqua, "So this isn't a real good luck charm?" she replies with, "Well, that's yet to be seen. But I did work a little magic on it. An unbreakable connection." To many, if not all players, this might have been just a symbolic and friendly answer rather than actual magic. But, my thoughts on that changed when a Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer released at E3 2015 (hence why I stated I've had this theory for 2 years now). At the end of this trailer, we can see this mysterious, glowing crystal in the room with Young Eraqus and Xehanort: Many, including myself, thought that this is a simple decoration to the room and nothing really important. Well, this is where my theory comes into play. When I saw this object, it looked incredibly familiar to me and it was annoying me for days, thinking of what this reminded me of. Until finally, I knew why it seemed familiar to me: This, right here, is what it reminded me of. Something so small, yet possibly important. This is an item that is left by certain enemies after defeating them in Birth by Sleep and refills the D-Link bar once collected. These prizes you obtain look similar, if not exact, to the object seen in the E3 2015 trailer. I believe that this object in the trailer provides 'connections' between beings, providing powers and aid from one friend to another. I believe that Aqua used this object, or at least its power, and made the Wayfinders with it; this "magic" that she adds to them. In Birth by Sleep, once given the Wayfinder in the game's prologue, a tutorial box entitled "Borrow Your Friends Powers!" appears which states, "The Wayfinder allows you to Dimension Link with friends and borrow their powers." Now you might be thinking that this is just a gameplay mechanic and not necessarily part of the story. While I understand this statement, this situation wouldn't be the first time. For example, in Kingdom Hearts 2, Sora tends to get angry towards Organization members, implying that this is because of Roxas' hatred towards them. In the game, you are more likely to transform into Anti-Form when battling against Organization members. You also might be thinking, "Well okay, but how does this expand even further? Is it just this and nothing else?" Well, here's where this gets deeper. I believe that it's because of this crystal added to the Wayfinders that caused Aqua's Keyblade to glow and fight back against Ventus-Vanitas and shatter the X-Blade. Her words before her Keyblade starts glowing are, "Terra, Ven, lend me strength." Now you might be thinking, "Oh that was just some my friends are my power stuff," and to that I say: We were probably thinking the same when Sora turned back to normal after turning into a Heartless; he gets a hug from Kairi and he's normal again. However, it is later revealed that because of the powerful light of her heart, she essentially turned Sora's Heartless into a "walking heart," since she is a Princess of Heart. Furthermore, this could also explain why Aqua was saved by Terra's and Ventus' Keyblades from the Darksides after entering the Realm of Darkness (though this might not be the reason, it could be). Finally! I've posted this theory. So I want to know what you guys think? Did you like it? Is there anything against it? Please let me know. (And don't be an a**hole about it.)
  11. Iman Nazeerudin


    More Union X stuff, this time featuring Skuld with a custom Keyblade I made for her.

    © Fanart by me @ExusiaSword, Kingdom Hearts belongs to Tetsuya Nomura, a joint franchise between Disney and Square-Enix.

  12. Has anyone else noticed the connection between Soras new weapons and Organization XIII. His Hyper hammer does heavy hits kind of like Siax' claymore. The counter sheild is like How Vexen has a shield. His double arrowguns are like Xigbars weapons and he can even combine them Like Xigbar does with his sniper. I just thought it was kind of odd what do you guys think?
  13. Iman Nazeerudin

    It's Morphin' Time

    After watching the 2017 film by Lionsgate I was tempted to finish this set. Combining both the old 90's and new aesthetics together and voila, the Keyblades themed after a team of teenagers with attitude.

    © Fanart by me @ExusiaSword, Power Rangers belongs to Saban. Kingdom Hearts belongs to Tetsuya Nomura, a joint franchise between Square-Enix and Disney.

  14. You know how several years ago we all used to create original characters for fanfictions and all? Last year I decided to revamp a set of Keyblades that I made for 6 characters and gave upgrades to them Birth by Sleep-style. Coincidentally the 6 are based on the 3 weapon choices you have to select in the Awakening sequence. Wizard's Poetry -> Poet's Sorcery The default based on writing literature, while it's upgrade is based on an illuminating candle. Staff-based. Aurora Silk -> Corona Silk Both are based on phenomenons that occur in the sky and have the pixie motif. Shield-based. Gazing Tiger -> Gazing Ogre Based on cruel ninja weaponry, going from the one of the shortest Keyblade to the largest in the set. Sword-based. Aero Spark -> Storm Wave Both are based on the unicorn motif and bear the element of thunder. Sword-based. Gambit Game -> Throne of Games Derived from the Gambler job class in Final Fantasy. Staff-based. Arrowhead -> Falcon Eyes Designed after archery and bearing the bird of prey motif. Shield-based.

    © Fanmade Keyblade designs by me, Iman Nazeerudin @ExusiaSword

  15. A year ago, I attempted to make a list of all of the unanswered questions (some people might refer to them as plot holes, though that's slightly inaccurate) in the Kingdom Hearts series. I've been researching, replaying through the games, reading Tetsuya Nomura interviews, and so on, and greatly increasing my Kingdom Hearts knowledge. And I've been slowly updating this list. I've been removing things that have actually been answered and I've added things that haven't. And now, I believe that I have an accurate list that's very close to being a complete list of all the unanswered questions. Tetsuya Nomura said that all questions will be answered in Kingdom Hearts III. After discovering all of these unanswered questions, I doubt that'll be the case, but this list would be fun to use as a list to check off unanswered questions while playing through Kingdom Hearts III and reading interviews that follow the game's release. So, here it is: (Oh, and also, if you think you found an answer to any of these questions, please provide your source in your comment. Thank you!) Complete List of Unanswered Questions Why are there globes and maps of Earth and real world locations in some worlds? Are some worlds just alternate reality-type Earths that exist simultaneously but separately? Or did all the worlds used to be Earth when they were all together in one massive World in the Age of Fairy Tales, and the globes and maps are just artifacts of history? In the first Kingdom Hearts, how did Mickey know about Sora and Riku, and how did he know that they got a Keyblade? Yen Sid has the ability to sort of sense things and people in other realms and worlds, so did Yen Sid tell Mickey about them? In the first Kingdom Hearts, why does Winnie the Pooh's letter to Rabbit have "Mickey Mouse" written on the front with a crown symbol? Also, if you come back later, it'll instead be a letter from Roo. This letter also has "Mickey Mouse" written on the front with a crown symbol. Why is that? In the first Kingdom Hearts, Genie says he's heard about a Keyhole before 200 years ago, and implies that he used to know its location. Why does he know about the Keyhole and how did he know its location? Some residents of Halloween Town, such as Jack, The Mayor, Dr. Finkelstein, etc. all know about the Heartless because Jack found a book about the Heartless. Who wrote this book full of research notes? Why didn't Maleficent getting stabbed with the Keyblade of Heart cause her to turn into a Heartless? Why did she turn into her Dragon form instead? The Keyblade of Heart has the ability to "unlock people's hearts," which sounds like the same thing that any Keyblade can do if you're on the level of a Keyblade Master, so it can be assumed that the unique ability of the Keyblade of Heart is that it allows you to do that without being on the level of a Keyblade Master. But, is it possible that "unlocking people's hearts" is actually different? Could "unlocking people's hearts" mean something different for each person who gets stabbed by it? Such as Sora turning into a Heartless, and Maleficent turning into her Dragon form? Or is it that Maleficent is just different than most people and follows different laws of nature? In the first Kingdom Hearts, Xehanort's Heartless possessed Riku, which sort of kicked Riku's heart out of his body and sent it to the Realm of Darkness. Why didn't this create a Heartless and a Nobody? Was it because the heart wasn't either extracted by a Keyblade or succumb to the darkness? Does this mean it's possible somehow for a heart to leave a body without becoming a Heartless? When a Heartless is destroyed by a Keyblade, whether it be an Emblem Heartless or a Pureblood Heartless, a heart is released from it and the original person is recompleted. (For the Pureblood Heartless, the heart isn't visibly released, but it's still released.) If someone has a Nobody too, you have to destroy that as well in order to get their original self to be recompleted. If a Heartless is destroyed by something other than a Keyblade, then the released heart will end up just eventually turning back into a Heartless. So, when Ansem, Seeker of Darkness was destroyed by the light from his artificial Kingdom Hearts (and Xemnas was destroyed later), why did Xehanort get recompleted? He shouldn't have gotten recompleted since his Heartless wasn't destroyed by a Keyblade, it was destroyed by the light from his artificial Kingdom Hearts. Does getting destroyed by Kingdom Hearts count as getting destroyed by a Keyblade for some reason, or have the same effect as getting destroyed by a Keyblade or something? What was written on the letter that Pluto was holding at the end of the first Kingdom Hearts and in the beginning of Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories? It's obviously not the same one from the end of Kingdom Hearts II since Mickey wrote that at the end of Kingdom Hearts coded. At the end of the first Kingdom Hearts, how did Donald and Goofy's clothes change when they got to the grassy area outside of Castle Oblivion? Also, how did their clothes change while they are in Castle Oblivion in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories back to the clothes they had on before? In Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, when referring to Maleficent, Vexen says "Don't be absurd. The witch is gone. She cannot return from the Realm of Darkness of her own volition." This means that after Sora destroyed Maleficent in the first Kingdom Hearts, she got sent to the Realm of Darkness. Why is this? Why did Maleficent get sent to the Realm of Darkness instead of just simply dying? Or did she just simply escape after the battle with Sora to the Realm of Darkness using a Corridor of Darkness? Also, why did she have to wait for someone (the three fairies) to remember her in order to come back when she could've just used a Corridor of Darkness to get out? Why can she not escape of her own volition? When Ansem the Wise was banished to the Realm of Darkness by Apprentice Xehanort, he was able to use Corridors of Darkness to get out, so why couldn't Maleficent have done that? Why did Marluxia and Larxene want to overthrow Organization XIII? In Secret Ansem's Report 12, it says "First I shall convert all of Twilight Town into data and construct a "world duplicate" in Sora's memories. I shall place Roxas within that world to live out his days and regain those memories." If the simulated Twilight Town that Roxas was placed into is located inside of Sora's memories, then how was Sora able to go inside of the simulated Twilight Town by accessing the machine in the basement of the Old Mansion in Twilight Town near the end of Kingdom Hearts II? Is there multiple copies of the simulated Twilight Town, and just one of them is located inside Sora's memories? Or were Sora's memories just hooked up to the simulated Twilight Town before or something? Or is the machine in the basement of the Old Mansion just simply able to access Sora's memories and by going into the simulated Twilight Town, Sora was within his own memories? Why did the guards in Land of Dragons turn into Emblem Heartless (Nightwalkers)? If they were succumbing to the darkness, then they should've turned into Pureblood Heartless. Were they just Nightwalkers disguised as guards or something? How did the Ghosts of Scar form together to create an Emblem Heartless (Groundshaker)? Shouldn't they have created a Pureblood Heartless if anything? Did they just form together with a Living Bone and Shaman Heartless or something? How did Stitch get to Hollow Bastion? Why did Axel and Saïx want to find the Chamber of Waking? Why did Axel and Saïx want to overthrow Organization XIII? How did Saïx get his scar? What are the names and identities of Larxene, Demyx, and Luxord's original human forms? Why hasn't Xemnas wielded a Keyblade? (Assuming he has the ability to). If he doesn't have the ability to wield a Keyblade, then why? How did Ansem the Wise's machine exploding turn Riku back to normal and how did it transport Ansem the Wise to the Realm of Darkness? Why did Naminé return to Kairi, when she's made out of Sora's body and soul? Shouldn't she have returned to Sora instead? Did she have some of Kairi's memories that needed to return to her, the same way Roxas had some of Sora's memories that needed to return to him? If not, then why did Naminé even need to return to anybody? Why does Apprentice Xehanort have brown eyes instead of yellow? Why does Xemnas and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness have orange eyes instead of yellow? Why does Riku not have yellow eyes in the first Kingdom Hearts when Ansem, Seeker of Darkness is possessing him? How did Sora and Riku get from the place where they fought the final fight against Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts II to the Dark Margin in the Realm of Darkness? How did Kairi's message in a bottle end up at the Dark Margin? "End of Sea" is the name of a world that's half in the Realm of Darkness and half in the Realm Between. Dark Margin is a location at the very tip of this world. It's on the Realm of Darkness half of the world. The ocean that we see there acts as a border between the Realm of Darkness and the Realm Between. How are there worlds in the Realm of Darkness still? They should've all returned to the Realm of Light after Sora sealed the Door to Darkness and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness' artificial Kingdom Hearts broke apart. Does this mean there are worlds native to the Realm of Darkness that have always never had a heart? Or is End of Sea just a world from the Realm Between that's so close to the edge of the Realm Between that it's also touching the Realm of Darkness? Also, how is there a world that's half in one realm and half in another realm in the first place when the realms aren't physically connected? How did Mickey's message in a bottle get to Sora on Destiny Islands? Tetsuya Nomura has stated that Ventus' heart stayed within Sora's body AKA his Nobody, Roxas when Sora was separated from his body and soul and became a Heartless. What is the reason for this? Why didn't it get released along with the other hearts? How did Ventus become so tiny when he went to Castle of Dreams? Tetsuya Nomura said it was because he somehow messed up traveling to the world and ended up tiny, but how does that even happen? How does you not knowing how to properly travel to worlds make you end up very small? I assume that we just simply don't completely know how physics and stuff works in the Kingdom Hearts universe, but it'd be nice to get a specific answer to this question. How is the ship in Deep Space able to access the Lanes Between without a Keyblade or Corridors of Darkness? Or does this mean that somebody aboard the ship has a Keyblade or the ability to use Corridors of Darkness? Where did Vanitas obtain his Keyblade? He can wield a Keyblade because his heart is half of Ventus' heart, but where did he obtain his Keyblade, Void Gear? Did Xehanort Bequeath him? Or does he wield Wayward Wind, except with a Void Gear Keychain on it? If the Unversed are created by Vanitas and come from Vanitas, then how was Lady Tremaine able to turn the coach into an Unversed and how was The Queen able to turn the Spirit of the Magic Mirror into an Unversed? Why did Lea and Isa go into Ansem the Wise's castle in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and why did they get kicked out? How did Ventus and Aqua end up in the Lanes Between after their battles at the Keyblade Graveyard? How did Terra-Xehanort end up at Radiant Garden after the explosion from the χ-blade? Did Terra-Xehanort/Apprentice Xehanort actually have amnesia or was he just faking it? When Terra-Xehanort split himself up into a Heartless and a Nobody, why weren't two Nobodies created? When Sora became a Heartless, his own heart and Kairi's heart released from his body. This created Roxas and Naminé. When Terra-Xehanort became a Heartless, the same thing should've happened. Terra's heart and Xehanort's heart were released from Terra's body. This should've created a Terra Nobody and a Xehanort Nobody, but instead, Xemnas was created; someone who is a mixture of both Terra and Xehanort. Why? How did Young Xehanort leave Destiny Islands and get to Land of Departure? When we see Young Xehanort in the past on Destiny Islands and in the present-day during Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, he doesn't have pointy ears like he does when he's older. Why is this? And when we see Young Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts III, he does have pointy ears. Why is that? Why does Xehanort's Keyblade Armor have the Nobody emblem on it? How did Riku obtain his second Keyblade (Way to the Dawn) after Sora took his first one (Kingdom Key)? Getting Bequeathed causes a Keyblade to choose you, so when Sora took his Keyblade, did another Keyblade choose him? Is that what happens if you lose your Keyblade somehow? Another one will choose you? The Master of Masters forged and tempered Keyblades by pulling them out of the depths of hearts. And ever since then, if you are Bequeathed, a Keyblade will choose you. If all Keyblades already exist somewhere out there and were created long ago, then how come some people's Keyblades resemble them or their character/personality? For example, Lea's Keyblade resembles one of his Eternal Flames Chakrams with fire coming out of it and Riku's Keyblade resembles his Soul Eater sword. Is this just simply because these people are destined to wield these Keyblades or something? Where did Riku get the Keyblade he gave to Kairi (Destiny's Embrace)? And why did he even have to give her a Keyblade in the first place since one should've already chosen her since she was Bequeathed? Doesn't this mean she has two Keyblades now: the one that chose her from her being Bequeathed and the one Riku gave her, Destiny's Embrace? Who Bequeathed Lea? What's the name of Lea's Keyblade? Why does the Kingdom Key look exactly like the two blades that are a part of the χ-blade? It was stated that the pieces of light of the χ-blade were split into seven pieces to protect the number of pure hearts in the world. This is referring to the Seven Princesses of Heart. The Seven Princesses of Heart didn't exist way back in the Age of Fairy Tales though, so how did the χ-blade know that they were going to be born in the future? And in what way are the seven pieces of light protecting the Seven Princesses of Heart? While Aqua was carrying Ventus' comatose body, his Keyblade raised and opened a door that led them to the Land of Departure. This door was not a method of travel that we've ever seen or heard about before. It wasn't one of the portals they've been opening with their Keyblades, it wasn't a Gate, and it wasn't a Corridor of Darkness. It looked pretty much exactly like the Door to Light from the end of Kingdom Hearts II. So, what was this door? Was it the Door to Light? And how was Ventus able to open it? At the end of the first Kingdom Hearts, Sora, and Donald, and Goofy were standing on a piece of land at End of the World. End of the World was a world located in the Realm of Light that's made up of chunks of worlds that fell to darkness. When a world is falling to darkness/falling to the Realm of Darkness, some chunks of the world might stay behind in the Realm of Light. These chunks formed together to create End of the World. Once Sora and Mickey sealed the Door to Darkness, Ansem, Seeker of Darkness' artificial Kingdom Hearts broke apart and the hearts returned to the worlds, and they were restored. They left the Realm of Darkness and went back to the Realm of Light. The chunks that made up End of the World also went back to the Realm of Light. The chunk of land that Sora, Donald, and Goofy were on was a part of the Land of Departure/Castle Oblivion world. So, when the worlds were restored, they got sent to the recompleted Land of Departure/Castle Oblivion world since they were standing on that chunk of land. But, this means that the Land of Departure/Castle Oblivion world fell to darkness sometime in the past. So, what happened to Ventus' body when this happened? Was it also sent to the Realm of Darkness with the world, and was safe from the darkness/Heartless, because he was in the Chamber of Waking? And does this mean that his body was sent back to the Realm Between with the world when it was restored? Why did Mickey not recognize the name "Xehanort" when he met Apprentice Xehanort? Is that just a common name in the Kingdom Hearts universe? What exactly is a "mind?" And how is it different from the "soul?" Is it even different from the soul or are they the same thing? Braig says he has his hands full with his own plans. What are these plans? In the Kingdom Hearts Re:coded "Destiny" secret ending, we see the Organization XIII members who were residents of Radiant Garden lying on the floor after being recompleted as complete people again. We also see Braig, who is not lying on the floor like the rest of them. He presumably woke up before them. (We know this Kingdom Hearts Re:coded secret ending takes place after Kingdom Hearts Re:coded and before Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance because Ienzo is an adult in this cutscene. There is a cutscene at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance that shows Even and Ienzo on the floor turning into Heartless/Nobodies and Ienzo is a little kid in that cutscene, so we know the Kingdom Hearts Re:coded "Destiny" secret ending takes place after Kingdom Hearts Re:coded because we know Ienzo grew up as an adult while he was a Nobody.) In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, we see Xigbar. It is thought that this is actually Braig, not Xigbar and he's just going by the name "Xigbar" for some reason (most likely because of the Recusant's Sigil in that name). If this is the same recompleted Braig that we saw in the Kingdom Hearts Re:coded "Destiny" secret ending, then how come he has long hair again and how come he has gray in his hair again? It would not make sense for him to just all of a sudden change appearance and grow hair that quickly. Is this actually Xigbar and not Braig? If it's Xigbar, then that can either mean that he was brought to the present day from time travel, or that can mean that Young Xehanort turned the recompleted Braig back into a Nobody for some reason (maybe to be a more suitable vessel?). And is this the same case for Saïx? Was he turned back into a Nobody or was he brought back using time travel? Or it's possible that he's the recompleted Isa since his recompleted human form has no visible differences than his Nobody, unlike Braig and Xigbar. Speaking of which, do people keep their appearances that they had as Nobodies when they turn back into people, or are they reverted to how they looked before they were turned into Nobodies? This is very unclear. It seems that some parts of them did keep their appearance and some parts of them didn't for some reason. Ienzo, Lea, and Isa aged as Nobodies and kept their ages when they turned back into people. Lea lost the markings under his eyes when he became a person again though for some reason. From what we know, this is how it is: You are reverted back to how you looked before you became a Nobody, but you keep your age. For example, Lea was reverted to how he looked before he became a Nobody which is why he lost the markings under his eyes, but he still looks older because he kept his age. Why did Lea and Isa get recompleted with their black coats on? Does that mean they were the only ones who were wearing black coats before they became Nobodies? Ienzo seems to have known this whole time that the original person can get recompleted if their Heartless and Nobody is destroyed, so when he was Zexion, why did he act like he didn't know? It has been confirmed that Axel, Roxas, Xion, and Naminé all grew hearts. As seen with Roxas, if your Nobody grows a heart and recombines with your other pieces to recreate the original person, the heart that the Nobody grew will be trapped inside of you. Since Axel grew a heart of his own and has been recompleted, does this mean that Lea now has two hearts: his original heart and the heart his Nobody grew? Or did the heart that his Nobody grew combine with his original heart? If so, then why didn't Roxas' heart combine with Sora's? Would it be because Roxas had a completely separate personality and memories than Sora, while Axel had the same personality and memories as Lea? Tetsuya Nomura said that Nobodies don't age, but Axel, Saïx, and Zexion all clearly aged. Maybe you need a heart to age, and since Axel grew a heart, he didn't count as a regular Nobody so he aged? Does this mean Saïx and Zexion grew hearts as well? Do you need a heart to age? Where is Terra's heart and body? Is Xehanort still possessing it, but just making it look like his old man form, like how Ansem, Seeker of Darkness in the first Kingdom Hearts was still possessing Riku's body, but making it look like himself? What's the situation with Eraqus being inside of Terra's heart? After Terra-Xehanort split into a Heartless and Nobody, what happened with Eraqus' heart, and where is Eraqus' heart now? Why can't Sleeping Worlds dream about Heartless? All the "realm of sleep" is, is dreams. It can be dreams of people or dreams of worlds that have fallen to darkness/fallen to the Realm of Darkness, since worlds that fall to darkness, also fall to sleep, and they dream. So, since people can dream about Heartless and have them appear in the realm of sleep, then why can't worlds do the same? Heartless can be created in the realm of sleep by someone dreaming about a Heartless in their dream, but Heartless can't enter the realm of sleep from the outside world. If Heartless can't enter the realm of sleep, then how was Ansem, Seeker of Darkness able to enter the realm of sleep? Is it because he's not just a Heartless, he's a Heartless possessing a body (Riku's body form the first Kingdom Hearts)? Does him having a body allow him to enter the realm of sleep? Also, why can't Heartless enter the realm of sleep in the first place? Why can't they just use Corridors of Darkness to enter? Young Xehanort, and the other Seekers of Darkness, follow Sora and Riku into the realm of sleep. They use that as an entrance. But, I'm still pretty sure that Corridors of Darkness can get you into the realm of sleep since they were all using Corridors of Darkness while in the realm of sleep. That's also presumably how they got out of the realm of sleep when they were done putting Sora into that weird sleep coma. Presumably. So, yeah, why can't Heartless use Corridors of Darkness to enter the realm of sleep? Who are all of the Seven Guardians of Light? Who are all of the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness? Why did the time traveling members of the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness have to go back to their own time? And how are they going to come back? The Kingdom Hearts Ultimania states that Xehanort's heart being in thirteen vessels serves as raw material for the χ-blade. Why is this? Xehanort's heart isn't pure darkness, so how does him putting his heart into thirteen vessels work for creating the χ-blade? What was the Riku that Riku saw in Monstro in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance? Was it the dream world projecting an image of Riku from the first Kingdom Hearts? Putting Riku "back in his place," like it did to Jiminy in Sora's side of Prankster's Paradise? If so, then why is he wearing a black coat? Riku wasn't wearing a black coat in the first Kingdom Hearts, and the worlds only dream about their pasts, so this wouldn't make sense. Is it a Seeker of Darkness? If that Riku is a Seeker of Darkness, is it Riku Replica? If it's Riku Replica, then why did Riku say "That was my... my dark side. I gave into the darkness once, and ever since, it's chased be around in one form or another. The seeker of darkness who stole my body, a puppet replica of the shadows in my heart, and now, I'm facing me."? He lists the versions of his darkness that have chased him around in one form or another. He lists Ansem, Seeker of Darkness and Riku Replica, and then says that now, he's facing himself. That implies that it's not Riku Replica. So, it's not Riku Replica, right? Unless Riku's just assuming it's not Riku Replica. If it's just himself (Riku) that he was facing, then was it when he was a villain in the first Kingdom Hearts that's time traveled to present-day to be a Seeker of Darkness? If it's Riku Replica or himself from the first game time traveled to present-day to be a Seeker of Darkness, then how come Young Xehanort isn't there with him? Tetsuya Nomura has stated that Young Xehanort functioned as a "portal" that summoned the Xemnas and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Wouldn't it be the same for Riku Replica/Riku from the first game and any other time traveling Seekers of Darkness? If not, then why? How are we going to save Ventus, Terra, Roxas, Xion, and Naminé? What is the Key to Return Hearts? In the Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance secret ending, Goofy says that Lea hurried back to Radiant Garden. Why did he hurry back to Radiant Garden? It was shown that the "illusion" of Terra we see in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- was there because of Naminé's help. This took place right after Sora went into the pod to restore his memory, so why/how did Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- end with how the first Kingdom Hearts game ended? How does that make any sense timeline wise? Why did the illusion of Ventus we see in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- have a black and white checkered design on the back of his jacket rather than the half black half white design the back of his jacket usually has? If the dark counterpart of Keyblades of Light (Keyblades of Darkness) are found on the dark side of the world the Keyblade of Light was gained at, then does that mean Keyblades of Darkness are only created when a world that a Keyblade of Light was gained at falls to darkness? Or are Keyblade of Darkness counterparts to Keyblades of Light created in the Realm of Darkness right when a Keyblade of Light is gained, but just teleports to the world the Keyblade of Light was gained at when it falls to darkness? How did Aqua and Mickey end up at the Realm of Darkness area that was behind the Door to Darkness? There was just a flash of light and then they got teleported there. What was that flash of light from and how did they get teleported there? Was it the flash of light that came out of the Door to Darkness when Sora said "Kingdom Hearts is light" in the first Kingdom Hearts? How did Mickey get his shirt back in time for Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories after it got destroyed by the Demon Tide? How long ago does Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] take place? We know that the Age of Fairy Tales takes place "more than a hundred years before Sora received the Keyblade," but "more than a hundred years" is a very vague number. What is the name and identity of The Master of Masters? What were the Foretellers' and Luxu's original names before The Master of Masters gave them new names and what do their faces look like? What are the names of all of the Foretellers' Keyblades? Who is Xehanort and Eraqus' master? Is it Luxu, or was there another generation in-between them and Luxu, or even more? Also, was this Yen Sid's master as well, or did he have a different master? If so, then who was Yen Sid's master? What's in the black box that The Master of Masters gave to Luxu, and why isn't Luxu allowed to open it? How was The Master of Masters able to see the future with the Gazing Eye when it wasn't even passed down yet? Wouldn't that just be him looking into the present since he has to wait until it's passed down? Why did The Master of Masters disappear? How do the Dandelions survive the darkness that covers the World after the Keyblade War? How does Luxu survive the darkness that covers the World after the Keyblade War? If The Master of Masters only put his one eye on one Keyblade, then how are there so many eyes on so many Keyblades in the future? Who Bequeathed Ventus, the Player, Ephemer, Skuld, Brain, and all of the other Keyblade wielders from the Age of Fairy Tales? How did Ventus and Lauriam get from the Age of Fairy Tales to the time period of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. How was present-day Maleficent there in the Unchained realm during the Age of Fairy Tales during the Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] secret ending? How did the light from children's hearts recreate the World? Do children's hearts just simply have the ability to create an entire universe? Or was Kairi's Grandma just being vague in her story? If so, then what really happened? End Notes & Updates If you'd like to know more about the Braig/Xigbar situation talked about above, check out my explanation on the whole situation here. I'll be updating this list if I happen to find any more unanswered questions, so be sure to check back here every month or so! I doubt I'll find much more, but just in case.
  16. i have made a fan art of how the keyblade from wreck it ralph could look. What do you guys think?
  17. Xehanort's Heartless is the brown Robed Figure. The Robed Figure then possessed Riku and sort of molded/shaped Riku's body into one that's more to his likeness, and became the Ansem, Seeker of Darkness we all know and love. Bodies are just as malleable as hearts. Heartless typically cannot wield Keyblades. When a Keyblade wielder becomes a Heartless, the darkness steals their heart, and the Keyblade with it, as explained by Riku when he was talking to Ansem, Seeker of Darkness in Dream Drop Distance. So, the Robed Figure possessed Riku's body in order to use his body to wield a Keyblade. Riku's heart was banished to the Realm of Darkness. Keyblade wielder's bodies can wield Keyblades, even without the heart present within it. This is also why the Nobodies of Keyblade wielders can wield Keyblades. So, anyways, the Robed Figure possessed Riku's body in order to wield the Keyblade of Heart made from the Princesses of Heart's hearts. And he changed the appearance of Riku's body into the one that comes up in your head when you hear the name "Ansem, Seeker of Darkness". This is still technically Riku's body. It looks different, but it's still Riku's body. The body of a Keyblade wielder. So, if Ansem, Seeker of Darkness had a Keyblade, he would be able to wield it. He doesn't have a Keyblade of his own, because it was taken from him from being a Heartless, but if he found a Keyblade or was given one, he'd be able to wield it. Just a neat little bit of information I thought I should share. Seeing this image inspired this train of thought.
  18. This theory was originally developed by derekscorner and revised last night. I delve into the theory a little bit myself and came up with something pretty incredible. Again, most of this theory is in credit to derekscorner. All I’ve done is branch it out a little more. You can read the original post along with what I came up with here. Kingdom Hearts is never entirely clear on how it’s universe works. The only trustworthy information you can get is spoken by characters in cut scenes, usually rather vague and said with symbolism, or it’s hidden somewhere in the “Reports” you recover throughout all of the games. Because of this, the game can constantly flex it’s rules to bring about more scenarios and fix discrepancies it might have had in the past. But assuming, with the release 1.5+2.5 for the PS4, all of those discrepancies were fixed and the game is official, theories about this game will now become all the more relevant. And sensible. Most things in Kingdom Hearts can be explained away in a rather convoluted essay. However, there are still select few scenarios that fans can’t seem to tackle because it wouldn’t make sense for how the game’s universe operates. One of these leading scenarios is the issue of bringing the lost Nobodies back into existence. I’m talking about Roxas, Naminé, and Xion. “But it’s easy!” You say with excitement. “Sora just needs to release their hearts and they’ll be here!” Well, in a sense, you’re right. But it also wouldn’t make sense regarding how the game works. Not many people remember them because they weren’t really relevant until now, but the Secret Ansem reports obtained in Kingdom Hearts II describe how an individual being works: Secret Ansem Report #4Three elements combine to create a life: a heart, a soul, and a body. But what of the soul and body left behind when the heart is lost? When the soul leaves the body, its vessel, life gives way to death, but what about when the heart leaves? A being does not perish when its heart leaves its body. The heart alone disappears into the darkness. The body is quite obviously the body of a person, which is just their vessel. Their heart is basically their personality and memories, as well as “power”, which is stored inside their body. And the soul is not really their spirit, but rather just the life-force or energy used to make a body living. This is where things start to get confusing. Regarding Sora releasing the hearts of Roxas, Naminé, and Xion, it could only POTENTIALLY work for Roxas. It’s best if we explain what each character’s scenario is. Roxas, even though he doesn’t look like Sora, nor even has his voice or personality, is still Sora’s Nobody. His creation was brought about by Sora’s sacrifice. Sora’s heart was cast into the darkness, reforming as a Heartless, whilst his body and soul reformed in the Realm Between as Roxas. Roxas had Ventus’ heart within him because Ven’s heart didn’t leave Sora’s body upon him stabbing himself with the Keyblade. Because of this, his body reformed to somewhat compare to Ventus. Though there still isn’t an explanation as to why his clothing isn’t identical. Maybe we’ll never know. So Roxas was created from Sora’s body and soul and could only be recreated if Sora became a Heartless again, giving up his body and soul for Roxas’ possession. Naminé is something different altogether, but somewhat similar in how she exists. She was created when Sora released Kairi’s heart from within him, but she doesn’t actually have the qualities of a Nobody that normally others do. Because Kairi has a heart of pure light, she literally can’t create a Heartless. When her heart was stolen, her body kinda just slumped over like a sleeping puppet, kinda like what happened to Ventus. But it’s the fact that her body DIDN’T reform as a Nobody, but stayed in the Realm of Light. What ACTUALLY created Naminé was Sora releasing her heart from within his body. This leads me and some others to believe a fraction of him went off to form Roxas while another to form Naminé. It also kinda adds up as to why Naminé has blonde hair, because Ventus’ heart influenced her appearance slightly. And why her appearance is so basic, because it’s not a real body whatsoever. So Naminé doesn’t have any body or soul, but she was created from borrowed fragments of Sora’s and influenced by Sora and Ventus’ hearts. Xion is a pretty straightforward one. She isn’t an actual Nobody, but a puppet that had a soul stuffed inside it. She also has memories of Kairi from when Vexen “tested” Sora in Chain of Memories. But because Sora’s memories of Kairi were being shadowed by Naminé, she appeared like a shadow of Kairi. Her entire existence is dependent on these memories remaining inside her body. But because she decided that Sora needs to awaken, she willingly gave them up to Roxas and her body perished without its fundamental core. And without that core, all memories built on top of it crashed down and the chain was destroyed, leading everyone to forget Xion ever existed. The links of her memories were buried in Sora’s heart. So Xion’s entire existence was dependent on Sora’s memories of Kairi and without them, her body couldn’t stand. And because all of her memories are broken in Sora’s heart, she is woven into his being. “But wait!” You say with confidence. “Sora returned to the Realm of Light without his body and soul when Kairi brought him back!” And there you are, calling out the holes in the theory. Hate it when people do that. This is best explained by looking somewhere completely different in the series: the creation of Vanitas. Oh yeah, our mean bean who wants to murder everyone and gave Haley Joel Osment the time of his life getting to laugh so deviously. Vanitas’ creation isn’t too hard to understand: when the darkness of Ventus’ heart got ripped out of his body, it reformed as a being of darkness, Vanitas. And this is the cool part: Vanitas DIDN’T use Ventus’ body to form himself, but rather the power of darkness itself. He created his body through sheer force of manipulating the darkness within him, or perhaps Xehanort did it. My point still stands either way: if a being of pure darkness is capable of creating a body of pure darkness, could a being of pure light create a body of pure light? Yes, you heard me. Kairi didn’t bring Sora’s body back from the Realm Between, but rather made him a new one out of the light within her heart. This did, however, make Sora an incomplete person. Because he no longer had a real body, I would think his life would be more on the line than ever. He is literally a floating heart surrounded by light at this point, making Darkness all the more lethal to the boy. But that’s not too important right now. Because it’s dangerous for Sora to just be a heart surrounded by light, especially with Xehanort still trying to turn him into a vessel, him just giving up his body for Roxas would be rather dangerous. Even if Kairi pulled him back from the darkness, there’s no guarantee the same thing would happen again. And you can’t repeat the actions for Naminé without somehow hurting Kairi in the process. So our issue here is lack of body and soul. Roxas can’t just take Sora’s body again, it would leave Sora in harm’s way. Naminé being created out of fragments of a body, or even just sheer nothingness, won’t work again. And recreating Xion would require that they know where this puppet lab is and how everything there works. Each of these situations, each person is under special circumstances. But there has always been one definite and constant thing that has been able to manifest itself in the real world without harm: the data used in Ansem’s computer. Yeah. Data. Just the 1’s and 0’s. Need an example? 1) The munny pouch that belonged to data-Olette in Twilight Town. Riku was able to retrieve it from within the data-world and BRING IT INTO THE REAL WORLD. He handed it off to Mickey, who gave it to Sora for them to buy train tickets. See, that always bugged me. Really badly. That train we just took is a MAGIC TRAIN that’s ONLY HERE FOR US. Why in the world would we need to pay for tickets to go on this train that Yen Sid sent for US? There’s no one on the train checking for tickets! YOU CAN TELL BECAUSE THEY JUST WALK RIGHT ON WITHOUT ARGUMENT. There wasn’t any reason for that munny pouch to be handed off to Sora unless they wanted to make it BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that DATA CAN BE BROUGHT INTO THE REAL WORLD. 2) The Heartless invasion by the MCP. This one is the less obvious, but complete giveaway. Those Heartless used during the invasion were, quite obviously, not meant to be in Radiant Garden. The MCP was spawning them there using data. Yes! He used data to spawn the Heartless. Their models and code already existed in the computer, so he just turned on the Heartless Manufactory and went to work. And also, THE HEARTLESS MANUFACTORY! It literally CREATES BEINGS FROM DATA! This is a dead giveaway that data can be used to CREATE REAL LIFE THINGS! And in Dream Drop Distance on the Grid, it’s constantly hinted at the fact that the device used to bring Sora and company in and out of Space Paranoids can work BOTH WAYS! In the actual movie, IT HAPPENED! A data person was brought out of the Grid and into the real world! Data can be made into real, physical objects. And evidenced by the ending to Tron:Legacy, they can be alive, as well. Now, how can I truly persuade you that this theory is correct? I was pondering this for a long time. While I first read about it, I was thinking to myself that this is completely bizarre and there’s no way the games would go this route. But as I looked into things myself and stared at the wall of Kingdom Hearts theories I’ve had over the years, it clicked. This was meant to happen. Allow me to explain. The data version of Ansem and his research that was discovered inside Sora’s heart. This is huge. It seemed like a random thing that Nomura and crew threw into the game because… reasons. But it’s not. What if I told you that this data Riku found was actually research about how data can be brought into the real world and, in turn, can be used to recreate a person? Ansem was researching the Nobodies and must’ve discovered something about using the data to make bodies for them. He must’ve told Naminé to some degree about this, giving her hope that she and Roxas wouldn’t actually disappear. This is what leads to Coded (Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded). “WHAT?! CODED?!” Yeah, I know! Coded is ACTUALLY RELEVANT? Incredible! Anyways, it starts like this: Naminé placed a data version of herself, as well as the memories inside Sora’s heart, in the journal. Because these weren’t supposed to be here, the journal got all messed up. After repairing it, Data-Riku was able to find this hidden data and Data-Sora was sent to investigate. He found the hidden memories as well as Naminé telling him that Sora needs to call these memories to the surface in order to awaken their hearts. From their, the Keyblade to Return Hearts, as mentioned in previous games, would be used to extract their hearts from within Sora and return them to existence. “Okay, cool. So Coded is hardly relevant.” OH, BUT I’M NOT DONE! Coded gets way more important. It’s actually the fundamental base for this part of the theory. And it’s mind-blowing how well this fits into place! I’m gonna break away and give you guys a little lesson on 3D printing. In order to actually 3D print you need something that can fabricate what you’re trying to print. Once you have the device, you need a model. A good example of a model is like a ring. That ring was initially created or scanned into a model file so that the printer would be able to create it. You essentially make something out of data. So I’ve been thinking… The transfer device in Ansem’s lab is basically a 3D printer, but it works both ways. It’s for someone to enter or exit the data-world. It’s MEANT to transfer atoms to data and data to atoms. It’s how they’re going to fabricate the bodies of data for Roxas, Naminé and Xion. It doesn’t even matter if you’re thinking of the lab in Twilight Town or the lab in Radiant Garden, because BOTH were built by Ansem! But then comes the issue of the model they must “print” out. We need to create models of each of our little Nobodies from scratch. Huh? “Use Ventus as a model for Roxas?” Haha, well, you’re onto something. I’d completely agree with you to use Ventus as a basic model for Roxas were it not for the fact that we already HAVE a model of Roxas that’s already been created. The same can be said for Xion and Naminé. We have them already. The models are already present in the journal in Coded. Don’t believe me? Well, take a second glance at the Re:Coded HD Remaster from 2.5! HE’S THERE! Roxas already has a FULL MODEL of his body in the journal, complete with voice and body build, as well as his face and his hair, as seen underneath the hood. All you need to do is drop his heart into it and export the data using the terminal in Ansem’s lab! Naminé PLACED all of this data inside the journal, not just for Mickey and company to find it and inform Sora about the memories inside him, but so they could USE the data to CREATE BODIES FOR OUR LOST FRIENDS. “Wait a second! This is really cool and all, but wouldn’t Ansem’s computer already have some of this data then, effectively making Coded useless again?” Man, we all really hate Coded, don’t we? My answer to that is: no, Ansem’s computer wouldn’t have this information on it nor would the models exist there. Why? Because, as BLATANTLY SPOKEN by Ansem and Riku themselves, and clearly evidenced multiple times throughout the beginning of Kingdom Hearts II, their data-Twilight Town has been completely compromised. Nobodies are everywhere and searching for Roxas. If the Organization found any of this information that Ansem and Naminé had discovered, everything would be over. So, in a panic, Ansem wiped his computer of anything having to do with data in correlation to Nobodies and hid it inside Sora, hoping they would find it. Naminé would hide the information about Sora’s hidden memories and the models that could be used inside the journal to be discovered later. Because Naminé was taken somewhere safe by Axel, she never got the chance to tell Sora about it. And seeing how Ansem immediately felt the need to begin his revenge scheme against Xehanort, he just left the boy to his own devices. Seeing the main plot of Coded be revealed with Castle Oblivion in the end, I have no doubts that this theory is correct. The focus of the game is to figure out what Naminé hid in the journal. I feel like data-Roxas’ role in the journal is important here. He was meant to get Sora to understand the painful memories inside him and that it was Sora’s role to wake them up and return them to existence. I’m still not entirely sure how he can tie into this theory, but I know he’s a strong point of it. But in short, here’s what we came up with: Data can be used to recreate bodies for the Nobodies who disappeared. The data transfer device in Ansem’s lab can be used to fabricate these bodies. The journal informs Sora on how to wake up the hearts inside him. The journal holds the models required to fabricate the bodies.
  19. Hello everyone! My name is Simon and I'm a blacksmith. I realize keyblades, videogames weapons and pokemon completely iron. I put a 1: 1 scale (two across) keyblade with photos along with me for the real size. hope you like it. On my facebook page I have other jobs, if you want to make a round I thank you so much. link : https://www.facebook.com/KeybladeArmiCosplayEFerro
  20. Be careful who you pick on, that Sweet Stack's gonna be Oblivion when it gets older
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